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  1. Hari, Don't be too distressed at this stage. Most requests for possession orders do not result in the repossession of homes. If you are not able to pay the requested amount in the time given, contact your lender and make a realistic offer. If this is refused and they continue with the court action it is always better to make the extra payments anyway. They will not refuse to take the money. If it goes to court you can again make the offer and show that you have been making the extra payments. Even if this doesn't work and a possession order is granted and even if they obtain a possession warrant you can still apply to stop the eviction by filing an application N244 at the county court. You will have to keep your payments up if your application is accepted. Don't miss a single payment. I hope this helps.
  2. Hi, Please take my advice as i have a lot of experience in these matters. Firstly submit your N244 form to the County Court in question as soon as you can. They cannot refuse to accept it even after the eviction time. Secondly it is better to teleephone your lender rather than to write. Be patient and polite and give them a firm repayment plan. Given the current financial climate they would rather you paid off your arears over a fixed period of time than to go to the expence of selling you home on the open market. If they will not accept your payment offer, the court may choose to force them to depending on your financial circumstances. The court will be strickt in the terms of the order so do not miss any payments.
  3. Hi, Please take my advice as i have a lot of experience in these matters. Firstly submit your N244 form to the County Court in question as soon as you can. They cannot refuse to accept it even after the eviction time. Secondly it is better to teleephone your lender rather than to write. Be patient and polite and give them a firm repayment plan. Given the current financial climate they would rather you paid off your arears over a fixed period of time than to go to the expence of selling you home on the open market. If they will not accept your payment offer, the court may choose to force them to depending on your financial circumstances. The court will be strickt in the terms of the order so do not miss any payments.
  4. This behaviour is discusting. Many years ago i used to work for this company and due to its unregulated bad behaviour i left and began working for Her Majesty's Courts Service. I am now a bailiff manager at a major court and can assure you that a bailiff cannot force entry without a specific court order, the fees relating to council tax are set and not variable and all bailiffs levying distress for council tax must be certified and are regulated by county court rules. If you ask to see their general certificate they must show you. From this you can see what county court has given them authority to levy and all complaints must be made to this court. A £10,000 bond must be held with the court for the certificate to be granted. If the judge decides to grant compensation for incorrect behaviour it will be paid from this bond. For all reading this do not confuse certificated bailiffs with county court bailiffs. When a county court bailiff has a warrant to repossess a property they can force entry and if need be use force to evict you. If you are faced with repossession please seek proper legal advice and don't just attempt to refuse the bailiff entry. It will not work, it is an offence for which you can be imprisond for.
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