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Everything posted by l1awrie

  1. Parking cones will just be driven over. I have written to him and asked him to keep the row clear but he just ignored the letter. Might ask a friend to bring their van round and park it on my drive leaving him just enough room to get to his property. I recently had to have the police out because he was on my property shouting up at my cctv, this from a man I have never met.
  2. The parking does not occur occasionally the neighbour parks permantly on the right of way. I, for medical reasons do not drive at the moment, but my visitors can not park on my property. Selling the house will be difficult, covenants relating to both properties state that the right of way should be left clear. This neighbour has more than enough room to park on his own property. Neighbour also doesn't restrict his parking to the right of way but parks on my property to when the mood takes him.
  3. Just to let you know that I raised a complaint with the police about the harassment notice which I recently chased up to be told it is being dealt with. I now have another problem, hope somebody can I advise. Same neighbour is parking on the right of way, despite having enough land of his own to park on. Rasied the issue with the legal arm of my insurance company and was told that I had to write to the neighbour in the first place, which I did and received no response. Sent legal people copies of the parking on the right of way and was told that because I do not drive at the moment, due to health problems, and I only have visitors once or twice a week I have less than a 51% chance of winning my case. Why would I not win my case when the neighbours coventants state that the right of way must be left clear. Also there is the effect this will have when I come to sell my house. Any advice suggestions would be appreciated.
  4. Thanks for response Unclebulgaria. No insurers did not consider that others would need access, nor that I have a right of way on foot over next doors drive.
  5. Had great help when last visited the forum, about harassment notice my complaint now with the police, hope I can get help with my on going problem with parking on the right of way. There are three houses, 1, 3 and 5. 3 and 5 have a right of way over my drive, I, no.1 have a right of way over no. 3s drive. No. 3 let's no. 5 park on his property, my right of way. I have written to both 3 and 5 pointing out the covenants regarding the right of way and received no response. Two weeks ago I asked the police to visit no. 3 regarding the parking, to my surprise they agreed to speak to him. No. 3s response to the police was, despite the covenants, it was not his responsibility to stop people parking on his land and interfering with my right of way. As I have legal cover with my insurers I put the matter into their hands. Insurer informed me that my legal cover is for trespass and nuisance, that as I am not driving at the moment, I am waiting for knee replacement surgery, the courts would not uphold a claim for either nuisance or trespass. Would appreciate any input regarding this
  6. The Mould great letter many thanks, makes all the points clearly. I was fighting with my own letter, trying not to show my anger at once again being drawn into a situation which was not of my making. I will scrap my own efforts and use your letter which is much more impressive. Many thanks
  7. smokejumper I live in Kent. I doubt that he will knock on my door, I don't see what he has to discuss with me, if it is tittle tattle from the other neighbour I wouldn't be interested. I just have a feeling that he, like the previous owner thinks he owns my drive, the plan of his property will soon straighten out that misconception.
  8. I think we need a recap. I am in my property, don't interfere with anybody else's rights or parking. New neighbour moves in has long conversation with next door neighbour, new neighbour from that moment on stops in front of my cctv to glare on a daily basis. If anybody needs to explain themselves it's the new neighbour. I am writing to the new neighbour explaining, and including plan of his property showing his boundaries, what rights he has over my property, to pass over with no parking rights. I also suggested he see his solicitor if he wants to query what I have said. Pound to a penny this will go down like a lead balloon and bad feeling and behaviour will increase, backed up by the next door neighbour who will not tell the new neighbour that he tried to claim that he had parking rights on my property and when I told he didn't I received the I'll be seeing my solicitor about this. Well it worked he has never parked on my property since.
  9. Not as stand off-ish as his visitor parking on my drive last night.
  10. My cctv was installed following previous owners girlfriend driving her car at mine as I was going down my drive. She then sat there laughing, I just got out of my car and told if she found it so funny she could sit there all day long laughing and walked off, she realised that she had blocked herself in. I found out later that she was on her way to take some sort of exam. Again despite photographs showing what happened the police were not interested The neighbour then installed two cctvs one looking directly into my home, it took two years for the police to make him take it down. I can honestly say that I have never done anything to provoke the neighbours except not to back down when they have tried to intimidate me. All this stems from the neighbours mistaken belief that he owned my drive, apparently didn't like losing face.
