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Everything posted by enigmaworld

  1. Hi all I've been on and off with my 3 Lloyds claims (1 personal, 1 VISA & 1 S/E Business) for some time now, sent out SAR in May 2006, followed up with pre-lim and LBA in early October 2006. I was met with the usual letters. After moving house twice, getting married and having a further 2 children, I now feel that I should get my finger out and claim back the £5k+ that is owing in charges, furthermore I now have 2 defaults registered against me. In short I would like some assistance please: Do I need to start again from scratch? (I do have details of charges) Are there any new template letters I could use? How long, on average are Lloyds taking to settle? Kindest regards enigmaworld
  2. Just a bit of advise if poss. Had the bailiffs round on Monday this week re: business rates. The original bill was for £74.00 then court costs of £80.00 takes it up to £154.00, this bailiff knocks on the door by time I get to the door he's shoving a "Notice of Removal" through the letterbox, so I open the door and ask him whats its about, he did not show me any ID and went on to say that unless I paid him £329.00 he would be back in 7 days to remove my property to that value. My reply was that I would contact the council and find out what the situation was as I had wrote to them on the 2nd Feb asking for a payment schedule for this and for another £998.00 of council tax. The council said it had been passed to the bailiffs and nothing they could do. So I then called Jacobs only to be told that I had to call the bailiff on his mobile and talk to him, I then called the bailiff on his mobile and asked what the break-down of £175.00 I'd been charged, his reply was £25.00 attendance fee and £150.00 for a van, when I asked him why he needed a van to make a first visit for £154.00 his reply was they charged everyone £150.00 if it was a business rates bill. So I asked if he was going round all his jobs today and charging them all £150 each, this is when the call broke down, he became quite agressive and when I asked to make an arrangement to pay he said he would be back in 7 days and if I didn't pay in full (£329.00 plus another £25.00 at least) he would come into the house and remove all my property. My partner is currently in slow labour and has been all week and I had to sign on 1st Feb for the first time in 20years, so as you can imagine we're re-inventing the word skint (still waiting for Lloyds/TSB to payout £4k+ in charged etc...)
  3. Great news Sue, giving us all a little more hope that good things come to those who wait:)
  4. Hi I'm in a similar position to you, I'm self employed and have been some 17 years, was mis-sold PPI 3 1/2 yrs ago, I only found out that it was invalid when I tried to claim last Feb. I have since canceled it on a number of occasions and have even been promised my money back in full, this was in Jan this year, but still no cash yet!!! I have sent letters and their time is now up and the N1 is on my desk.... Good luck James
  5. Congratulations on your victory Ian:D Lets hope they settle a good few more this side of Xmas, maybe they'll be able to sleep at night then!!!
  6. Hi David Re your first question, stick to your deadlines, any response from the bank will only be a standard one trying to put you off taking action. Don't worry to much about getting your bundle together just yet, plenty of time to print off your statments, unfortunitely the courts are snowed under with work and are taking months, but don't be to disappointed nobody has lost a case when claiming back unlawful charges. Regards James
  7. Hi Emma Don't worry, it's not required that you send them a copy, just good practice. You can obtain a copy from your court and send it to them if you wish but it's up to you. Regards James
  8. That makes a bit more sense. Will have to go through all my charges and split them back up between the 2 cases then. I did speak to Lloyds on Jan 25th this year Re: PPI payments, explained the whole thing yet again, I was told that they whould pay me the last 3years worth of payments back, the woman I spoke to gave me a number to ring, this was the claims dept for making insurance claims, so I called back and spoke with somebody else, expained everything once more, was given yet another number, called them they said in no uncertain terms "not a chance", so I called back again, explained to another call centre bod (can you see where this is going) the whole story again, this time a manager will be ringing me back, within 48 hours, after hearing nothing for a month I called back.... and so on and so forth... I stopped making payments on the card in July and told Lloyds no more payments until its sorted!!! THEY DEFAULTED ME IN SEPTEMBER. Anyway I have kept details of all these calls and others like them, including time I called, duration of call, who I spoke to and a rough outline of what was said. Sorry I'm ranting again... Thanks for the sympathetic ear. James
