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Everything posted by squidgy

  1. No assets mate. I know it's crazy isn't it. In a way though it's my own stupid fault. Should of looked at my options a little closer in the first place but I suppose you just want the calls, letters and stress of it all to stop.
  2. Well, I currently owe approx 40K. I only recently realised that a DMP can go on for years (I was under the impression I would be rid of it after 5 years, think thats an IVA isnt it??) so god knows when I'll be rid of it. Affect it has on my life??
  3. Cheers for the advice buddy. As for the tax I'm gonna have to suck it and see!! Hopefully it'll come through and my bank won't swipe it!! But, I have spent a lot of time on this forum over the past week or so and am very interested in fighting back with all these debts!! I mean I've tried paying back the debts and had threats and charges thrown at me so want to get things handled. I defo want to claim ALL charges back!! (could be a few grand!!) and also been reading with interest about sending out CCA's to DCA's and other creditors?? Maybe I should give that a go?? I'm well within my rights eh?? Think I'm just sick of being ripped off! J ust want to say though, I take full responsibility for my debts but if the banks and DCA's are not within the law r.e charges and selling of debts, paperwork etc I'm well within my rights to fight them. Plus, with bankruptcy my only other option... what have I got to lose???
  4. I wish it was that simple buddy! I've been onto the tax and because they do amendments to claims by hand they are currently a few weeks behind, hence my claim hasn't got in their hands yet! Now, if I want to change my method of payment this will be classed as another amendment, they will only accept this in writing, so by the time they receive instructions to pay me by cheque they probably would have already paid by transfer to my account!! What a system!! They WILL NOT accept any changes over the phone!! I really need to keep the bank sweet I suppose. Don't know how though?!? Any more info on putting my account into dispute would be greatly appreciated. Obviously my main aim is to keep the bank off my back till my money comes through, giving me more time to think but this sounds like a good option to me (dispute). If I was to handle my affairs myself is there any advice out there to help me out?? It sounds very daunting to me, as I'm sure it would to others in the same boat. Would rather write a lot of letters than let these DMP lot screw me for more money. Do they actually have to do anything after initial set up anyway?? Also, do you think the creditors I have listed above are ok to work with or a pain in the ass??? Cheers
  5. How would I go about claiming? My main worry at the minute is that I am expecting a few thousand as way of a tax rebate which will go into that account! I don't want to lose it as it's all I have. I'm trying to get the tax office to send me a cheque but it may be too late (I'm working on that as we speak!). The bank gave me a month to put it back in credit but I cant guarantee that, so there's still hope! The companies I'm in DMP with are Barclay card, Barclays (handled by "Central Debt Collection Services"??, might be Barclays themselves?), Egg Loan, Egg Credit Card, Link Financial (on behalf of MBNA credit card). Cheers for the reply.
  6. Hey, To be honest mate it's only recently that I've been getting charged. They have been charging me 35 quid a pop for some debits that amounted to no more that 95 pence!! I went into my branch when I first knew what was coming, when the first charge came out, and the manager couldn't even be bothered to come and talk to me, neither could the financial adviser! It's a small branch, all they did was relay 'advice' between myself and the girl on the counter! Not until they had ripped me off to the tune of around 800 quid did someone call to offer 'Help'. I'm beginning to think bankruptcy is my best option. I have no assets, all debts are unsecured and at least then I can make a fresh start. Any advice gratefully received. Cheers
  7. If you want to make many online go to the "warrior forum". Probably the ONLY place you can trust for advice on making money online mate. Believe me, I've tried them all. Put a thread up looking for coaching. Won't come overnight though. May take a couple of months to get going.
  8. Hey Guy's, I entered into a DMP a couple of years back with a well known (and not very well liked) company. Things have been ok, I've been paying creditors each and every month etc. Things got a little tough again recently and I've now managed to run up another debt (overdraft). What with travelling a lot through work etc and now being (temporarily) unemployed the money was needed and I didnt go about things the right way. Thing is, in a few weeks I'll be getting enough money to see me through for 5/6 months living and could bring the O/D back into credit (although not clear) but I don't think the bank will wait that long. I just want to know what my options are. I can still afford repayments on DMP but what can I do about this new debt?? My debt company know nothing of this. Will they cancel my DMP when I tell them?? Then what?? I know I'm stupid but I want to get this sorted. Maybe do things on my own?? How?!?! Cheers guys.
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