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  1. why does it state in last qoute Re:lowells SD received and not my username?
  2. Hi anyone know anything about Elmwood Park agents? Sent CCA request to LINK for MBNA in 2008 on going battle with LINK over the years as you can see on this thread. Not heard anything for approx a year from LINK then out of the blue a letter saying they are going to transfer management of the debt to Elmwood Park. Can they do this if a debt is already in dispute? I thought not. Also I have heard that they all come out of the woodwork when its near the time of 6 years of no payment or acknowledgement making it staute barred, is this true? Should I just ignore this letter?
  3. Thanks, sorry in delay in replying, been ill. Not sure which 4 numbers are missing as they are all together and not in 4s but the first 4 are 4929 which looking online are Barclays I think? What I dont get is that if BW Legal are "REAL" solicitors and not part of Lowell surely they must know it is not a valid number they are chasing and wouldnt waste time and money on it? Just receieved a statement from HL Solicitors for client Sigma SPV 1 Ltd original lender Marks and Spencer. Again sent CCA request in 2008 to someone else for MS not heard from anyone in years, then out of the woodwork comes this statement for 2012 = 2013 Do you think they are just trying to find out where I am and so ignore it? or do you think I should reply again stating no knowledge, CCA request in 2008 etc. etc. and start all over again? I thought that HL Solicitors are a company of Lowell or Capquest arent they or are they a proper solicitors? Arent debts statued barred anyway after 6 years?
  4. ok thanks, is it not simple enough that there are only 12 digits and not 16 which most cards have? I have never owned a card that has only 12 numbers. Also surely the judge will look at the fact that they havent followed the correct procedure to the request of a CCA and so now it is well past the time allowed for them to produce it plus if they had it why didnt they produce it years ago when asked for it? It all seems a waste of everyones time and money. I thought after I produced the eveidnce that they would withdraw it or the courts would throw it out. How wrong I was!
  5. Hi, All sent and was given a date to attend hearing. Requested change of date. I was sent a new date from the courts. BW legal for Lowell also sent me the new date. This I am a bit worried about because I thought they might not turn up after all the evidence I sent to the court and to them of requesting a CCA etc with proof of postage. Is it just a formality that they send it too? Also do BW Legal usually turn up if they havent provided a CCA? They cant provide one for the number they have given as it is short of the amount of digits a card should have. Anyone tell me what happens at these hearings? Is it in a court room or just around a table in a room with a judge? A bit worried as never been in a court before
  6. Great thanks all sorted and ready to print and post recorded delivery Usually get a notice in email that someone has posted answers on here but for some reason didnt this time Many thanks for your help I presume on the set aside form the court puts the date and time on before sending to them and then inform me?
  7. ok yes sorry rather a long thread, put it to P1 cos he/she has helped me out before. Downloaded forms and rang the court to see if I could post them and I can to my surprise. Is there anywhere I can look for guidance on filling the form in? Unsure what to put for title and is it the name and address I put first of who issued the Stat Demand? Basically Capquest sent back postal order and no longer dealing with it. Lowell been chasing a debt since 2008 for same amount of just over 4000. Lowell have a wrong original account number for a credit card because it only has 13 numbers were as far as I know all credit cards have 16 numbers. I also have postal reciepts for the postal orders and posting them to HL Legal and Barclays Bank for Barclaycard. Not sure what to put on affidavit though for it to have the legal jargon on or just put what I have stated here? Any advice appreciated Thanks
  8. Hi Priority One, Hope you still look here now and then. Well Lowell have finally reared their ugly heads again after nearly 5 years but this time a woman and man with proof of who they were came to my door and served me a demand from BW Legal solicitors? Are they legite? or just another department of Lowell? Can they do this, arent they tresspassing? I sent a CCA request to capquest in 2008 for a debt of the same amount owing to Barclaycard that Lowell keep pestering me for through different debt collection agencies. They sent my postal order back that was made out to HL Legal for £1 and stated they were no longer dealing with it and was closed on their systems. I then sent a postal order made out to Lowell Financial Ltd requesting a CCA. Still nothing. Since then over the years I have had 20 letters from Lowelland Lowell Portfolio 1 , 3 from Red (Lowell), 1 H Legal, 4 Hamptons Legal, 2 Debt Managers Ltd, 1 Russell +Aitken and 1 from Scott Call Debt recovery services. All these letters relate to the same amount and the same account with Lowell for Barclaycard. They have had between