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  1. Cheers for everyones imput, Will prob look at changing bills to monthly so that they can't build up if they do a runner.
  2. Im not unreasonable I wont make somone homeless but if after a few months i find we don't get on I dont want to be in a situation where I cants ask them to leave with fair notice. I also want to take people advice as to the best precautions to take in the first place. e.g. the deposit
  3. My only real worry is that 1) The get into arrears (Deposit will be one months rent) 2) They move out with bills still due (e.g. Gas and water are quartly So if they get in arrrears of one month then the deposit covers this but if they just move out then im stuck with half the bills
  4. So, I could agree the above with the loger. What happens if they break something and dont pay or move out and have not settled bills? How can I cover myself then? What happens if they leave a door open and we are burgled my insurance wont pay out as the door is open so are they liable?
  5. Hi, Im new to the forums, I would like to rent out my spare room in my flat. I have had friends living with be before generally with out any issues. However I did have one friend who could not pay his rent and basically I lost £350 and a friend as I could not afford for him to live at mine for free as I had bills to pay. I would like to maybe draw up an agreement with the following points 1) No loud noise/music after 11pm Monday-Friday 2) Any damages must be replaced or repaired within 14days 3) Rent must be paid ontime, late paments incure 10% fee 4) 30days notices must be given if moving out 5) Landlord may give 30days notice and ask you to move out 6) Deposit will only be released once all bills have been paid in full 7) Room is for single occupancy 8) House must be kept clean and tidy I want to cover myself so if i don't get on with the person I can ask them to leave, I also want to cover my self if they don't pay there rent. Would I be best having an estate agent deal with a contract and payments it might cost me some of there rent but would help with issues or late payment etc
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