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Everything posted by littlebert8

  1. I am in a dispute with MBNA over a couple of accounts. They have been unable to supply a CCA for them, but have continued with their usual collections treatment. One of the tactics that bugs me is their strategy of sending letters to my previous addresses. My parents have passed one of these on to me and today one of my friends, who I used to share a house with, also passed me a letter addressed to me at one of my previous addersses. I think this is probably a breach of principle 7 of the data protection act - if a lender knows where you live, and I have never disputed this with them, then I don't think it is acceptable for them to send private correspondence to an address that they know full well that I don't live at. Does anyone have a view on the legality of this behaviour, and specifically how to address it with MBNA?
  2. Has anyone else received calls from MBNA that appear to originate from a mobile number i.e. 07...? Despite the fact that I have sent the telephone harassment letter (with the CCA 12+2) , MBNA are still regularly attempting to call me. They use various different numbers or withhold them. Since barring withheld numbers on my home phone, they have started using what appear to be mobile numbers. I've added them to the bar list on my home phone, but they keep trying new ones - they're persistent, I'll give them that. Does anyone know if the "collections specialists" are actually using mobiles or if their dialler has a pool of numbers to choose from? I dont particularly care if they phone my mobile, but I dont want my wife to have to answer their calls on the house phone. Any suggestions as to how to stop these calls?
  3. its a peach isn't it. I know that this is fairly common in automated/bulk mailings - either the automailer fails or the poor guy stuffing envelopes all day just looses concentration (or doesn't really care). However, you wouldn't expect a "Compliance Manager" to make the same mistake. I'm going to do just as you suggest. I'm still not sure how to progress the Virgin account though. Hopefully someone will be along with some advice soon.
  4. littlebert8

    Darset v MBNA

    your situation seems familiar. I too have just received virtually the same letter that you have. It seems we both have an old BOS affinity card that they cant provide an agreement for. If you are interested my thread is here.
  5. Please ignor - need to get postcount up in order to post links
  6. Here is the text of the letter meant for someone else: Probably not enough info to commit a fraud on its own, but a good start. Also begs the question - are the T&Cs they sent mine or Mr Customers?
  7. I've been lurking here for a little while now and I think its time to start my own case thread. I have two accounts with MBNA, one of them being a Virgin Money card and the other a MBNA branded product. I sent separate CCA requests to MBNA which were delivered to them on 13/08. Last Friday (29 Aug) I received a response. Essentially, MBNA have provided a facsimile copy of the agreement for the Virgin account only. This is an image of both sides of a small (roughly 3 inch) tear off slip. I'm pretty sure this doesn't contain all the prescribed terms. They also included a set of current T&Cs and a statement. Here is the front of the "Agreement": and here is the back: They have failed to provide an image of the MBNA agreement and have simply provided the current T&C documents. In their cover letter they appologise for not providing a photocopy, but hope that the T&C document is sufficient for my needs! I'm pretty sure that they wont be able to get hold of the executed agreement, because MBNA are not the original creditor - the account was part of a portfolio sold to them in 2005. Even if they do manage to retrieve it, its almost certainly an application form rather than an agreement. Despite not sending me what I asked for, their "Compliance Manager" did see fit to include a letter addressed to a different MBNA customer! So, to sumarise, this is what I got back from my CCA s78 request: Virgin - a likely unenforceable agreement MBNA - no agreement, unlikely that its retrievable Bonus - a letter intended for another poor MBNA customer. I'm fairly clear in where to go next with the MBNA account, allthough any pointers will be gratefully recieved. Virgin is a little less clear - hopefully someone can advise when I post the scan? In the meantime, any suggestions on what I should do about the letter - a clear Data Protection Act breach if ever there was one?
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