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Confused Girl

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  1. Hi everyone! Thank God for this site, has helped me feel a bit better about things. Firstly, can I say that I apologise for posting in this way (kinda hijacking someone else's thread) but I couldn't work out how to post my own thread - I think it's the stress of the unknown!! I need some help and guidance from someone if at all possible...? Something strange happened today..I missed a call on my mobile from ARC - I only know it was them because I googled the number and it gave me their details and this site. They never left a message for me so at the moment I have no idea why they called. They have only called once so far. Looking on this forum it seems that this is likely to be linked to a gym membership I had when I was in the UK. My contract was due to run until May 2008, I wrote to the gym in the March giving them notice of my intention to cancel the membership but never heard back from them. I then made sure I paid the full membership until the end of May 2008 and then cancelled my direct debit accordingly. I have lived overseas since April 2008. Anyway, if the gym have sent letters demanding payment, I have not received them and if ARC have sent any, again I have had none of them...so what do I do...? I can only imagine that there is a debt growing somewhere in the depths of ARCs filing cabinet that will eventually catch up with me - even though I don't actually owe any money!!! I have emailed La Fitness but heard nothing back and I have emailed ARC to ask why they telephoned me but again have heard nothing back. If I have had no letter, how can I pay or even query the debt..? Has anyone got any advice they can give...? I'd be really grateful! I just don't want to find that I owe thousands in 5 years time if they finally send me a letter!!!
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