  9. PS. Yes, you can claim all the charges back, they are still deemed unlawful, regardless of your company status.
  10. Hi Ted As for Limited Companies this rule does not apply, although I'm sure that if you are anything like me then all your companies bank statements should be filed away... Somewhere Good Luck James
  11. Thanks Gary Just got off the phone to York CC, they are currently taking just 2 days to serve papers, so I will use them. Just a thought I am doing 3 claims, one of which is for my credit card, on the CC I am also claiming my PPI payments back as I should never have been advised to take out employment protection when it does not cover self-employment, me being self-employed of which they were aware. Does this require a seperate claim? If so I may have made a mess of my LBA for the CC, as I made reference to this PPI thing in it. Regards James
  12. Thanks Shaz Quick question, does it matter which county court you apply too? What I mean is do some courts take longer than others? I know thats 2 questions. PS. If 1 court gets more of these cases than another surely they should deal with them faster, especially if they are all being settled in the same manner!!!
  13. Thanks to Shaz n Gary for your support and words of wisdom. Problem is that I've been going through a rough time this last year and to top it all off my other fall back account (Halifax) have been playing up and almost all my DD's were returned last month due to UNCLEARED effects, giving me a total of 9 x £39 plus 1 x £28 this month with another for next month, the total for my DD's was only about £200-£250 and they have charged me £418 plus another £28 for next month and I still have to pay the DD's, I only banked £600 to start with, so I was a bit distressed with the Monday morning post. (Sorry to rant on) There have been a number of other issues with Lloyds over the last few years so I thought going to see the Business manager might be a good idea to sort of come to an agreement on everything, but the more I think about it I can see me just wasting an afternoon in the company of people I don't much care for. If anyone has got experience of resolving their case through face to face dialog then please contact me through here or PM. Suppose I best get on and start filling in the court papers anyway. Thanks again James
  14. Hi Ian Good luck with Wednesday, although I feel that you will not be needing it!!! What I should be saying is good luck with tomorrows post, which is where you should find your full settlement!!! Keep us all posted Kind regards James
  15. Hi all Just a quick update, LBA's were all served on 20th October (signed for on 23rd), so their 14 days are now up... I have had the usual replies, this is our final word on the matter blah, blah, blah and so on.... So its time to fill in the court papers, everyone seems to use the online service and are getting the same results nothing for weeks then Lloyds file a defence, then the no one is available for the month of whatever....then a 30 day stay...then 3 more months wait for a court date. Unfortunitely I have already had a default on my credit card and another one on my personal account so waiting til March next year is not good news. I have been thinking about making an appointment to speak with somebody from my local Lloyds business centre to discuss a possible solution to this as I am not able to trade properly as they have now (September) removed my business overdraft and demanded repayment so any money banked is swallowed up, not sure if this is a good move, can anyone advise further on this please? Kind regards
  16. Money well spent:D Congratulations on your win!!!
  17. Congratulations BL, another victory for the (not so) silent minority!!!
  18. Congratulations!!! Here's to many more of the same:)
  19. Hi Got a problem that sounds just like yours, mis-sold PPI on Lloyds credit card, I had to claim Feb 2005 due to a car crash, only to find that because I was self-employed I was not covered, but I've been self-employed for about 16years. So when they sold it to me they should of known. Anyway I asked them to cancel cover last March, they did nothing (to be fair I also forgot to chase it) in Jan this year I contacted them again this time for the 4th time regarding cancelling the cover, only to be told that if I contacted the insurance company they would repay the payments I'd pay for the last 4 years, this was 25th Jan 2006 @9:25am, I kept details of all the calls I made after this and also what was said. I have now integrated these costs into my claim for charges with Lloyds, I'm after about £2k. The LBA was served a week ago. Will keep you updated if anything interesting happens. Regards
  20. Hi all I've had a few letters from Mackenzie Hall myself and also from Cobot who stopped writing after a year or so, these companies are both chasing the same debt, a pair of credit cards from, get ready.... 1993, both were defaulted on when I lost my business and went through a rough patch some 13years ago. I had heard nothing until about 2 years ago when Cobot sent 2 letters about 10 days before Christmas to my mothers house (my old address) I asked her to open them while I was on the phone and she was not best chuffed I can tell you. One was for £2200 and the other about £2500, when the cards were defaulted in 1993 they stood at about £800 between to TWO of them. I did nothing did not ring them did not write, nothing. Anyway been reading a bit on here and another site re: debt removal, cleaning up your credit history etc... and I started to look into this statute barred thing. I am as we speak preparing the letters now to send in the morning as I have waited for almost 2 years for these b*&^&rds to give up but it looks like this may be the only option. I'm not 100% sure that contacting them is the best thing to do so if you have already done this (statute thing) then please let me know. Thanks James PS They have also put 4 TRACE markers on my Equifax Credit report that cannot be removed (apparently).
