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Everything posted by rubyg

  1. Thanks, going to send another £10 PO and leave it blank, it says a cheque for £10, i dont have chequebook, so it will be PO i will specifically ask for statements .
  2. Hello, update on SAR request, i posted this with £10 postal order on 14th Sept, got a letter this morning with a form to fill in, theres a bit in says " I confirm that information provided on this form is full and accurate and that i am the data subject or am acting on their written authority. I enclose a cheque for £10 made payable to JD williams & company limited, i thought that was what the £10 postal order was for that i sent with first letter, PO lady made postal order for simply be as that was who the letter was addressed to would that be wrong and do i need another £10 now, also received a letter from them yesterday.final notice, saying despite our previous letters your simply be account remains in arrears and we have been unable to agree a solution that suits your current financial situation , as you have failed to pay the minimum payment required , we will now execute your account through our account recovery process Just noticed this last paragraph - very last sentence, We do not hold copies of customer statements , that was reason for the SAR request , to get all my statements, so will i still fill this in, any other way to get access to statements ?
  3. OH right, thanks, i have filled it out, will print and send it tomorrow, i was reading the other post you had about doing a successful SAR, to make sure you sign it, so i will do that when i print it off as i have just typed my name, thanks for your help
  4. I have copied the SAR request template, what will this do, and if i get the info requested what do i do next, sorry if that is stupid question but all this legal stuff boggles me, i am assuming it is correct for me to send the £50 i have said i would pay , should i fill out the form they sent me about my income and expenditure ? thanks.
  5. Hello, i am currently having problems paying an account with simply be, up until last two month i made payments every month, although i paid £140 per month, only about £50 came off my bill, over £90 was interest, i counted over a period of 6 month i paid £770, only £311 came off my bill rest was interest, but i continued to pay while seething with the greed, I recently spent time in hospital and now i am off work until doc signs me back off, i have been unable to keep paying as i do not get paid when off work, statutory sick pay is my lot and my partner is on low pay, his pay covers the rent , council tax , gas and electric, food bills , just, i told simply be this, offered them £50 a month until i can start earning again , they have sent me a financial statement to fill in and then they will decide what a suitable payment will be, what really gets my goat is all the time ive been paying they have fleeced me out of hundreds in interest, money for nothing, i can only go back so far on statements online, but i am sure if i had details of all purchases, i have made no purchases since last xmas , i would have paid them in full if it wasnt for them taking most of the money as interest. what can they do to me if they ask for more money and i cant pay it, i do not know how long it will be till i get back to work, could be couple weeks or couple months, thanks for any advice, this is only debt i have but it is over £2000 because it was buy now pay later purchases last year.
  6. Hello, thanks for you reply, i did read the terms and conditions recently, but i couldnt make head nor tail of it, had a sore head trying to work it out, total cost of things i have ordered are around £1400, the balance on my account says £2115, minimum payment for last month was £115, i pay £120 but only £51 comes of the total, all i know is this seems very excessive, reading the terms and conditions doesnt help me make sense of it, maybe im thicker than i thought. I have tried to put an extract in here to let you see, This agreement provides an ongoing credit account on the terms set out below and overleaf and has no fixed or minimum duration. We will determine your credit limit from time to time and will give you notice of the limit in writing. You can drawdown credit by using your account to place orders through or with us to purchase goods and/or services up to your credit limit. Interest rate - 34.1% per annum variable if you pay by Direct Debit and 37.68% per annum variable in all other cases. If you purchase and pay for goods and/or services using your account then pay for them in full before the due date shown on the statement on which the goods and/or services are charged, no interest charge will be debited to your account. However, if you do not pay in full by then, interest accruing from the date of purchase will be charged on the price of the goods and/or services ignoring any part payment you have made . Interest is calculated daily by applying the interest to the outstanding balance on your account and will be debited to your account when a statement is sent to you. Interest is compounded and added to the outstanding balance on your statement due date which gives rise to the higher rate for the APR. We may vary the interest rate (or other provisions of this agreement) giving you at least 21 days written notice, see condition 10. Example: Total Amount Payable £483.33. APR - 39.9% (variable) if you pay by Direct Debit and £492.46 - APR 44.9% (variable) in all other cases. These examples and APRs are based on the following statutory assumptions: your credit limit is £400; you order £400 of goods and/or services from us immediately at the start of the agreement, you repay the whole amount (including interest) in 12 equal monthly instalments; the interest rate is not varied; the agreement remains valid for the whole 12 month period; and both of us meet all our obligations under the agreement. The way our agreement works in practice is set out below. Payments are required every 28 days. We will send you a statement every 28 days specifying the due date for your payment. You must pay at least the minimum payment shown on your statement by the due date. Your minimum payment will initially be 1/12 of the total cash price of goods and/or services ordered using your account or £5, whichever is the greater. Once you are an established customer we may reduce the required payment but it will not be less than 5% of your outstanding balance. If your outstanding balance is less than £5 you must pay the outstanding balance. Your minimum monthly payment will be calculated in the same way whenever you purchase additional goods and/or services or return goods to us or cancel any services ordered. The exact amount of your minimum payment will be shown on your statement. If you fail to make a payment and we or someone acting for us have to remind you, you will be charged a reasonable administrative fee - currently £12, see condition 6. If we have to take further steps to recover the monies due from you we may also recover the reasonable costs incurred by us or any collection agency we use in taking action to recover it. Missing payments could have severe consequences and make obtaining credit more difficult and could lead to us obtaining a court order (a judgement) against you. This may result in the debt being secured over your house, which may be repossessed. You have the right to withdraw from this agreement without having to give a reason. The right starts on the day after the day the agreement is made (or the date that we confirm your credit limit, if later) and continues for 14 days (the "Withdrawal Period"). To withdraw you must notify us that you intend to do so within the Withdrawal Period. You can do this by telephoning us on 0161 386 2226 or posting notice of your withdrawal to: Account Management Team, Home Shopping Direct, 23 Hunts Bank, Manchester M3 1AX. If you withdraw you will have to repay any credit that you used to purchase goods and/or services from us without delay and no later than 30 days after giving us notice of withdrawal.
