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  1. Hi, my car was recently involved in a non fault accident. A lady drove into it while it was parked outside my house, at the time she couldn't move her car & knocked on the door to notify me of the accident. Her car was literally wedged onto mine. I took pictures of it before moving in case i needed them for insurance, which i supplied to the garage on delivery for repair. I had recently joined up with an accident management service(not sure if i can publish the name) after visiting my garage for a service, which offered no access fee like for like courtesy car & repairs at manufacturers approved garage. On getting my car back on inspection i found a mark on the opposite side of the car that wasn't there when i gave the car in for repairs, also the wood finish fascia surround of the gear stick was broken which i immediately brought to the attention of the garage. In addition i noticed damage to the edge of my door which was damaged in the accident was not repaired so i contacted them to notify. On driving the car I also noticed the car was wobbling at about 60mph so again i notified them. They took the car back in yesterday but contacted me today advising that third party's engineer did not authorize repair of damage to the door or inspection of my rare right wheel as they don't think it was as a result of the accident. they also said that the damage to the oppisite wing was as result of an accident (one that i never had) and they were not responsible for it. They ignored the fact that they inspected my car on delivery & took pictures & marked all marks on my car. This mark was not there at the time. I forgot to mention they gave me tcut tio try to get it off as well. In addition to getting my car back with damage that wasn't there when i took it in, damage that was caused as result of the accident was not repaired & they have no intention of putting it right. How or what can I do to fix this? I have fully comp insurance with legal cover but on reporting the accident to my insurance company I advised them it was for information only & i was having the accident managment company deal with my case. ptrbee.
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