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Posts posted by Prangers

  1. OK....


    in my first post as i said. the balance on my current account should have read £0.00 as the attachment to earnings was paid in full (with proof from the court) but a few months after the court order was paid, IF transfered a total of £2050 worth of debt from my current account to my loan account. i dont have all my statements so cant see if the figure of £1523.16 was accidently paid into my loan account when i should have gone to my current account. the loan was only for £3000 originally i cant see how they get the amount owed as £4325.36 on the loan.


    i only paid £4400 on the credit card because they accepted £2800 as a full and final settlement on the debt. leaving the balance. which i assumed would be written off. it gets worse.... i have succesfully reclaimed £1350 worth of charges and the dept dealing with it said i would only get £700 as i still owed £650 on the account. how can 2 seperate depts in the same company think i owe them 2 seperate completely different amounts????


    regarding my credit file. i only have the credit card left on there so cant see when the others were defaulted or paid. but the credit card is dated march 2005. i have no copies of any defaults being issued on any of the accounts.


    i never asked them for a CCA but i have a copy of the one they submitted to the courts in 2002 in relation to my current account CCj.


    the main gripe i have is that when i submitted my complaint 9 weeks ago i included a whole array of paperwork and evidence. and all they do is write a letter full of amounts and dont actually give any proof of what they are saying is the truth.


    and sorry when you wrote "I think an offer of £100 is pretty derisory." what does derisory mean lol?????

  2. i refer to your letter of 12th August 2008 and thank you for your patience while i investigated the matter on your behalf.


    the issues you raised were in relation to the balances owed by yourself and the payments received not reconcilling.


    in oreder to enable you to review the payment history on each account. ive listed below a breakdown of each of the three profucts, current account, loan and credit card and have detailed all balances/payments in questions.


    CURRENT ACCOUNT- an attachment of earnings order was granted an an arrears balance of £2432.42 in july 2002. in april 2005, due to an outstanding balance remaining, the account was the sold on to one of our agents Tessera to collect the remaining balance. it was then highlighted that as an attachment of earnings was in place, the account should not have been sold on to Tessera therefore the account was subsequently returned to IF. on further checking we noticed that payments made vis the court order tottalling £1523.16 had in fact been credited to your loan account in error (resulting in the discrepancies in the balances on both your april & may statements). these funds were the credited into the current account which resulted in the full balance on the court order (£2432.42) being paid therefore no further action was required by yourself or intelligent finance.


    PERSONAL LOAN- your loan account was originally defaulted on 17th March 2005 with the outstanding balance being £4325.36. the account was subsequently passed to one of our agents Blair Oliver & Scott on 7th June 2005 although with the slight error on the amount owing £4392.99. BOS received total payments of £680.00 prior to the account being sold on to one of our debt collections companies Rockwell on 27th March 2006 with the outstanding balance showing £3712.99 when in fact the correct balance should have been £3645.36. Rockwell confirmed that the total amount of payments received from you equated to £4535.00 being 15x £75.00 and a lump sum payment £2730.00. this has resulted in there being an overpayment made on the loan account of £209.64 that should have been refunded to you. due to the delay in these funds being refunded, additional credit interest has been applied to your account meaning an additional credit of £26.47 taking the total amount due to yourself to £236.11 for which i have enclosed a cheque made payable to yourself.


    CREDIT CARD- the outstanding balance on your credit card at the time of default (again 17th March 2005) was for £4653.47. the account was then passed on to our agents BOS who have confirmed the have received payments totalling £4400.00 meaning the balance of £253.47 remains due and payable.


    due to the time taken and the inconvenience caused, i would like to offer you £100 in compensation as a full and final settlement of your complaint. ive included with this letter an acceptance form that should be completed and returned at your earliest convenience should you choose to accept.


    we are keen to resolve your concerns, if we are unable to do so we will provide you with the details of how to contact the FOS for help. if i do not hear from you in the next eight weeks i will assume you are happy. should you haveany further questions relating to your complaint then contact us.

  3. right got home this morning to find a letter basically saying they are sorry for the confusion over the CC charges. they have agreed to the full payment of £1350 and it will be sent.



    also got a letter regarding the overpayment on the debt i had with IF and they have agreed that i have overpaid them. but not by the £2000 i think i have paid them. they recon i have overpaid by £209 and so they are willing to give me a cheque for £209 + £30 interest. and included a hand written cheque for the amount. and are also offering £100 compensation..... i dont know your lots thinking on this but for the simple fact that they have taken more money than they were due, and the fact they are offering compansation i think they know i could make things a hell of a lot worse for them.


    i have put the cheque in the bank as they say they owe it to me. and the compensation letter i have to sign says if i accept the compensation then the complaint is clossed.


    i could do with some info on what you guys (and girls) think i should do now???? for the sake of £100 im thinking i should simply either inform the FSA or take them to court????????????????

