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Everything posted by Tina&Gaz

  1. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I don't want to wait that long!! I'm gutted now bet you are too!
  2. OMG!! you've been waiting 2 months! ARRRGGGHHH!! can't stand the waiting! Thanks anyway Sharon
  3. ok this morning I have recieved a letter from DLA saying that they have sent back thier AQ and an offer for 50% is still open, I know a couple others on here have had this letter, but I have a couple of questions: how long will this stage take? how long will it take the court to give me a hearing date? really sick of waiting now........................
  4. Cheeky buggers!! asking you to lower your ''entitled'' money back! I'd tell them to stick it and go for the full whack now!
  5. AQ sent off to the court, plus a copy of it to Alison burton, sent a reminder email also to Alison saying: Dear Alison, just a reminder that I have posted my AQ to the court today, also I have posted yourself a copy of the AQ by recorded delivery, as a good will guesture. Kind regards Tina hopefully what I put in the ''other infomation'' will get them moving a bit faster!
  6. yeah been reading them, so yet more waiting then hhhuuummpppppffffff!!!
  7. I was just wondering if I have to amend the amount I'm claiming to add the 8% interst per day that's getting charged since I issued my court claim? or is that automaticlly added? how much is this per day? I'm posting my AQ tomorrow plus a copy to DLA
  8. good luck!! keep us informed
  9. Welcome to the site , yes your in for a long, long fight, mines been going on since April!!! hopefully though I'm nearly there now!
  10. 6 day's left until I send back me AQ, should I send a reminder to DLA or just sit tight and wait? been watching my account like a hawk, but nothing yet, do they usually let it go this far?
  11. Tina&Gaz

    nat V Abbey

    good luck!! your in for a very long wait though! Abbey are sooooo good at delaying EVERYTHING!
  12. god I hope you get it soon Rayo! it's a right downer knowing that they are going to send you the money and then NOT get it! that would drive me mad!
  13. I sent this letter: Date: 27/07/2006 claim number: 6ML00912, Mold County Court Dear Alison, I have recieved the Allocation Questionnaire from the above named court, I intend to return the form on the 9th August, if you would prefer to settle in full prior to then mindful of the courts time and Abbey incurring further costs, please would you contact me BEFORE the 9th August so I could notify the court, if I do not hear from you by this time then I shall proceed with my court action. kind regards Tina
  14. AQ recieved this moring, I have followed the notes in the library to fill it in, it's the N149 form because my claim is less than £1,500, I don't have to pay the fee do I? also do I send this right away, or do I wait? the return date is 14th August, do I inform DLA that I have this form and give them the option to settle the claim before I send the AQ back?
  15. more waiting!! Abbey must be the slowest bank on here! good luck with your's!
  16. done!! however you didn't catch me before I sent that email (sent it even before you replied with your offer rejection letter), I just had to send another one to Alison telling her to disregard that sentence, have I totally blown it now? I've had this reply back already: WITHOUT PREJUDICE Dear Tina, I acknowledge receipt of your email, and your rejection of our offer. We shall await the allocation questionnaire. Kind regards Alison
  17. Thanks Karnevil, I've just searched this site and found this one too: Dear ........ I am in receipt of your letter dated..... including your defence against my claim ref........ I note in your covering letter you have made an offer of 50% of the claim if i refute my claim, and acknowledge no liability from the defendant. Unfortunately I do not see this as a fair settlement, and therefore am forced to decline. However, I am willing to drop the case if the claim is settled in full with the additional cost of my court fees. Regards hope these help others too! right off to send my reply
  18. CONGRATZ!!!!!!! everyone is winning it gives so much hope to the rest of us!! well done you!!
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