  21. Hi all I've had a few letters from Mackenzie Hall myself and also from Cobot who stopped writing after a year or so, these companies are both chasing the same debt, a pair of credit cards from, get ready.... 1993, both were defaulted on when I lost my business and went through a rough patch some 13years ago. I had heard nothing until about 2 years ago when Cobot sent 2 letters about 10 days before Christmas to my mothers house (my old address) I asked her to open them while I was on the phone and she was not best chuffed I can tell you. One was for £2200 and the other about £2500, when the cards were defaulted in 1993 they stood at about £800 between to TWO of them. I did nothing did not ring them did not write, nothing. Anyway been reading a bit on here and another site re: debt removal, cleaning up your credit history etc... and I started to look into this statute barred thing. I am as we speak preparing the letters now to send in the morning as I have waited for almost 2 years for these b*&^&rds to give up but it looks like this may be the only option. I'm not 100% sure that contacting them is the best thing to do so if you have already done this (statute thing) then please let me know. Thanks James PS They have also put 4 TRACE markers on my Equifax Credit report that cannot be removed (apparently).
  22. Thanks for that Martin If that is the case, then what do you do next (re: first question) how do you go about claiming back your charges? Regards James
  23. Hi Koko Mines a Trading As Account, so I can assume that it is the same as a personal account. Really not 100% on this, but it would appear so. If anyone out there has had experience with claiming on a business account and can share their knowledge please do. Regards
  24. Hi Martin Not sure if I've may have made a mess of my claim, rough details "enigmaworld Vs Lloyds x 3" I have already sent out the Pre-Lim letter and 14 days are up today, but I used the same letter for my business account (me trading as account) as I did for my personal one, I used the template from this site. I am wanting to send out the LBA but not sure if I am doing the right thing with regard to the business account. If you could shed a little light on the subject for me it would be very helpful. Kind regards
  25. Hi all Been reading the posts for the last 6 months, trying to convince myself that I just don't have time to chase Lloyds for the money they have (EDIT) from me. I started my case against them with the Data Protection Act letter on 22nd May 2006, one for each of my accounts with them (Personal, Business & VISA). I received my information back at the start of July. Then things just completely ground to a stand-still, my partner had fallen pregnant, we were moving house, my business was moving 35 miles from my existing clients and I was suffering from severe anxiety and panic attacks. Not a good start I know, but this month I have been feeling much better and have made a concerted effort to resolve these issues as they have been partly to blame for my illness. On the 6th October, after calcutaling my charges, I wrote the Pre-Lim letters and sent them all off recorded post. Personal acc. £1,336.08, Business acc. £1,081.21 & VISA £1,910.97. These have now incresed by a total of £350.00. On 16th October I received a letter from Lloyds regarding VISA "I am sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with our level of service. A Senior Card Officer will be investigating the matter although it may take a little time to gather all the information together. We'll be writing to you withing the next 10 working days and in the meantime I'm enclosing our 'how to voice your concerns' brochure outlining our complaints procedures." ( brochure was actually missing!!!) Anyway, the 14 days are up today and not really sure of the best way to deal with the situation. Any thoughs would be very much appreciated. Kind regards PS. All the problems with the bank started about 2 1/2 years ago when I had a fall out with the Business bank manager, he came over all cocky saying that if I took his advise I should stop my self employment for a couple of years and get a real job, I unfortunately blurted out "If I take your advise the best I'll ever be is a bank manager" after this our relationship was never the same!!! Edited - Please refrain from the use of language that could be libelous
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