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  1. sorry for the mix up, gwc1000 is right. i know im sounding bitter but having 25 years in the motor trade and never had to deal with issues like these. i know when im being fed a line and i am astonished they nget away with it but must move on and learn from it i suppose
  2. Thank you. I will check the V5 over as I thought I HAD to get back the signed yellow slip that says I passed the vehicle to them. To be honest I would rather just let the DVLA know I no longer have the vehicle but Im still concerned something might happen in that car that will come back on me after the threats they made. I have checked out SOGA but I cant find anything on extra expenditure and loss of possessions as explained above. I already asked them verbally and hinted that the matter would end up in court if they went back on their word. Thats how we ended up in a stand off!!!
  3. I have a further question. As I said before, they did not give me back the full amount agreed for the inconvenience - the extra expenditure incurred, deisel, equipment not returned, cost of changing over insurance and breakdown (admin fees) and expense of a hire car until I pick up my new one. I understand from reading other threads that under SOGA (what is this?) I am entitled to this? It was protesting at them going back on their word that made the incident turn nasty, in the beginning they just laughed at me and told me to go away and write another essay to the finance company (they sent the garage a copy of my complaint). I tried to be assertive but this was when they became really abusive, pointing at me and leaning over me. I had to leave the garage because they had made me feel so uncomfortable and in doing so, I accidently left with the V5. This was why they kept phoning me and threatening to do something in the car that would come back on my licence and insurance. I still have the V5 becasue I need to go back with a witness that is not my partner, as advised by the police. Does anyone know where I stand with this. Can I now use the V5 as a bargaining tool to get back the money they didnt pay me or is that blackmail? The tax runs out on Friday of next week so I need to act fast or sorn the vehicle at least. Is there a way of informing DVLA that I am no longer the registered keeper without having to send them a signed yellow slip from the V5. Im really scared to go back to this garage but Im also scared they will get me into trouble with the law. They know what I do for a living and that if I break the law, I would lose my job. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. i feel like standing in front of the garage and detering customers from the same fate
  5. we have spoken to the finance co and they contacted norwich car centre and were told a pack of lies, then all of a sudden they gave us our money back begrudgingly and with the usual abuse, however they had sold our £4000 trade in and stolen items from the car and refused to let us collect our things ourselves. the finance was secured on the car so this was now void but left us stripped of any vehicle and out of pocket with all the charges and another £40 of fuel they used when they were driving about in it. the finance co were apalled and had never heard of customer abuse so bad. although now in a position to buy again having experienced our house being burgled in the past it feels like this is on the same par if not worse as the lies and cover ups in order to secure a sale comletly wiped out any thought of basic honesty, leaving a feeling of emptyness once you realise you have been sucked in by these crooks
  6. we experienced an £8000 attempted rip off from norwich car center, st williams way, norwich, which involved them selling us an audi a3 which lost water from day 1 and upon return to the garage was told it was normal settlement, which after almost begging for the car to be fixed we were told there was no problem and as a mechanic of 25 years i knew this was not the case. they took our perfectly good px a3 and used it as there loan car but would not give us a car to drive whilst they had our new car for diagnosis. this meant i was unable to get to work as they had both vehicles. when finaly pushed they gave us a car that quite frankly should have been at the scap yard as it had next to no brakes , suspention brocken in 3 places and would scare a skunk away with the smell emmited from whatever was living in it. the car was dangerous and should never have been given out as a courtesy car. when approached regarding these faults they said yes we know, what right do they have to put me and my familys lives on the line with faulty lethal cars. the car purchased was found to have a cracked head and they would not fix it, when challenged the owner phillip proceeded to change into an animal, he shouted abuse and threatned to either damage the car or make sure it was seen comiting traffic offences so as to ruin my clean licence, i was very intimidated especialy considering his size and i am only 5ft with a disability, even the police advised me not to attend there on my own. i am disgusted these dealers are allowed to get away with selling faulty/lethal vehicles. when he was told trading standards were involved he repeatedly phoned with a variety of threats. what can we do to recover costs incured by this traumatic experience
  7. we experienced an £8000 attempted rip off from norwich car center, st williams way, norwich, which involved them selling us an audi a3 which lost water from day 1 and upon return to the garage was told it was normal settlement, which after almost begging for the car to be fixed we were told there was no problem and as a mechanic of 25 years i knew this was not the case. they took our perfectly good px a3 and used it as there loan car but would not give us a car to drive whilst they had our new car for diagnosis. this meant i was unable to get to work as they had both vehicles. when finaly pushed they gave us a car that quite frankly should have been at the scap yard as it had next to no brakes , suspention brocken in 3 places and would scare a skunk away with the smell emmited from whatever was living in it. the car was dangerous and should never have been given out as a courtesy car. when approached regarding these faults they said yes we know, what right do they have to put me and my familys lives on the line with faulty lethal cars. the car purchased was found to have a cracked head and they would not fix it, when challenged the owner phillip proceeded to change into an animal, he shouted abuse and threatned to either damage the car or make sure it was seen comiting traffic offences so as to ruin my clean licenc so you could say i am all for weeding out these bad seeds and treat them the way they like to treat their customers:eek:
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