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  1. I was in the same boat so had my number changed. Paul
  2. Hi, I am really glad to have found this forum. I am sure you will be able to offer me some needed support.. Thank you Paul
  3. I have had Three Network for over a year now without any problem until I tried to Upgrade to a new mobile. Firstly the mobile choice is pathetic. Besides this I have poor eyesight so need large fonts. We settled on a Nokia 6220 Classic which I received a few days later. This is where things get stupid. I was told that if I personalized the phone in any way I would not be able to return it. So now I have 14days to look at the phone as if I try to check out the features or Fonts it will constitute personalization. So where are my rights to be able to make sure the phone is fit for me. I decided not to change anything and send it back. I phones to arrange this and was told that I had set the time when I did not. I asked how is that possible as it had never had a Sim inserted. At this my return was accepted and arrangements made. I am still not happy so I phone Three to find out what I can do to decide if I like the phone. They say you should check the design and features. I reply that I can't do that without setting the time, and you don't allow that, so I can't check the features are right for me. They suggest that I just look at the phone and then go and find a shop in town to try the features. I am fuming by this time as I have been a bed-bound paraplegic for the last 25years and cannot go to the shops. Surely this practise must be against trading standards. I can understand no sending or receiving but setting a clock to have a look I'm fuming. I am returning the phone tomorrow quickly followed by getting a PAC codes and will never deal with Three again even if they are the lowest prices. So what should I be able to do with a phone to help decide if its for me? Paul
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