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  1. When I started at RMA Sandhurst in May last year we had an afternoon where we were ushered through one of the gyms and people from variuos insurance groups got us to sign up to free kit insurance and stuff like BUPA. I signed up to 1 years free insurance with Forces Financial under the premise that after a year i'd pay for a year. No personal advise was offered and we were pretty much just given a pen and told where to sign. The problem arose when i received my renewal docs, these stated that i had to inform them of any laptops or ipods etc... So i rang them and they want a 15 pound administration fee to do this. I pointed out that at no point in the previous year or when i took the policy out that i would have to inform them of these items, or that they weren't already covered by the policy. I was told that it was stated in the documentation... however the first documentation i received was the renewal info, 12 months after i signed a contract! It is infuriating that they want 15 pounds to add these items, and that the insurance wasn't fully explained when it was taken out, being shuttled through and told where to sign for 'free' insurance surely doesn't count as advise does it????
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