  11. CCTV covers my drive and my row, doesn't cover other properties
  12. Sorry if I have upset anybody - just joking
  13. The neighbour does have a problem it is only since his conversation with his neighbour that he started to stop in front of my cctv poke his head out of the glare to glare. The reason the insurance said to write is because they expect you to deal with the problem in the first place. The neighbour is parking in front of his garage, double, where he does not own enough land to park, so parks half his vehicle on the right of way which is the land I use to reverse my car onto to face the road. I have had seven years of threats of violence, attacks on my property and abuse. Before these events took place I would never have believed that people behaved in this manner. The police choose not to deal with anything to do with the neighbours despite cctv coverage and one of the neighbours friends admitting that he threatened me. Awhile ago I visited the NFH website and was shocked to find that this behaviour from neighbours is not uncommon.. That the police not wanting to get involved is also not unusual. If it turns out he doesn't have a problem then he will either write back and say so or stop glaring into the cctv. If he chooses to ignore my letter and continues to breach the covenants that affect me then I turn the problem over to the insurers. Maybe I should send some guys from rent a thug round with some flowers bet trouble would cease straight away. Again thanks for your input which I may not act on but is a appreciated.
  14. steampowered and unclebulgaria67 I appreciate your comments, you seem good people with warm hearts. I would in the normal course of events be nothing but polite and cosiderate towards my neighbours. Never have I come across people like this, I have always, before this house purchase, had really good neighbours. I don't want to get into a conversation with somebody who is going to quote what the third neighbour has said to him or go over the past. My letter is not couched in legal terms but invites him to write and advise me of any problems he has that does not involve a third party. I have also quoted the covenants that he is breaching and suggested that in need he take the matter up with his solicitors. I also suggested that he get his solicitor to explain the meaning of the clean hands doctrine. My dad used to say never trouble trouble 'til trouble troubles you, then either walk away or fight your corner. I have no other option but to fight my corner.
  15. Thanks for your responses. Firstly I am a woman and the people causing the problems are men who apparently think they can pressure me into letting them do what they want. New neighbour was having an hour long conversation with the other neighbour the night before the glaring at the cctv started, bet the old neighbour didn't tell the new neigbour that his bitterness stems from his attempts to park on my property, who when told to move stated I would be hearing from his solicitor, I didn't, but he never parked on my property again. The new neighbour would have had the covenants explained to him by his solicitor approx. six weeks ago and his signature for the purchase is an acknowledgement of this, yet moves in and ignores them. The covenants regarding parking are clear and understandable and these properties are approx. 12 years old so its not as if the covenants were written in the long and distance past. I don't interfere with the neighbours rights and expect the same back. It's strange that I don't get this behaviour from the wives. My insurers have told me to write to the neighbour asking what his problem is and to remind him of the covenants, which is what I will do.
  16. Just realised this afternoon that I have legal cover with my house insurance, contacted insurers and they have asked me to write to the new neighbour asking him if he has a problem with me to let me know by letter what the problem is. I am to send his response, if any, to insurers with details of his parking on my property/ right of way.
  17. Thanks for your responses. unclebulgria67 This won't go away until I deal with it. The driveway is not shared I have clear title to the land, the neighbours have a right of way over it. I want to sell up and move but the problems have to be dealt with first. steampowered I appreciate what you are saying but this problem is not of my making. It would appear that because I have a long drive and the neighbours have no room apart from their parking spaces in front of their garages, they seem to think they should be entitled to park on my property. I have lived in quite a few places around the country but have never come across neighbours like this. I don't see that the a Judge would be able to overturn the covenants. I would add the couple who lived next door but one ten years ago used to ask me, when he had visitors, if it would be alright to park on my drive making sure they didn't obstruct it. I never once said no. The difference is these new neighbours think, despite their covenants, that they not only have a right to park on my property but they can block me in as well. Once again thanks for your responses
  18. Neighbour at no.3 is stirring things up again, saw him speaking to new neighbour last night for about an hour, this morning new neigbour stops in front of cctv and says something. E mailed neighbour at no 3 and said that if I found out new neighbours actions were anything to do with him I would also bring an action for harassment. Some people have nothing better to do than cause trouble.
  19. Solicitor says way to go is an injunction. Through the solicitors it will cost a fortune, so I am going to complete the application myself and see if the solicitor will check it through for me.
  20. You would think that people would read the documents related to their house purchase. It is obvious that they do not own enough land to park on. Last night both of their cars and motorbikes were parked on the right of way. I think he does motorbike racing. their double garage looks like it is a workshop. The neighbour who owns this land is struggling to get in and out of his property but he won't say anything. We'll see what the solicitor has to say today.
  21. Hi smokejumper, I thought my problems were over too, I am thinking that the previous owners did not disclose disputes or they know and don't care.
  22. Apoligies The Mould missed your message. Appointment is tomorrow with solicitor. New neighbours seem to be as bad as the previous lot. But have learnt my lesson will not go after them will go after neighbour at no 3 whose property I have a row of way over. He is the person who told previous neighbours they could park on the right of way in front of his property, my row, and seems to have told the new neighbours the same. Will let you know what happens when I get back tomorrow
  23. Great sight - looked out of the window this morning and there is a removal van outside neighbours house being loaded - I'm so happy
  24. Great thanks smokejumper enjoyed that one.
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