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  1. the csa specifically told my friend about me personally eg - giving details of which payment i missed (first) - this is not generic information... my friend didnt pass any security questions as they are not a authorised contact on my account.
  2. ill try to keep this short as possible - my friend recommended me to 3 (£30 each) - a customer service rep canclled my first direct debit (reason irrelevant) - said i was not eligable for 30 as i was in arrears - rang up explaining why i didn't pay (cus. service rep. cancelled) they said ok, sorry, heres your 30 - my friend didnt get her 30 - rang up asked why - customer service rep told her.... That I was in arrears, didn't pay my bills, had been sent to collections.. I am no lawyer but I am pretty sure those details are about me and personal information like that should not have been given out (data protection act 1998)... - rang 3 - said how dare you give his info out...etc... - supervisor apologised saying this is grosse misconduct and should never have happened, and someone more senior would ring me back that day - waited 2 days, no call back, rang again.... - customer service rep said the conversation hadn't been recorded nor had it gone on the system, so there was no proof of it happening - waited 2 hours to be put through to senior manager - customer services senior management asked me "were you present during the conversation between your friend and the customer services rep" to which i replied "no" to which he replied "well do you believe everything your friends tell you?" I think thats disgusting coming from SeniorManagement and how dare he imply me or my friend are lying. it seems to me they are seriously covering up any traces of this conversation happening... your thoughts would be appreciated.
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