  7. Hello, just a question to ask if it is legal for simply be catalogue to charge extremely high credit charges, i owe them around £2000, thing is my actual amount for items i bought was about £1300, the rest is interest which was slapped on because the items were buy now pay later offer, the intention being to pay it off before they were due to be added to my account, this did not happen as hoped due to just not having enough money the bigger problem is , they are adding extreme amounts of interest each month, my payments last few times were minimum payment £115 , i paid £120, but i have only just examined my statement properly as i thought my balance was not reducing very much and got a proper shock, i pay £120, only £51 actually came off my balance, there was £69 in credit charge for each of last two month, going back i can see that over half each payment i make is a credit charge, can they legally do this, seems excessive .
  8. Hello, i sent a £10 P.O and a SAR request to K&Co, the 40 days has expired on 15th July, they have not responded, what do i do now? I have had a look through the library but could not find anything referring to what to do if they do not comply, i am paying the agreed £50 per month but i wanted to see how much they have made in charges over the years that i may be able to claim back .
  9. Hello, thanks for the reply,i will make it payable to Kay& Co, that should be ok, i was right about no phone calls because it was bank holiday weekend, right on cue this morning at 815am, my first phone call today, i wish i had noted all the calls previously because i have been getting at least 4 a day for two weeks or more now, i noted todays so see how it goes from now, thank you
  10. Thank you for all your replies, The post office asked if i wanted the postal order crossed, i said yes, will it still be ok to leave it blank? i will be reclaiming any charges , think there will be a few, as for phone calls, so far today i have had none, usually i have one before 9am, see how today goes, maybe they have finally got the message i wont talk to them on the phone, mind you, this is a bank holiday, maybe that's why no phone calls ! I am going to keep a copy of your letter dx100uk, if i keep getting grief they are getting sent that,
  11. Hello, i have got into bother with Kay & co catalogue, they put the debt out to NDR, i arranged an agreement with Kays to pay £50 per month , they gave me a time of 3 years then they were going to review the situation, i have been paying the £50 until about 2 month ago when i was forced to miss a payment due to my wages being short, the last two payments i have put an extra £10 and paid them £60 to try and make up the missing payment which i have been harrassed to death about, up to 5 phone calls per day from NDR, starting early in the morning and still getting them at 8pm, eventually i took some advice from this website and just said "in writing only please " each time they phoned, they still they keep phoning, i was going to send a SAR request , i have the postal order , but who do i make payment to, would it be NDR, or shop direct finance or Kay & co? I want to see just how much i have been stung for charges , i know at least half the balance i have is interest as it was buy now pay later items and my other half got laid off before i could get the it paid, the plan was to make sure it was paid BEFORE the interest was slapped on, it doubles what you have to pay back. Thanks for your help
  12. Hello, i was wondering if i could get some advice, my daughter owes K& CO money and she has not paid since she lost her job a few month ago, she was owing round about £600, now she has had a letter from Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd, saying they have bought the debt and she owes £908, what is the best way to deal with this, she was not in arrears or anything and paid regular until she lost her job but what should she offer payment wise, she does not have much money just now, i have read lots of topics and do not think asking for the CCA would do any good , but i just do not know what would be a reasonable offer, thank you.
