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Everything posted by mjr001

  1. They issued her with a section 21 and that expired on the 4th of this month. She went into pay the rent on the 5th and they told her they were seeking a court order. She did pay a deposit in a prescribed deposit scheme, does she have to have the gas certificate or the estate agent ?
  2. My daughter got married approx 8 months ago, she a year previous started renting a house through an estate agents with her then to be husband. She got married but not long after he started to go to the booze then started sexually abusing her. Eventually after weeks of abuse my daughter kicked him out. She kept quiet to myself and my wife but one day approx 4 weeks after she kicked him out mentioned it to my wife what he had been doing. My wife told me and i straight away went to the police. He was arrested and interviewed then a long process by the police of interviewing family, his and ours, confiscating mobile phones for evidence etc. During this time my daughter told him she never wanted him back and he then went into the estate agents and took his name off the tenancy. My daughter was then issued with an eviction notice from the estate agents. She has continued to pay the rent with the help of DHS and has never been late paying the rent She has been to the council and they have told her that if she moves out she will be making herself homeless and will not help her finding a property. This was 3 months ago and the final date on the estate agents eviction notice has passed and she went into pay her rent as normal and was told they are now seeking a court order to evict her. Can she be evicted for doing nothing wrong ? she has kept the house immaculate, paid the rent without fail and was the victim of an abusive husband who took his name off the tenancy. Where would she stand when this goes to court, she has 2 young children and is petrified she will be on the streets for xmas.
  3. It was a Rbs credit card from 2012. Rbs passed it to shoosmiths for collection. I went down the unenforceable route but they provided a valid coca so was advised to make payment terms with them
  4. I have just had an offer of PPI reclaim from Rbs. I previously had an Rbs credit card and got into financial difficulties which was passed eventually to shoosmiths. I have been paying the amount agreed with Shoosmiths for 5 years now but my question is do shoosmoths usually buy the debts or just act as agents for the banks. I am aware that if only agents Rbs will offset the PPI against the debt but not sure what happens if the debt has been sold on to shoosmiths
  5. Thanks very much. Is it true that because it has gone through the financial ombudsman they also have to pay me an extra premium and is there any interest due from when I cancelled and when the FOS ruled in my favour, a year later ?
  6. i am trying to work out the intrest on the PPi payments i have made and having a hells job, cant find anything online that is easy to work it out. Legal & General have to pay me back all my ppi after this has now gone to the FOS and they have ruled in my favour. Just want to make sure what they will offer will be correct when they do. The policy started in Jan 2004 and was for £25.55 per month, the policy was cancelled by me as i found out about it on 31st jan 2012, after all the letters it went to the FOS and they ruled in my favour 20th Feb 2013 I am trying to work out the ppi interest that is due on all these payments, 96 of them at £25.55 which i worked out to be £2452.80 but am having trouble on the interest side of it any help please Mark
  7. i have just phoned the co-op and they approved a cashminder account. good news. also have been paying 2 DCA's for cards which i had problems with 6 years ago that have been being paid token amounts ever since and sent them the £1 P/O by recorded delivery for a CCA request. I have just paid my 2 RBS cards minimum payment again and now my money has run out, still no work in and no chance at all of paying them next month, whats my next step now. Do i contact CAB for advice ? Between the 2 cards and my RBS personal loan my debts are about £18k. what do i do next ? I have a mortgage which is not in arrears, 1 car worth about £500 and my 15 year old van for work worth about £300, i dont want to go bankrupt and lose my home with 2 children here
  8. i applied for a co-op one when i started struggling in 2009, i never missed any payments and still have not, they refused me an account. i dont have any CCJ's at all. i just applied for a barclays account and they say will get a decision in 4 working days. i need a bank account that has basic needs, direct debits for motgage and the like. is there the norm that once people ask for their card payments to be reduced they may take money out of their current accounts to pay them ? i have 2 bank accounts, RBS and Natwest but believe they are both owned by RBS. the 2 cards in question are RBS and Mint (which I believe is RBS as well) i am at my wits end worrying
  9. so write a letter asking for the payments to be reduced and intrest frozen for the time being ? also i bank with the same company the cards are with, what is the likelyhood they will take the money in our current account to pay the credit cards. i am worried about the money my wife earns for the food and mortgage being taken
  10. i did not pursue this after the last post, have the details on how to do it changed since then ?
