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  1. Hi all Been burying my head in the sand, shameful. However, now got a letter from Arrow Global, its been passed on by Rockwell at sometime, giving the balance owing of a few thousand. However, no original loan amount detailed or term of original agreement available with the documentation. I've been paying monthly for the last few years but now this letter has arrived its reminded me of the debt and I now want to be rid of it. I'm going to write for a CCA again and if they can't supply it then stop paying. Adviseable? Will they be able to screw up my credit rating as I've now recoved end my finanial made and my rating is 100% and I now have a mortgage. Over the years I've paid back what I've borrowed but what I now owe is probably all interest over the time. Please advise. Many thanks
  2. Hi FS, Silverfox and Vic Thanks for getting back to me so promptly. In answer to your questions, yes they own the debt. they bought it from HSBC a few years ago. Yes, they admit in writing that they dont have a CCA too. I dont want to not pay anything and ignore till statute bar, but as i know they poss paid 10-20% i feel they dont deserve to make money from the family diffs i had (partner passed away and had to raise kids etc). I paid all money owed on another debt back to a bank last year, but the way these dca treated me and harrassed me over the years i have no loyalty to them. I'm just terrified of the wording of the f&f letter i want to send to them so as not to incriminate myself in some legally binding mess up, if you understand. Many thanks LL
  3. Hi My DCA (£9000) has admitted having no CCA but i'm still paying £25 per month. I would like an end with them and am thinking of offering a Full and Final, approx £1500. Should i do this as ive heard it may then mean i acknowledge the debt, but i want it of my files asap. Also can anyone help me with the wording of the letter i should send them. I would be very grateful for help. I did post before but ended up being too scared to contact them and just hoped it went away, but of course, it didnt. Thankyou all
  4. hi the dca has confirmed they do not have a cca for debt. instead of just stop paying anything and having it on my record i would like to offer a f & F. I believe i have a good chance of a low settlement figure % wise, but need help with a letter and what % to offer to get this settled and removed from my credit history. can someone guide me please thanks in advance
  5. hi, is this worth a shot? i had a loan with hsbc which i took out 7 years ago. i got into trouble paying due to death of husband and it ended with HSBC passing onto their in house Debt Collecting Agency. Since then, they have sold it onto another DCA who continue to make my life hell. I am pating the agreed monthly sum but the are always hounding me for more. Will i still be able to claim back charges that HSBC put on me for when i had all the difficulties or as they have sold the debt on or in their eyes not paid it, am i entitled to nothing? please advise many thanks
  6. hi, about three months ago as i have had to change my mobile number to be able to live in peace. they used to call every month but now ive changed my number, obviously they cant call and they havent written to me at all in a year. im still paying the agreed monthly installments.
  7. worse case scenario, they reply with a CCA. would they then accept a full and final or would they get their backs up and hound me for the rest of full balance. like i said, they are very very intimidating to deal with. cheers
  8. hi, the loan is 7 years old and i pay £25 per month as i just went along with what they have said (pressured) on the phone. The replies on here seem to suggest that i should offer less than £2000 to begin with? that is an extremely good template you have supplied. i do worry that if i rub them up the wrong way they may get nasty with me. cheers
  9. Hi, it was for a loan and then dealt with hsbc in house dca (metropolitan collection services) and then passed to the current dca. i cant find any documentation for loan, it was a traumatic time in my life then after a death. Im scared to deal with these people, changed mobile etc as constantly harrassing on phone. the interest is frozen, but are you suggesting that the loan could be invalid? many thanks
  10. Hi guys, amazing replies so far, shame your not the dca. they are pure vile on the phone. i know they possibly deal with some pond life but they seem to tar everyone with the same brush. what is scary is that from your replies they seem to accept and then can come after you again if your not wise. is there anywhere i can get a fail safe full and final offer template? do dca's really settle as low as 10-20%? thanks for help so far all of you.
  11. Hi, i owe £8k to a dca and my family have offered to give £3k to offer as a single payment in "full and final" settlement. Is this figure acceptable in the world of dca's? What is the average figure if there is such a thing. This debt has been passed on twice so the dca probably bought this for no more than £1000. Please advice as i'd like to try and clear this so i can break free. Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance.
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