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  1. if its an old debt but new company possibly 3rd, what rules apply, any idea?
  2. I last paid a company in aug 2008 (until I came here and grew bold!) This seems to be a new company that has taken over. I took out the loan in 2004 paid until my partner left and I had to go onto benefits with my kids. When they contacted me again in 2007 I continued to pay as much as I was able, until there threats for more and more got too much for me. This time round I am not scared like I used to be, but just want to know how to handle the situation, so far one letter asking me to make payment arrangements. Advice appreciated x
  3. Hello everyone, my past has come back to haunt me! I am sincerely grateful for all the help you have given me in the past, it really helped me get through a really traumatic stage in my life, with debt. All the companies that were on my case in 2008 all backed off and left me alone. Today I got a letter from Cabot saying they have taken over my debt from Barclays £1700, originally taken out in 2004/2005 around that time. Can they now all these years later try and reinforce this? I was paying back until 2008 (3 different companies) it was masses and has come down a great deal, but am I still under obligation to pay them? I am in a much better place now, im working, taking care of my 3 kids and managing. only problem is tax credits and housing benefit have both overpaid me (their fault for not updating information that I provided and they have accepted that) and I am in the process of paying them back, don't want yet another company Any advice will be gratefully appreciated. Cheesecake
  4. What personal details should people avoid? Your name and address of course but what else exactly? This will help goofs like me making the same mistakes:oops: Also i have tried to send PMs but i could not get access.
  5. Thanks for that, i feel quite calm about this whole thing.
  6. Thank you and sorry i guess i was going for maximum impact So you guys think they have come on here and read my posts Bloody heck that is scary:eek: but it's ok am going to stick to my guns and pray it works out for me...
  7. Sorry for hijacking this thread, you can move it or remove the other one if i am in the wrong:oops: OK received this letter from Debt recovery plus - on behalf of UKPC --------------------------------------------------------------------- We are members of the british parking ass. and as such we are required to invite you to declare you were the driver of the vehicle at the time the ticket was issued or to disclose the identity of the driver at the time. It is worth nothing that AT ALL TIMES the driver of a vehicle must by law be insured to drive that vehicle and the keeper should be certain that the person driving vehicle is in fact insured, if this is not the case then a criminal offence has been committed by the driver (ok i don't see how this has anything to do with the charge). etc. The driver will have received the PCN on returning to the vehicle and knows that they had received a ticket. It is important to note that in any civil case, a case need only be proven to the 'balance of probability' and not 'beyond reasonable doubt'. In most instances the vehicle owner IS the driver, so if there is any doubt cast by the keeper, in the balance of probability the keeper is the driver. One advisor on parking issues recently wrote 'landowners have a right to charge and police proper parking. If you have broken the rules and don't consider the ticket extortionate, i'd urge you to pay'. He went on to write 'yet DON'T LIE, if you were driving, you could be in serious trouble if the case ever went to court. This was proven in oldham county court in nov 2008 by an operator, who won a case where the keeper stated that they were not the driver, but claimed they could not remember who was driving. The judge decided that on a balance of probability he was the driver and declared that he did not have to have seen the warning signs, only that they were present. please visit Oldham News | News Headlines | Parking penalty just, judge rules - Chronicle Online We have referred your case to our client and proposed issuing county court proceedings against you. This may result in additional costs payable by you should the proceedings by successful. You can view a selection of CCJs we have obtained against people who ignored our correspondence on our website Debt Recovery Plus Limited, Uk Debt Recovery and Trace service Please contact us to arrange payment or disclose identity of the driver. -------------------------------------------------------- They also attached images of the car with the wheel over the white line of bay. Any thoughts????
  8. OK received this letter from Debt recovery plus - on behalf of UKPC --------------------------------------------------------------------- We are members of the british parking ass. and as such we are required to invite you to declare you were the driver of the vehicle at the time the ticket was issued or to disclose the identity of the driver at the time. It is worth nothing that AT ALL TIMES the driver of a vehicle must by law be insured to drive that vehicle and the keeper should be certain that the person driving vehicle is in fact insured, if this is not the case then a criminal offence has been committed by the driver (ok i don't see how this has anything to do with the charge). etc. The driver will have received the PCN on returning to the vehicle and knows that they had received a ticket. It is important to note that in any civil case, a case need only be proven to the 'balance of probability' and not 'beyond reasonable doubt'. In most instances the vehicle owner IS the driver, so if there is any doubt cast by the keeper, in the balance of probability the keeper is the driver. One advisor on parking issues recently wrote 'landowners have a right to charge and police proper parking. If you have broken the rules and don't consider the ticket extortionate, i'd urge you to pay'. He went on to write 'yet DON'T LIE, if you were driving, you could be in serious trouble if the case ever went to court. This was proven in oldham county court in nov 2008 by an operator, who won a case where the keeper stated that they were not the driver, but claimed they could not remember who was driving. The judge decided that on a balance of probability he was the driver and declared that he did not have to have seen the warning signs, only that they were present. please visit Oldham News | News Headlines | Parking penalty just, judge rules - Chronicle Online We have referred your case to our client and proposed issuing county court proceedings against you. This may result in additional costs payable by you should the proceedings by successful. You can view a selection of CCJs we have obtained against people who ignored our correspondence on our website Debt Recovery Plus Limited, Uk Debt Recovery and Trace service Please contact us to arrange payment or disclose identity of the driver. -------------------------------------------------------- They also attached images of the car with the wheel over the white line of bay. Any thoughts????
  9. Oops seems like i am digging my own grave!!!! Have made all the amendments, please can you delete your response (my porky is in there2). I will NOT be contacting them anymore but will keep you updated:cry:
  10. Thank you for all your replies. I have taken your advice before on other matters and Thank God you were always right:D Will do as told and hope they go away:)
  11. Thank you for your advice:oops: I have amended it. Can i still sort this mess out without having to pay £147.50?
  12. Does anyone know how the court case with OFT is going? My hubby has to date paid over £1000 in bank charges (over the last 6 yrs). He used a template from this forum and requested that they pay back all of it this was 8 months ago. They wrote back within the 14 days and said that he would have to wait until the court case. Because he was and is working i don't think the hardship thing applies to him,or does it?:?
  13. Please please pleaseeeeeeeeeee can anyone advise me on this really stressed out:cry: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/parking-traffic-offences/230331-we-wrong.html
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