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  1. It would be interesting to hear what happens Toxic. My mum received a letter in August 2008 and after many written exchanges with Davenport Lyons denying that she ever downloaded the file, it all went very quiet. I did hear that Atari had dropped Davenport after they started chasing people for downloading porn. Being an IT professional I was convinced that their claims had no substance and that they were just trying to get people to pay the "settlement" fee. As far as I'm aware it is not the law to secure a network and is up to the individuals using it as to what content they download/upload.
  2. As well as the fact that IP addresses can be faked by a process called spoofing. It fools programs into thinking your IP is actually something completely different. So could look like you were in another country altogether.
  3. Hi, My mum has also received one of these letters demanding a settlement fee of £515, or further court action will be taken. The letter was very intimidating and stated that if she did not pay the settlement fee within 21 days, court action would be taken against her; and the impression from the letter is that this would cost her much more. I have researched this for her and have found numerous reports of other incidences where people were threatened with court action. My research has found that the method in which Logistep collect their data is questionable and not 100% accurate. I use the same wireless network as my mum (in her house), but it does only have basic security. I have heard of this game before, but do not remember ever downloading it or allowing other people to download it from me (I'm pretty sure my mum doesn't file share as she doesn't even know what it is). I will be researching this further and will post anything else that I find, in the meantime is there a group set up for this, or does anyone have any more information about this? Hamurabi, have you heard anything more from Davenport Lyons and secondly, have you been able to seek legal advice?
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