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Fox and the dancer

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  1. No but I have had them in the past regarding County Court judgements and remember what they look like. I do know a Court usher at Sheffield County Court though who might be able to help out.
  2. Well thanks to everyone for your advice. I have downloaded the form to complete and notice it is similar to the Eurodebt schedule and the Court form. Yes I am afraid we have other debtors after what we have coming in and I wish I had found a site like this a while ago instead of paying the fees which we've already paid and what we're still paying. I will send the form to the Derbyshire with a proposal as to how much we can pay for now and what we might be able to pay as an increase in late September and from October onwards. I will make sure to send it by recorded delivery and keep a cooy of the letter/form etc
  3. The thing is they will add all the costs of solicitors and the Court costs onto the mortgage which will increase the o/s mortgage even further. If I do send a schedule as suggested we do and put forward a figure which will increase after September will they also take into account the prospect of the extra income coming in once the new job starts. Or as this date for the new job has not been settled yet will they think it is just an excuse and go ahead anyway with the hearing date
  4. No not able to pay more but we are paying £200 tomorrow and hopefully another £150 next week when I get my mid month payment and then a further £300 at the end of the month when I get the rest of my pay. BUT THEY WANT £900 BY TOMORROW ALTHOUGH THE PERSON WE SPOKE TO IS ASKING THE SUPERVISOR IF WE CAN GET THIS EXTENDED TO MONDAY
  5. I am new to this as I was searching the internet last night and registered to see if I can get some help. Since then Derbyshire Loans have been on to us saying that if we not pay £900 arrears by tomorrow then a hearing date will be issued for repossession. We owe over £2000 on our mortgage and have been in arrears for some time since I was made redundant last April (2007) sometimes it was put up to date when I got a temporary job last summer. Up to the end of the year we managed to keep the arrears, when they existed, at a reasonable level however I had to sign on again at Christmas until the end of January and this put the arrears back into a worst position. Since then over the past few months the situation has got worst as my income has not been enough to cover matters as the job is not really paying enough as I’m not given enough work (Social/Market Research). The arrears have provoked Derbyshire Loans into taking action against us, this was after many threats and during this period they have been very unhelpful and had my wife in tears. It didn’t help the fact that I wasn’t paid until the last working day of the month being the same day as the mortgage was due, and they sent out letters assuming we were not making any payment. As the mortgage of £643 is now over 3 months in arrears we recently received a letter from Derbyshire’s solicitors regarding repossession to say that this will happen if we don’t pay the arrears or come up with an ACCEPTABLE repayment plan. We have contacted the Derbyshire and they have stopped the action for now as we managed to pay some funds from the extra monies my wife got for Children’s Tax Credits last month as we were reassessed due to my lower income. However my income at the end of the month was not very much at all and so we were not able to make the extra payment my wife told them we were hoping to make. Therefore I anticipate another response from Derbyshire chasing the matter and our backup of a loan from my eldest daughters boyfriend will not now be available yet as we were hoping to pay off £1000 this month because of this (he was getting compo in excess of this amount and this has been delayed and he's off for 2 weeks on holiday soon that was also to be paid from the compo) We have paid when we have had funds available but the arrears have increased to their present level and although I will get a little more this month we are unlikely to be able to come up with the funds which Derbyshire are looking to get and I wonder what type of response I can make so that Derbyshire will NOT instruct the solicitors to go ahead with the action and give us a little more time to sort matters out. I am meant to be starting a new job during September (starting date not yet confirmed) which should last for 5 months and this should bring in £300-360 a week but I am not sure if they will wait this long for the increased payments which I will then be able to make.
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