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  1. Just received one of these today but they seem to have missed the date that my arrears needs to be paid by off the notice. Do I chase them for the date or do I wait to see what happens next I'm also into phase 2 of reclaiming ppi of Santander which ties in with this debt
  2. got compensation offer today 3 months free internet plus a futher £5 pm discount for 1 year still going to leave once the 3 months is up .
  3. wifes halifax current account has now started doing the rounds got letter saying today that bls collections are taking over this this the letter itself was from the halifax on behalf of blair o scott . it also states that any arrangements made will not change due to this . any thoughts on this dca (haven't heard from them yet ) are they in the first credit mould or are they easily repelled . edit to add i got the name confused in the title with a courier company
  4. finally after 18 days i have reconnection called this morning and the level 1 help went through the usual set up rubbish which didn't work got level 2 help and they tried a set up method which has never been tried in all my calls to them and low and behold it worked . si i din't know now if there was ever a line problem or iv'e been dealing with the most incompetant bunch of clowns on planet earth . needless to say once my free broadband time and telephone calls thety have awarded me as compensation has ran its course i will too move on .
  5. to go into finer detail talk talk took over over my line rental earlier this month and are setting up their own exchange so i suppose im not with bt anymore .either way customer support is one dimensional at best can't belive how many times iv'e been fobbed off over the past nine days .phone wise imcoming callers sound like darleks and out going calls dont show up as us on caller displays out dial tone is very intermittant .get the impression they are trying the wear me down .
  6. since july 11 ive been unable to use this service due to an "exchange fault " depite constant phonecalls by myself to thier so called technical help which in reality is a pack of liars side steppers and time wasters i seem to have got absolutly no where whatsoever.to make matters worse we are now suffering distruption to our phoneline as well .i have logged every phonecall and conversation with this shower since it all began i have also lodged a written complaint to thier head office in london .is there anymore i should be doing ?thanks for any help or avice ps im tempted to cancell but i feel this would just make life easy for them
  7. weve recieved a letter of intended court action today saying papers are now being prepared for comencement of action against my wife. we have never misssed a payment of defaulted on this debt and the halfax account current account is is still open . these lot just seem to ignore everthing we have sent by post its like written communication doesn't exist . what do you think we can expect next from these lot is this just another scare tactic. ?
  8. edit to add payments are being made never missed a single one mrs is a bit worried . i hate this lot
  9. update we sent b.o.s. a letter saying our circumstances haven't changed never heard a peep but today she got a letter the jist of it says no contact has been made by her and no attempt to agree a payment has been made. it uses words like court door to door collectors charging order id scan it and post it up but don't have the facility atm it also say must get in contact immediatly sorry for being so vague any ideas on a next move ?
  10. thought as much thanks for the confirmation
  11. to cut a long story short been paying them a token monthly payment to clear a bank o/d and havent heard a dickybird from them till today when my wife took a phonecall off them. they want to do a six monthly review and i must produce my income and expenditure details by next wednesday am i obliged to this and if so should it be done over the telephone or in writing (writing seems to be the equivilant of banging your head against a brick wall withh this shower) ta for any advice on this
  12. well after three and a bit months of threats from them and me asking them for proof of delivery . i recieved an email saying that the outstanding amount was a "computer error" and they had correct my account to show this i still dont think they can find any proof of delivery.
  13. untill i found this place i was going to take out an iva or a dmp with payplan now thanks to here i am able to do my own dmp and pay companies who come up with all the correct paperwork
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