  4. firstly...


    i took out a credit card with Intelligent Finance in sept 2001. i paid maybe a couple of payments and then didnt pay anything else. (its now paid though) Blair Oliver (dca) chased me from 2002 for this dept for which i then defaulted on. i have no paperwork to show i defaulted , even though i have a default on my credit file. the problem i have is that the default is dated july 2005. i have already questioned the date with IF and the CRA but both insist the date is right. i just cant get my head round how it took IF 6 months to pass my debt onto a DCA but took them nearly 4 years to default it. is there anything else i can do to get the default removed???


    i am waiting for a cheque which should arrive today for the charges refund on this credit card. so was wondering if i could use the fact they have refunded the charges to get them to remove the default???




    in 2004 i opened a current account with Nationwide. i used the account for a few months and then went back to my old account with Abbey. i phoned to cancel the only direct debit i had on the account which was for £10 a month to save the children. i continued to get mail from Nationwide but didnt open it as i knew there was only a few quid in there and the account wasnt being used.


    it was only 7 months later when i got a letter from a DCA and to my suprise Nationwide recon i owed them £380..... so i opened all the mail i had from them in the previous 7 months and realised they didnt cancel the DD on my account which incured charges for unauthorised OD and returned payments...... stupidly i eventually paid the DCA after getting nowhere challenging them about me cancelling the DD. but in the end i realised Nationwide had Defaulted my account and this shows on my credit report.


    i have a claim in with them to get the charges back but really want the default removed. is there anyway i can go about this legally speaking??


    sorry to waffle on lol

  5. UPDATE....


    the cheque has still not been approved. they are now 7 days past their 8 weeks allowed time to settle this. so getting angry lol


    news on the double payment complaint. today is D-day with regards to the 8 week time and they said they are sending out a letter today saying i have overpaid by £200 and are prepared to give me £250 with interest. i will wait to look over the letter but as they have only offered a poxy £250 against the £2000 i recon i am owed, this one is going to the FSA as soon as i get the final response letter. they did say if i wasnt happy with the explination or the offer to call them back. but i recon if they are amitting to any kind of overpayment then they are in the Doo Doo


    what are everyones thoughts????

  6. just 2 points to make....


    firstly that would require the government to actually do something that would benifit the hard working tax payers of this country....


    and secondly


    if we were all to receive the £1 million , i know i would not attend full time employment until the money was spent . so the country would fold overnight lol

  7. just phoned IF to get an update. they have looked into the letter i sent along with the proof my debt was paid and they are now very willing to send the cheque out for the £1350 either today (yeh right) or tomorrow at the latest(lol i wasnt born yesterday) so hopefully have the cheque soon.


    thanks again for help.


    also phoned the dept dealing with my "double payment" of a loan and they still have not completed their findings. the woman confirmed they only have until 9th October to sort this out and said she didnt think they would have it sorted. and advised me to consider contacting the FSA over it lol i thought that was odd. but it was my intention anywaylol

  8. yeh i sent it to the national centre by fax at 8am and have proof it was sent from my fax. and then sent again at 9.30am to the direct fax in the customer relations office. and i have the proof it was sent ok.


    if i dont hear anything today (as ive instruckted in the letter) then ill send hard copy tomorrow recorded.


    im still fuming over how underhanded they are being with this.

  9. yeh i have the letter stating that the debt has been settled from the DCA. im fuming i cant beleive they have offered this money by cheque knowing full well i would not see all of the money they are offering. surely the fact i have it in writing from IF that they will pay £1350 by cheque they cannot surely go back on this and say " thanks for accepting the offer but we changed our mind.... we are gonna keep £600 of it"


    the woman on the phone said they £600 still owed by me was made up of charges. i said what all £600 of that is charges... her reply was no only a percentage of it is charges. so i said ill repay that percentage and she said it doesnt work like that....... but she just said it did work like that.



  10. right this has now NOT been settled. i knew it was too good to be true.


    phoned them today as i have been waiting for the cheque they said they would send now for 2 weeks. basically the woman on the phone told me the money had been paid into the credit card account relating to the charges as there was still a balance of £600 to pay on the account. please bear in mind i paid a settlement figure on this account last year which was £600 less than whatthey were asking so i can see where they get the £600 from. the thing is i have a letter from the DCA stating the monies accepted was for full and final settlement of the debt owed.


    another note is in all correspondence with IF i have asked for a cheque. and in the final offer letter ( which i accepted) said i would receive £1350 via cheque to the above address (meaning me lol). it was only today when i phoned the woman said it was being part paid into the debt.


    so basically i told her i reject the offer and for them to terminate my acceptance. (i will also put this in writing and in the post tomorrow). i also told the lady that as they are past the deadline for settling my complaint (8 weeks was up on 2 October) that i will be refering my case to the Ombudsman.


    do you think this i the next step i should take. or do you think i should start court proceedings???


    really need some help now. i have re calculated the claim i put in originally which was for £2400 (all charges refunded in full) and just taken the charges over the past 6 years and the claim now totals £1660. what are the chances of the court enforcing them to pay this???


    sorry to rabbit on.


    could someone remove the **WON** from the title of this thread as im now not a happy bunny lol

  11. lol the trouble i have with the default is that i dont agree with the date it was made. basically i opened the account in sep 2001... i spent up to the limit.... and never made a single payment on the account. so for the next 4 years all IF did was put charges and interest onto the account until they defaulted it. i have already complained about the defualt and they responded by saying that the date was correct.


    so not sure what to do really

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