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  1. Hi ODC and fiftypence,i have returned home came out of hospital yesterday,they took away the bowel cancer and i have one of those horrible colostomy bags. i have also been told that there is no more they can do for me,the cancer has spread to my liver and i have no more than 12 months at best they said. i want to spend this time with my son hes only 5.they have refered me to the macmillan nurses.all i want know is for these people to leave me in peace so i can spend what precious time i have left with my son. it is hurting like hell at the moment knowing i am not going to see my son turn into a young man,surely these people have some heart.
  2. Hi fiftypence long time no speak,i havent got a way to upload it anymore so i'll type what it says below.its dated the 22nd of april 2009. dear sir payment must be made in full and sent to this office within the next 7 days. if we do not recieve a response within the next seven days our efforts will continue to secure this debt i look forward to your response yours faithfully (the signature looks like a photo copy or printed on, it isnt a proper one on the letter.) underneath its got conaught collections uk ltd at the bottom of the page it says this. our company has the sole control of your account payment must be sent to this office. do not pay a doorstep collector without first gaining our authority.
  3. This morning i recieved a letter off conaught saying i have got 7 days to pay them or further action will be taken against me. i will admit i did not have the SD set aside like i should have done,i was suffering with depression and could not face going out,is it true they only last 6 months and they would have to apply for a new one...? since my father died i was recently diagnosed with bowel cancer i am due to go into hospital on wednesday to have an operation,i have been told i will be having a permanent colostomy bag. i dont need these people getting on my back at the moment,can anyone please help me with a letter i can send them before i go into hospital,thank you.
  4. i have recently lost my father from cancer and my mind isnt clear at the moment,he was on a basic pension so i am having to claim funeral costs from the benefit people.i do not need people like this on my back at the moment,could anyone help me please with wording a letter to them,if thats possible.i am no good wording letters,especially at the moment.many thanks for all your help everyone,vincent.
  5. the SD wasnt set aside clutchingatstraws, do they have a time limit on them,i cant remember when a payment was last made on the account. ODC it definatly isnt my signature on it i sign with my first name initials this is signed with my first name fully showing on it is there any letter i could send them,thanks again for all your help.
  6. i recieved these this morning from connaught,does this agreement look like it has been filled in properly,would it stand up in court.the one problem that concerns me with it the name and address is spelled awful and the signature on it doesnt look like mine.are there any more letters i could send them.they have given me 7 days to respond to this letter,i have put it and the agreement below,thanks for all your help everyone.
  7. thanks for all the advice everyone,i would be lost without you.they said in a letter they sent me an SD,ODC,but i never received it or any proof they ever sent me one,that letter i sent them asking for proof of the SD,they never did supply me with proof of it.thanks again everyone.
  8. does this mean i dont have a leg to stand on steven4064,the only paper work i have is a customer copy of the above that isnt properly filled in. i do not have the money these people are after i live in a council house and am on benefits due to ill health,they should take this into consideration and leave people alone who cannot pay. is there anything more i can send them to get them off my back,my worry is if they proceed with bankruptcy,i have nothing bailiffs, could take what are they allowed to take out of peoples homes we only have our basic furniture and other normal household furniture and my sons few toys.these dont seem the sort of people who would accept nominal payments,many thanks for all your help. the only thing that i can add is that they did not supply the agreement within the specified time limit i applied for it in august and they only in the last week supplied it,would that affect anything...?
  9. ive got a littlewoods catalogue,but im at my credit limit,i ordered a thomas track off there and paid with my solo bank card,it took my money and then said it has been passed to credit control for authorisation.they cant take my money and not send the goods can they......?
  10. thanks for that ODC,ill post up the agreement,where can i find the stat barred letter..?,and no they didnt send me a Statement of Account with the CCA form,thanks again for all your help,vincent.
  11. hi ODC,thanks for getting back to me,i havent heard anymore off them about the alleged SD they say they sent me,or the letter i sent them asking for proof of it.i have searched everywhere but i cannot find any details about when i made my last payment on the car sorry,does this mean they can take me to court without any worries know and make me bankrupt,i am really worried know,thanks for all your help,vincent.
  12. hi ODC did you get my PM,sorry i wasnt sure if it was safe to post it on the general thread,many thanks, for all your help.
  13. can anyone help me to word a letter please saying that my son was not happy with the managers attitude at the meeting he had,it was supposed to be an investgative meeting,it clearly says on the letter it is not a disciplinary,yet my son was not allowed to put his side across he was given 2 options resign or it would go to head office who would sack you anyway.thanks.
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