  11. i have 2 credit cards, Mint and RBS, i took both of these out maybe 9-10 years ago and PPI was put on them. I was not told certain things at the time like it could have been bought elsewhere, or if i had any other insurance that would have covered the cards. i was originally in full time employment, but got made redundant and went self employed about 3 years ago, these policys were never claimed on, i just continued to pay the card and ppi i got into financial difficulty about 2 years ago and when i was phoning these companys to try and get my payments lowered the one company said to cancel my ppi to make the payments cheaper, which i did. i told both of the card companys i was self employed at the time. i since believe that the ppi does not cover me for self employment, but not sure. i do not remember where any of the paperwork for when i took the cards out is now, how would i go about starting to get any deatils about the ppi on these cards and possibly reclaiming them please help. newbi, no idea whatsoever
  12. I have been self employed for 12 months, due to losing my full time job i was with for 20 years. i have 2 credit cards which total £500 per month and also an agrrement with 2 dca's from when i was made redundant totalling £30 per month. Work has gone none existent for the past 6 weeks (Builder) and i have struggled to get through xmas as it is, with only the next payments on my cards and other dents to look forward to. i have now printed the standard CCA agreement letter to the 2 DCA's ready to go, but is there anything i can do to stop the payments on the 2 credit cards until work comes back in ? I also have my tax return to file for last year with nothing saved for this either. what a good start to 2012 any help please
  13. i have been through my wifes contract and employees handbook and there is nothing at all that says anything about repaying courses or keeping the certificates from training. its a very weird company, no one ever gets the certificates or ever gets a reference if they decide to leave. the problem is it hinders people trying to get another job by not showing proof of their capabilities.
  14. my wife works as a care assistant in a nursing home, she has considered leaving this job for a better job doing the same line of work. other people she works with, and people who have left before have all said that the owner of the nursing home will not give my wife any of the certificates for the numerous courses she has passed since being employed there if she decided to leave. is there any way i can write a letter if she decides to leave to be able to get her certificates off the current employer ? i have spoken to many different people who say that the employer should have photo copied her certificates for their records and given my wife the originals already. she went for an interview today and they asked about qualifications and obviously my wife said she passed all the courses but never had any proof as her current employer has them. any help grateful regards Mark
  15. i cannot find any of the paperwork for the PPI as this was taken out nearly 10 years ago. i have come to the conclusion i want to claim it back. any ideas ?
  16. i have had credit cards with mint and RBS for nearly 10 years, i recently lost my job and have gone self employed doing the same line of work (contruction). when i phoned up to claim off my PPI when i lost my job they said i would have to sign on for unemployment benifit and get letters from my preivious employer before they would considor it. i cannot live on unemployment benifit, only just getting by by going self employed but still £1500ndown on wages each month. so i cant claim PPI my problem is that now i am upto my limits on both cards and even though i am paying the minimum payment they ask for, the balances still go up by £60 a month. they are both aking me to cancel my PPI so the minimum payments dont keep adding to the total balances. my attitude is now to cancel the PPI on both and try and reclaim the payments i have made on the PPI back by some reason, just to try and get some of my money back. any ideas ??
  17. it was the nat west who i applied online for. not the basic current account but the one up from it. which account did you get ?
  18. i am with a major bank, who i have 2 credit cards with, i have just been made redundant and i am trying to open new bank accounts in case it all goes pete tong. i have not run into any arrears on my cards, but have asked them to reduce payments for a couple of months while i set myself up as self employed. i am trying to open new bank accounts in case i need to start going along the CCA route. my problem is i applied online for 1 account which said at the end of it-approved in principle and the other straight after on the phone with the co-op who said referred to underwriters. do you think both of these will be turned down. i take it referred in principle needs to be credit checked ? any ideas Mark
  19. yes i did think of that but i bank with the same company that the cards are with, would i be able to open a new bank account just been made redundant ?
  20. both the cards are about 8-10 years old
  21. the thing is i need to register as self employed for a job at the start of august( i need a UTR number for my tax) to give to the contractor, this job only lasts a couple of weeks but i still need the UTR number, which is why i was wondering if the PPI was really worth claiming or just ask for reduced payments
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