  13. Thanks for the reply,i have contacted my employers on behalf of the people who dont have computers and so far they have not responded, i am going to contact them again and suggest they do just what you said , see what happens
  14. Hello, i was wondering if anyone could help me, our employer sent out form for us to fill in asking if we would like our payslips by email, everyone said no, a good few of our staff dont even have a computer anyway, then we got a letter stating that all payslips would be sent by email as of the 1st June !!, i dont think it is a very secure way to send a payslip sending it to home email addresses and its certainly not a good idea for the people who have no computer to have to go to a public library to access their payslips, some of the satff are a over 60 and have never operated a computer !, can the company force us to take payslips by email and force people who dont use a pc to go to a library and set up email address, any help much appreciated, thank you
  15. Hi, i wasnt sure where to put this, its just something i want to get off my chest and maybe somebody would have some advice , last year in july my partner got a wage increase and nice big bonus, so after a bit of consideration we decided to go for a loan to pay off all the other debts we had and have a bit left over , in october we got a loan of £6000, paid off every bit of debt we had which reduced my outgoings from over £400 a month to £279 per month, this included loan protection of £68 per month, i went home and found on the internet i could get loan protection far cheaper online, so i immediatly cancelled the bank loan protection and arranged on online, two weeks later both my son and daughter got laid off from work, not a problem for me as both me and hubby were working , three weeks later he sent me a text message saying there would be layoffs at his work, i was stunned but hoped it wouldnt be him, three weeks later he was out of work, i totally panicked as i had only paid one payment to the loan protection and it had to be in force for 3 mnth before you could claim,to cut a long story short as i was the only one left working and my pay was low, i had to go to CA for help, off an income of £160 per week plus his unemployment money £64 per week , i still had to pay full rent , council tax etc so the lady at the CA worked out i could only afford £20 per month for the loan, they have accepted that for short term , that was a year ago, situation is no better now, he doesnt get any unemployment benefit as i earn more than £105 a week, we get £59 tax credit and my wages of £160, thats it, and through the last year , although the bank have not put any charges on my account, they have been adding £150 per month in interest !! so my debt has went from £7800 to nearly £10,000, the citizens advice lady said i am paying into a black hole, i cant make myself bankrupt as i would need £100 each for me and my partnr as the loan is in both our names so im stuck , what is the point in charging that much interest when my total income is not much more, i dont have a hope of paying that off, they said they will review it ibn six month when i phone butin six month i will be owing another £1000 only if they put it to a debt collector will the interest stop , they wont make me bankrupt as i have no assets, i have been in hospital with breathing problems twice this year and i think its the stress of all this, there doesnt seem to be anything i can do to get them to stop adding all the interest which is just making a bad situation worse, right ive had my moan thanks for listening sorry for going on a bit but its been quite a saga:(
  16. I have recieved this letter this morning, it basically says they do not have a copy of an executed agreement,they have sent me a copy of a standard , unsigned agreement ,what now please, thanks,ive attached an image but when i checked it is a lot smaller than it is when i view it on pc,how do i get it on here so you can actually read it ?
  17. Hi , me again, the capquest CCA request was posted on 22nd aug and delivered to them on 26th aug, its now 15 days since and i have not had any communication since the last letter they sent saying my account was on hold, so what do i do now please?
  18. me again, i have recieved a letter from capquest again, this one says that "further to recent contact with our office and your request for further information in relation to the above account, we would confirm that your account is now on hold for 28 days whilst we obtain the information required" "if you have any proof of payments or correspondance that would assit with your query, please forward these documents, with a brief covering letter, to our collections department, so that we can resolve this matter as soon as possible" they recived my CCA request on 26th aug so i should have this by 11th september i think,if it even exists, i dont remember him ever getting an agreement to sign, so will i still wait on this and see if it comes? Thank you
  19. Thanks for all the replys, ive printed dpick's letter and will post in the morning, the CCA request was delivered on 26th aug
  20. Hi i have now recived a letter from HL Legal saying a doorstep collector will call to collect the amount due and to compile a property / asset report to assist any future legal action, what will i do now, they dont mention th requested CCA
  21. Thanks , i will send the letter and see what happens
  22. my partner was in debt to littlewoods catalogue a long time ago, this debt went to wescot , which we paid from over £1, 300 down to £418, this was at dec last year, wescot offered us a chance to pay a lesser amount and wipe the rest,but we did not have a lump sum at that time, we did not pay anymore after dec, basically we were having a bad time after xmas and it got forgotten about, but anyway, in june this year we got a letter from capquest who say we were owing "their clients" littlewoods, £623 !! , where did the £200 extra come from, can they do this, i have been looking on these forums and found a lot of complaints about them, i phoned them when we got the letter, and after a fight because they wanted to speak to him and he wont go on the phone, they accepted a standing order of £10 per week, but im wondering if they have the right to add on £200 , are they really acting for littlewoods, it all seems a bit iffy to me but the letter they sent was very scary,talking about walking possesion orders and all sorts, any ideas would be appreciated thank you
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