them all all the letters CCA, Prove It, No Knowledge of debt etc and that a CCA request has been made and I have receievd nothing so no payments will be made to anyone. The last letter was from Lowells litigation department Hamptons Legal stating I left them no choice and threatening taking me to court. This was end 2012. I chose to ignore them because after 5 years it becomes a bit annoying and thought they would eventually give up. This letter and demand from bwlegal has a 13 digit number on where all the other letters for the same amount relating to Barclacard have a 16 digit number on. Also the first 4 numbers are the same then a number is missing and then the next 9 numbers are the same but then at the end 3 numbers are missing. Sorry hope you understand that. Basically they have got all the account number wrong from all the previous letters. I dont want to write to them and state this with the number I have on all the other letters from Lowell incase they say it was a typing error. Im not even sure if the demand is a true statuary demand from the courts as it seems like parts of it but then details typed under the word demand. It states I have 18 days to have the demand set aside or otherwise deal with this demand as set out in the notes within 21 days after its service on you ,you could be made bankrupt. Does this mean that if I contact bwlegal I dont have to write to the court to set it aside? Also what type of letter should I write to bw legal? Should I put copies of all correspondance or just the post office receipt of sending a CCA request to Capquest and their reply and also the post office receipt for a postal order for £1 made out to Lowell? The reply from CapQuest has the 16 digit account number on though that Lowell and bwlegal seemed to have missed numbers out of this time. Hope you get this or if anyone else can advise before my 18 days are up as I dont understand what to do with the demand.
  9. Thanks for your reply Priority One. Good idea with the phone advice. No I havent had anymore letters from Link they just phone making out its a friend or a business matter do they really think we are that stupid? but have had from Lowell offering help and discounts and then the latest is to pass it to another debt collector if I dont contact them with a plan to pay:dance: ha ha here we go starting the process all again or I might just ignore the new DC. seeing as I believe thay are not supposed to pass it on if its in dispute are they?
  10. Hi Priority One, I did nothing from my last post on here in October 2011. Pretty much the same is happening as in that post now 6 months later. Not sure whether to carry on doing nothing or respond but not quite sure how I would respond having sent all letters earlier, but phone calls are starting to get on my nerves now. Any suggestions?
  11. Hi Priority One again. Following your last reply regarding Link I sent them one of your Complaint letters under CPUTR. They sent a letter stating it would take them a while to look into my complaint. They have now finally answered and stated that they do not agree with my complaint and that they have not broken any rules under the FSA Sent copies of the same they sent before, part application, letters from me, statements etc. They also said to go for advice from all the bodies and that if they dont hear from me within a certain time they will close their files, by this they mean the complaint file. Where do I go from here because it seems I have waisted my time sending that letter because all they have done is re issue the same as before? Link continue to harass my husband with phone calls for a debt they still havent produce a true CCA only part of an application again, they have had all the letters - harrassment etc shoudl I send the complaint one for this? although they will probably just re issue the same as with mine. Another, Lowell still havent produce a CCA because I stated I requested it from Barclaycard. Lowell asked BC,no knowledge of it. Lowell keep sending a letter that they want to help and to reduce the lump sum if I pay or offereing me to pay a certain amount until finished. Send them the complaint letter? Only another 2 and half years for them to become statute barred, I think if they had something I would have neem taken to court by now wouldnt I. What do you think? Thanks
  12. no worries, thanks I presume I act dumb that I dont know that they are the same company? apart from First National I have only ever had correspondance from Link so this must mean that they it hasnt been sold to anyone else to deal with apart from companies within companies if you know what I mean. does this make a difference to the letter and the CUPTR? Sorry not really understanding this too well am I
  13. its ok Now I am totally confused. I recieved your reply with the letter template in my email link but on this thread it isnt here just your apology, strange but thanks very much I shall adapt and send
  14. ok thanks for lal info in all your replies, is the template you did the one sent from solicitors I cant seem to find anything else I cllicked on the signature link in one of your threads but ended up on that site to log in sorry dont suppose you could send me the link to the template you did please
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