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  1. Don't worry, no PM's have been sent. I got suspicious as soon as I read his last sentence. Then again it may be completely innocent and someone trying to be genuinely helpful. Not risking it though.
  2. Thanks for all the advice from everyone, its much appreciated! Quick update: I've sent my appeal to Parking Eye as everyone recommended, and I'm now just waiting for their response (not getting my hopes up though lol). I'll let you all know once I've heard back from them. Is there a time limit in which they have to respond?
  3. I need some helpful advice if anyone would be so kind. I had a meeting at the Marriott Hotel in Waltham Abbey back in November, and recently received a PCN from Parking Eye demanding £100. According to the letter I spent 4 hours 15 mins in the car park. Apparently it was a pay and display car park, but I seemingly failed to notice. I can remember that I was running late due to getting caught in traffic on the motorway, that might have been why I didn't realise. I'm unsure what to do now. £100 isn't exactly cheap, and I'm not sure if I can even afford it with Christmas coming up. I've got about 1 week left to appeal... but is it even worth it, I doubt Parking Eye would accept it? This is really beginning to stress me out so if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Hi lamma, thanks for the help. I'll put a picture up later tonight, need to find my camera first!
  5. Hi everyone! I recently got a PCN from Haringey Council for parking in a pay & display without a ticket. I drive a Ford but on the PCN it says Jaguar! The colour and Reg number are correct though, so I'm unsure where I stand. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
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