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  1. surely they have exploited this and my rights by not resolving the problems ive been calling about from day one? they havent charged me for the' first two weeks where they admitted i didnt have access. They havent called like they said, several days were wasted when the phone number for customer service proved to be a hang up automated service, and again extended the time by arranging this call back option. ive had next to no internet for 5 more days now.. anyway had hoped id have more info before they called from this group so i'll just face up to them on my own. anyone know a direct route to complain to trading standards? I'll find their site if i can just get access long enough!
  2. My laptop failed a few weeks back and I went to replace it. I took a three mobile internet option as it offered £300- off a new laptop if I signed for 24 months. Assured by staff at pc world that three would suit me most and would be actually cheaper than my current supplier I took this. It boasts a 10gb download limit per month and "up to" 2.8mbs (not a chance) Here is the problem. The internet access doesn't work. It's slow and worse than that is that at times for days and days on end it is intermitant and doesnt work at all. Seriously unreliable. I have been on their technical line twice going through tests and eventually they took the modem and checked it and returned it saying it is fine. All seemed well for a few days but I have come back from a job to find that the access to the net is as bad as ever and its been three days of poor service. Unwilling to go through the technical procedure which has failed twice before I have been calling their customer service line for a few days. This line cuts you off if you do not take the technical serivce line. Noticing a new number on a covering letter that came back with the returned modem called it today and asked to get out of the contract as clearly it doesn't work and I didn't have any more time to waste. The guy basically would not let me out of the contract. He says I have missed my opportunity, but I've only had it back from being checked for a fault for a week or so, and had it at most 10 days of non access before that. I am however to get another call from someone within 48 hours to talk to me about why I want out of the contract... So here I am still no reliable internet access, willing to pay the £300- back to them for the laptop, yet seemingly with no rights and no way out of an internet contract which doesn't work. I need to get armed with my rights before I get this call back. Can anyone help. I honestly feel like I have been conned. ps I am writing from a coffee shop with internet access.
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