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  1. Hi im new but have a query...... My partner was shopping in Sainsburys with my two year old son, who had a runny nose, so on seeing an ALREADY OPENED packet of tissues, he took one tissue and wiped my sons nose. On getting to the till and paying for his shopping he was verbally attacked by the security guard, who demanded he pay for the tissue! When he refused to, the security guard grabbed my partners arm, (and may I just say my partner is disabled and suffers from a serious illness) as if he were a thief or something....in front of my two year old son! When my partner shook the guards arm off of him, he then ‘fell down’ and claimed that my partner had assaulted him! And called the police, who, after looking at CCTV, decided that my partner did not assault the guard. And let him go. My partner is now experiencing pain where the guard grabbed him and my son has been extremely distressed since this incident. Can we take this further? Do security guards have the right to detain you / grab you for an incident like this? For using a tissue???? What are my partners legal rights? Can someone advise me as I am fuming that this happened!!!!! Ashelle
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