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Everything posted by ajax95

  1. This http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-13915624 I realise it's a sad event, but what the **** possesses somebody to run into the middle of a motorway to pick something up
  2. I thought as much The last time they called I pretended I couldn't hear them, seems to have kept them at bay (for now!)
  3. This organisation has rung me four times this afternoon. Each time, A guy calling himself "Jack Martin" introduces himself and then ploughs into a monologue about the recent PPI mis-selling. My suspicions have been raised by his not asking for me by name, I can't find much information on the net and his English seems a bit forced. Has anybody else come across these people or had a phone call from them?
  4. Under Islamic law bodies have to be buried within 24 hours. Even Iran would think twice about having him buried on their soil, so they probably had little choice I'm sure they took plenty of tissue samples of the raddled old corpse before they shoved him overboard! What would you gain by by it if he was still out there?
  5. I live in a large town close to London that our council likes to class as a city, the last time I signed on I did a similar search and I only got three pages, one page featured vacanices from such locales as 'Newport' and 'Edinburgh'. I applied to about forty job centre vacancies over a six month period, only three replies. Luckily I've been back in work since October and am doing all I can to make sure I never have to go back. As I don't see the job situation getting any better for a couple of years (and that, by the way, is if nothing else goes wrong) NMW is not much to crow about when you have bills and rent/mortgage to pay. I know people on £300 or more a week who struggle to get by
  6. Very, very very stiff leg which has bothering me since Friday night. Been swearing like a trooper all weekend, but I think the people downstairs are too busy arguing to notice
  7. This... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-12703079 And the police wonder why nobody respects them anymore...
  8. I applied for a job at ING a year ago and had to go through a credit check. Have had a problem or two with Lloyd's in the past and even though it never got to the CCJ stage or bankruptcy I wasn't too hopeful. I wasn't entirely surpirised when I didn't get the job...
  9. The best way I can put it is that we're a very small organisation. We've got by on almost no subsidies, no grants (we do a decent trade in organic beers which helps a bit) In a lot of ways it's probably one of our best selling points I've seen a fair bit of that since I've been there and a little bit fictionalisation at times, but thankfully nothing that's ever threatened to escalate into civil war (so far!) and 90% of the time I can see where the manager's coming from. It's okay, I don't intend to cause problems. I was just after a bit of guidance. I think you've given me a lot to go on, and at least it's reassuring to know that it's not a unique situation. Cheers!
  10. I see where you're coming from. By the way, as trustees we're both members of the management committee, as is the centre manager who is currently acting Chair until another trustee is appointed, which is probably why my fellow trustee did what he did. I got annoyed personally as he fails to realise that he is the only paid employee at the Centre and because of my job, I can only put in a small amount of time each week. (If money and time were no object I'd devote a lot more time to the place and be able to give the guy a lot more support ) Hopefully you're right and this is the end of it Thanks for the tip, I'll have a look at the site when I get a chance
  11. Apologies for the length of this one. I've been a volunteer at a charity-run arts centre for the last 6 or 7 years and a trustee for the last four and a half. An incident occured recently where another trustee tried to discuss a couple of issues with the Centre manager in an email, regarding a few concerns that some of the other volunteers had (and some concerns of our own). The centre manager didn't take too kindly to the email and from what the other trustee has told me (and I know him well enough to know he wouldn't lie about something like this) was quite offensive and disparaging about myself and the other trustee. (Considering the manager knows I've had a lot on my plate in looking for work and making the most of what work I got over the last 12 months. I was not best pleased) While the manager has since apologised, I'm still mindful that it could happen again, and I'd be grateful if anyone can give me any advice on how to handle this if it does Many Thanks
  12. One of my friends getting engaged. She had a pretty rough 2010 and deserves a little bit of good fortune
  13. Given my experiences in the last 12 months, I beg to differ.
  14. No guarantee they'll pay the fine... I used to live in a village in Kent that was full of numpties like this one, so glad I don't *****in' live there no more
  15. Technically, this is yesterday but... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-11908583
  16. True. Even the guy I spoke to on the phone couldn't believe it
  17. Bloody Job Centre!! I signed off Friday before last as I'm working again. All the advisor had to say was had I filled my book in, once she'd seen I had she said everything would be processed etc, etc. As I haven't had the last of my JSA, I rang up to eventually find out there's now a particular number I should've rung to get everything sorted... first I knew! I know it's par for the course, but I can't understand why one Job Centre advisor can give you one answer and another advisor to tell you something different Won't say anymore, as I've found out in the past that there are people on CAG who think Job Centre staff are above criticism...
  18. I know, Night Owl, but she's doesn't deserve what's happened. But yeah, I'm there if she needs me and so will plenty of others.
  19. Finding out the run of devastating news that one of my oldest friends has had over the past seven days. Don't want to say too much, but how the f*** do you cope and pull through something like that
  20. Charity muggers... and their inability to realise that some folks just don't have a spare couple of quid per month
  21. People who can't grasp the meaning of the word "No" .... That's better
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