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  1. Oh hello, Suzi thank you so, so much. I have an appointment with the CCCS on the 9 August. I'm just so affraid that they will be unable to help me. I'm just a silly fool, and am so worried, I love my family so much, yet i've caused them so much pain. I really wished there was something more that I could do. Take care x
  2. Suzi - Oh my goodness, I've had an awful day. I've actually called all the creditors as was advised by the CCCS and informed them that I will be making a token payment for this month whilst my case was being dealt with. Unsuprisingly, they didn't accept these offers, furtheremore, they were adament that they would not work with me if I am refused assistance by the CCCS. I'm now so worried that the CCCS will not help me.
  3. I’ve just been informed tonight by a friend who was medical signed off from work for 13 months had her monthly Lloyds TSB Credit Card minimum payment paid on her behalf by the PPI. After the 12 months were up, they then cleared the whole £9,200 balance which existed on the Credit Card account when she first took ill. Is this correct or has she been exaggerating this fact. I’m so confused. Thank you
  4. Suzi - Thank you. But, do you really think that a minimum of £141 a month would be a big enough ammount to pay these creditors - the monthly payments for the Personal Loan alone is £280 and the HSBC Credit Card is £200. Even if PayPlan or CCCS were to accept me, which I'm not sure if they will, I find it hard to believe that the Creditors would accept such a huge reduction . Even if Icould just get the balance cleared on some of the lower cards such as the £ and £ this would make such a difference. Suzi - Thank you for taking the time to reasure a silly fool! What type of bank account do I require? I also have an old Nation Wide account, would this be of any use.
  5. Hello PriorityOne, Why does it matter how old the credit account cards are. Will this make a difference when trying to arrange a payment plan. I find all these rules very confusing. Thank you so much
  6. Honey, I’m so sorry, I’m just so worried that I can’t actually see a way out of this mess. I thought you were implying that as a result of not being in arrears that the CCCS would not help me, which came as a shock. No, we don’t have any payment protection insurance on these cards or personal loan. I do hope that this situation is for a short period only, a maximum of 6 months, as I am actively seeking employment but to no avail. In your opinion what is the likely hood of the CCCS accepting to take my case with a surplus amount of only £141 and so many creditors and high monthly payments. Thank you so much - you dont realise just how much help you are - THANK YOU:-)
  7. Sorry, what do you mean if there are no arrears it would be pointless? I am about to go into areas this month, which I was trying to avoid - does this mean they wont be able help me with all these credit cards or personal loan including the over drafts. Oh my goodness, I dont know what to do, I'm so scared - Will these companies be able to reposes our home or items within it. I would hope not to declare ourselves bankrupt, what other options do i have with these.
  8. Thank you so much for your reassuring words, such words really do give me so much more determination to come through this. At this movement I’m not in any arrears with payments, as all monthly payments have been made with other credit cards. The problem is now that the monthly payments are too high and I will begin to go into arrears. Total amounts owing and monthly payments. Overdraft Fees: Monthly Payments £150 – Approx Total Continues Personal Loan: Monthly Payments £300 – Approx Total £20,000 HSBC Credit Card: Monthly Payments £200 – Approx Total £10,000 MBNA Credit Card: Monthly Payments £125 – Approx Total £7,500 EGG Credit Card: Monthly Payments £50 – Approx Total £1,600 MINT Credit Card: Monthly Payments £50 – Approx Total £2,700 Any further help and advice is so helpful and sincerely appriciated….
  9. May I first begin with my sincere apologies for what will much repetition and what some may term an over reaction, unfortunately I am so desperate. My family and I are exceptionally worried; I am now actually at the point of realising that there is no way forward. I am aware that our home is at risk and with two very small babies I am at a loss what to do. My Husband and I have led what you would term a normal lifestyle, each owning a credit card, and additionally I had a £25,000 Personal Loan all without payment protection insurance. We never actually dreamt that one day we would need the services of this, considering this as an addition cost. Unfortunately, as with most families, overtime we spent far too much on the credit cards, although we weren’t particularly bothered as our salaries comfortably covered the minimum payment. Then in January of this year whilst on maternity leave, I lost my job due to administration. In an instant we did not have sufficient funds to cover all of our outgoing payments. As a result, and out of fear I began doing the worst thing possible. We were using other credit cards to pay monthly bills as well pay for all our living cost. Then we would apply for varies other credit cards to transfer some of the balance with 0%. You can imagine how bad things have become; monthly outgoings exceed the income by hundreds of pounds. For the past four nights I have been questioning my life worthiness, yesterday morning however I had a good talk with my husband, who quickly made me relies that taking my own life is not the answer and that he loves me very much, more importantly we have two baby twins who need a mother. We both realised enough is enough, we want to do all that we can to save our home whilst try and reduce this debt of £42,000. I have ready many similar posts within this site; unfortunately, I am finding most of them very difficult to understand. There are a lot of Acronyms that I don’t understand, such as CCA, SAD’s etc…. I have read an awful lot of post on here regarding CCCS, however I am very worried that they will refuse to handle our case as a result of to low a level of surplus money. At this moment if we were to calculate all of our income and subtract priority debt such as the mortgage Gas & Electricity, Council Tax and living expenses, we are left with £143 a month. We then need to find: £150 - Overdraft Fees £300 - Personal Loan £200 - HSBC Credit Card £125 - MBNA Credit Card £50 - EGG Credit Card £50 - MINT Credit Card There will be some months though our calculations where we will have £200 surplus if my husband is able to work overtime. We have cancelled the telephone and sky television and don’t have any luxuries. Although we do both have an 18 month mobile telephone contracts which we are only 12 months onto. We have contacted the Carphone Warehouse to try and cancel these contracts, but are refusing stating the only way we are able to cancel the contract is if we pay the remainder. Does anyone have experience with the Carphone Warehouse. Furthermore, has anyone had experience dealing with the CCCS for such a high level of debt owed to so many creditors? I have read in most posts the CCCS will not provide any help if you do not have a minimum of £100s which we don’t, as I said all we have is a surplus amount before taking all these Credit Card payments into account. Can we realistically expect the Credit Cards and Personal Loans to reduce their minimum payment – if not what other options do I have, more importantly can anyone reposes our home along as we make payments to the Mortgage each month. As of this time we are not in any areas as a result of using credit cards to make each monthly payment, but we realise that this must stop now. Thank you so much for all your help and advice.
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