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  1. Yes, there is more than enough money from the sale to pay the mortgage and all of the arrears off.
  2. I can only pay 500. We were expecting to exchange this week.
  3. Sorry, The Plough - I was replying to Bona at the same time you were replying to my original post! The original seller lost his Father just before we were due to sign the contracts, and basically went AWOL. I then found another buyer, and this sale has only been going through for three weeks. My seller was expecting to exchange contracts this week as well, but we're still waiting on the solicitors! I was told by the lady at the court that they would tell the bailiffs that I was at court at 10am, but that, if the judge decided to let the eviction go ahead at 11.30am, then it still would.
  4. Thank you so much for replying. I do have a letter from my solicitor saying that they are representing me in the sale. The mortgage company is Capstone, who, apart from one chap, have been really aggressive when I talk to them. I'm 3,900 in arrears, and my last payment was in May.
  5. I have recently had a notice that I am going to be evicted on July 29th at 11.30am. I went to court today to hand in my N244 form, and the earliest date they could give me for a hearing is July 29th at 10am! They have said that the judge could still order the eviction to take place at 11.30am, but I would have no chance of being able to get back to where I live in time to get my stuff. (The court is in a nearby town) I'd also have no time to organise somewhere else to move to. I am currently in the process of selling my house, I am going to be renting the house from the buyer. He has a mortgage in place, and we are basically waiting to exchange contracts, but the solicitors seem to be dragging their heels about sending us the paperwork, and that is even though they know about the eviction, and they have me calling them daily to chase things up. I have been told that the judge won't let the eviction go through as I have a buyer, and we are basically just asking for more time for the sale to complete. However, after being told the hearing is going to be just 90 minutes before the eviction is due to take place, I am now really worried, especially as I have two young children - they are 10 and 8. Does anyone have any advice for me? I'd really, really appreciate it. Many thanks in advance.
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