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Everything posted by poolking

  1. When it comes to the deposit she can agrue that all day long, if i cash the deposit cheque and then procedd with the small claims court for the outstanding rent, do you not think that this i the best way in moving forward?
  2. Mr Shed, dont worry i wont be taking this advise. So well all agree that this has to go to the small claims court?
  3. but the cheque is my deposit, when i take the claim to the small claims court,she will say that i already have the deposit, but obviously i can say that she wrote on the back, what do u all recommened?
  4. another question for you all then, she has sent me the deposit in a cheque, BUT on the back of the cheque she has put, if you cash this cheque you accept that all monies are settled? what the hell?
  5. In terms of the criminal matter, the case was dropped by the CPS, due to both statements been so different and lack of evidence. My only option i precive i have is to take my claim to the small claims court? would u all agreee? Have made a compalent agsint the officer for abuse of powers already.
  6. the landlord return to th flat after the allegend inncerdent. she asked me what had happened, i reply with nothing, just a diagreeement, she then said youve got 40 mins to pack a bag ad move out of the flat, if not im calling the police and ill have u arrested for assult, she then took my key of me. We agreed that i could get return the following wk and collect all my belonging, at this point i was told that there was a case agaisnt me for common assult. I also gave her a letter outlining my deposit and the rent which was due back to me. After talkng to the police the following day i arranged to go in and make a statement. I then recieved a letter from the landlord saying that i forfiet the rent due to the criminal procedding against me. She sent me my desposit back minus 50 pound, which she claims was due to a mark on the wall, although the night i moved out she agreed everything was ok. I can accept 50 pound being taken out of my deposit, but im due 350 pound back in rent, for the rest of the month. I had been in the property for a year at this point aswell.
  7. the room was advertised on gumtree.com, and i had a contract for the roomshare the landlord also lived in the flat, she is also a police officer.
  8. The assult didnt take place. It was one of the tennets way of getting me out of the property, as she was my ex girlfriend and the landlord is her sister. I paid my rent on the 24th of the month for one month, but then she asked me to move out 1 week in to that month, there i am surely owned 3 wks rent back of her??? Had been living in the accomendation for 12 months when this had happened!!
  9. Question for you all I was coming to the end of my contract with my landlord, 3 wks before moving out she asked me to move out in 40 mins time, due to a report of common assult against a tennaent in the household. The deposit has been returned, but she is refusing to return the last 3 wks of my rent claiming that i forfiete that due to the assult claim. The common assult claim was dropped by cps. Please advise about the corrent way to get my rent back. thanks alot
  10. Questions for you all, i have had my deposit returned to me, but not my rent as i was asked to move out before my conract ended does rent act in the same way as deposit?
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