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Everything posted by bluebellwoods

  1. if you call him again make sure you can record the call - I have learnt that today. I too have had Rundles on my doorstep today, with no prior warning. I have posted a thread which is helping me sort it out. I am in the process of writing a Removal of Right of Implied Access notice - which I am told will keep him away from my property if posted on the door - and INSIDE the front window so he can't throw it away, and I've also emailed a copy to several people at Rundles. I was scared and panicking this morning but am quite calm about this now ,having had some good advice. I'm sure someone who knows more than me will be along later to help you. Good luck,
  2. thank you for the advice so far, which i have gratefully acted on. No, there has been no bailiff in my house previously, neither for siezure of goods or to levy . This is the first contact we have had with themn re this debt.
  3. I have been paying Rundles £25 a week for this years council tax .I have paid regularly and on time. I make my payments online. Last week as I made the payment I noticed they held a second account for a smaller amount of unpaid council tax for last year. I knew we had an outstanding amount but wasn't aware it had gone to the bailiffs. I have since been expecting a letter from them asking for payment or a payment arrangement, instead I have just had a bailiff visit my house and leave an attendance notice saying he called to remove goods and will be calling back in within 48 hours with the police if necessary, and that he may seize and remove sufficient goods to clear the debt. T he amount is now £850 - i don't have that much. We struggle to pay the £25 a week but as it is council tax it has to be paid one way or another. at the bottom of the letter it says to avoid these distressing and costly actions please call the bailiff. - should i do this. ? I have my dad's car at the door, as he is seriously ill and I'm using it to ferry my mum around. I've also given up a lot of work to care for my parents - would a bailiff listen ? could he clamp the car or would he have to prove it was mine - it's not registered to me or to this address. I could do without this right now and would welcome some advice as to how i can face up to him when he comes back.
  4. Because I was teaching I can't really threaten to take anything back, but my last resort is to let City and Guilds know about some dodgy marking which went on - after my involvement -.
  5. I asked for the name and address of their advisors on July 17th - no reply has been forthcoming. I have sent a Letter before Action giving them 14 days to resolve the matter satisfactorily. Thanks for your help
  6. Thank you - my thoughts exactly. I am taking control of this and going the way. I will send the recorded delivery letter tonight. thanks again
  7. In March 2007 we agreed to buy a Toyota Townace from someone we considered to be friend - who deals in exporting and repairing vehicles. The total cost was £1200. He told us it needed some work doing on it which would take a few weeks - we gave him £560 -stupidly without asking for a receipt as he was a friend, and partly because in taking it from us he was doing us a favour in stopping us spending it on something else. By July after many promises from him, the vehicle was still not ready but knowing he was busy and not wanting to fall out we borrowed a neighbours car to tow our caravan. By December - many promises later, and by this time he had told us several times that it was ready, taxed tested and towbar and he was 'bringing it to you tonight' - we paid a visit to his garage - it is some miles from our house so not somewhere we could go everyday. we saw the vehicle in his yard - wrecked, storing bits of old cars, ready to be weighed in. When confronted he admitted it had never been roadworthy but that he had a Toyota Lucida lined up for us which we could have in a few days. Needless to say - same old promises two or three times every week until May this year when we'd finally had enough. He promised us (again) if he didn't have the vehicle for us in three days he would bring our money back - and here we are still waiting. We've bought another vehicle elsewhere. This so-called friend is still trading, still promising, almost everyday, that he has the money - until we say we will call to collect it ! My husband is reluctant to fall out - I am all for exerting a bit of pressure now but I'm not sure where I stand without a reciept as proof of giving him the money - although a neighbour was there when we gave it to him. I have completed and saved a moneyclaim online form. I am thinking of sending him a letter before action but I'm wondering if this the right way to go about it. Obviously reason and tolerance haven't worked. I'm happy to name and shame him but not just yet
  8. I worked for a training organisation as a self-employed trainer from Nov2007-June 2008. I was contracted to deliver training which was worth just over £10 000 in fees. I have submitted an invoice each month since Nov 2007 and have so far been paid only just over £3000 in very erratic and irregular payments. The last payment was for £500 just over four weeks ago. I have been pestering them on a daily basis for the rest of my fees as life is now becoming very difficult - my rent is in arrears and my phone has now been cut off - there is only so much in which large organisations will listen to promises of payment. Yesterday I had an email telling me they are having 'cash flow' problems and are in discussions with the bank and licensed financial advisors preparing a plan so they can pay their creditors. they have been advised not to make anymore payments to anyone for a couple of weeks until the plan is prepared. It all sounds very ominous to me. I checked companies house to see if they on the list of companies gong into liquidatio - but they aren't. There are however no accounts produced for this year - overdue. I am really angry and I feel used - I worked really hard for 6 months thinking I would be able to sit back and enjoy the summer - now I have had to cancel my holiday. I did some research earlier this week and wondered whether I could take them to an employment tribunal - this was before yesterday's email. Now I am wondering should I just sit back and wait a couple of weeks for their next communication, should I contact their advisors for a full explanation, is there anything else I can do ? I feel alone in this situation as I have no contacts with other trainers who might be also be owed money. The company also has salaried staff and I am wondering what their position is ? Any help, advice or suggestions would be very welcome - and in fact thank you if you have read this and can't help - just by doing so you have helped me sound off about it a little
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