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  1. Happy to tell you that the Chief Superintendent of police have told the Fraud Team to investigate and bring to book the people who stole my Identity. It will be headed by a Detective Inspector. It has been a long hard fight, stressful too. Willkeep you posted on the results.
  2. Thanks for that Godmother. Truth is harder to believe than fiction. Some people believe that the police are wonderful, but when you have had a bad taste of them, then you know different. Wonder how his thinking will be if he gets his car stolen and the police turn up hours after, or even three days later.
  3. It appears to me from your tone that you are backing the police and Wescot up 100%. I may be wrong, but you come across as someone who has not been harassed for debts, but just having a "go" at those who have debts against their names. Perhaps if you had been tormented by these debt collection agencies you would give some positive input. If I am wrong then I apologise, but please do not praise police or MPs to me when they have failed me, and possibly others like me. You have no idea what we go through with debts that are not ours, it is total MISERY.
  4. So, given that I have sent them this proof, why is it that they still hound me to try and get money for these debts?
  5. furthermore, I have not been paying them anything, just denying the debt, and that is not good enough for them even after sending them proof from the council that we were not there at the dates mentioned
  6. You find it hard to swallow? Well that makes two of us. If one of your relatives is a close friend of the mP in question, then you will know that he is pro police. As for "target", I have explained the word target insomuch as turning the tables on wescot, as they have made me a target, not once, but three times. As for the police, well, they do know the address in question, but fail to take it on board because they said that they would have to have proof that someone in that house-hold did this. I have told them that when Catalgue companies send goods, then those goods have to be signed for at the door of the prospective address, but alas, even this is not proof. What more proof do the police need in order to apprehend? Todays police only seem to be interested in corporate crime or knife and gun crime. Little people like me do not stand a chance
  7. It is offensive the way they treat the ordinary person who pays council tax. If I was in a mansion I would get all the help I needed, but I am a nobody, and we have a two tier policing system. Yes, I feel very strongly that the people who could help me with this are the people who are ignoring it.
  8. Have been to my MP Alun Michael MP, but he is all for the police, he will not have anything said against our Perfect police force.
  9. Hi Sillygirl Here is a copy of letter typed and sent today to wescot: Dear Sir / Madam The above debt that you have made contact with me about is NOT mine. I would request from you the details you hold such as the date this credit was obtained, the date it was defaulted on, and any dates of birth that were obtained in order to get credit. I will be demanding all my expences from you in connection with this debt right down to the penny, as my time and expence has been taken up in defence of said debt. I need the information outlined above in order to present to South Wales Police, as this is not the first, or even second time you have demanded monies from me for debts not incurred by me. It is about time that Debt collection agencies did a bit of security work before sending out demands such as proving that the person outlined is the debtor. I reflect upon my earlier statement that I made to you, that if this debt is sent to Experian or any credit reference agency and marked against me, then I will seek compensation in the Courts. I draw your attention to an earlier demand from yourselves: Reference 30033464 which was deleted from Experian after my proving that I was not the debtor. You should have deleted at my request this year this and any other record from your files, as at that time you were holding information/data that was proven not to be me. But, it would appear that you have not deleted this information, and thus you have breached the Data Protection Act, something I shall be taking up with the Commissioner later on. The letter I sent to you requesting copy of the information at that time that you hold on me, and which was proven to be false, you refused to submit that information you hold on file. I do hope for your sake that you realise that to hold Data on somebody without due cause is a breach by law. I shall be making a very strong argument with the commissioner regarding this data, and the letter that you sent to me this year which proves that you hold that data. One can only summise the vast amount of citizens who have had their lives destroyed by people such as you who are snarling at the bit to get money no matter who you hurt. I am innocent, and when I prove this latest, then you will be MY target instead of me being yours. I will absolutely inundate you with mail and telephone calls so that your daily regime is strained as you have strained my life blood from me.
  10. Yes Bladeboy, I have written to Chief Constable, but the Edit backs up her officers. I have recently written to HM Inspectarate of Constabulary to complain about the way South Wales Police are operated. This is the third debt from the same previous address we lived. I have managed to cancel out two of them with months of work and money, but this latest debt (also not mine) has got me in a spin with no-one to help, especially the police. The police know that the debt comes from my previous address, and they have told me that they cannot prove it even if they approached new tenants, as they need a name. The home office have told me that once I have proof that the debt stemmed from old address, then the catalogues have to have a signature when goods delivered there, so there is the proof, yet the police say it is not eneough.
  11. It is no good writing to the catalogue, as they will not entertain you, as they have sold the debt on to wescot
  12. Hi. I am having the same trouble with my previous address. The police tell me that it is NOT a criminal offence for someone to use my name to obtain credit and then default. Wescot will keep on biting you for the debt, and when they finally cannot get it, they will smack you in the mouth by placing your name on Experian Credit Reference Site where you cannot get credit. I have tried and tried with wescot by giving them proof from council that we were not living there on those dates, but wescot just destroys the proof and keep saying they have not received it. I know how you feel, as this is the third time from my previous address that I have been hiot for debt which is not mine. The trouble is that when you leave your old address, leaflets from these catalogues etc go through the letter box, and them people then use yer name to get credit. If the police will not class this as a criminal offence then something is wrong. If I was to use the Chief Constables name to get credit and then default, then it will be a crimal offence. Pete
  13. Hi Godmother The police have told me that if someone uses my name to get credit and then defaults, like at my previous address, then it is NOT A CRIMINAL OFFENCE. That I have to take out private proceedings. I have heard the lot now. The police are totally useless. Pete
  14. Yes, but they will still put yer name onto the Experian Credit Reference if they cannot recover the debt, that is the way they will pay you back by using the last name they came up with
  15. Hi Bazz. I am new to this. Wescot have sent me a demand for a debt that I never incurred. The people at my previous address took out credit in my name and defaulted. Sent all the relevant proof to wescot with dates of when I was there from the council, yet wescot still demands the money. It is like wescot are ignoring the proofs I have sent them to clear my name
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