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Everything posted by Cornucopia

  1. Hello everybody, nice to see you're all still keeping the thread going whilst I am unable to do so! Peter, I am very pleased that you have visited, it is usually ME asking YOU!! MBNA are the biggest thorn in my side and I like to think that is reciprocated, so please ask away! Chorlton - HOW ARE YOU STRANGER? Long time, no see!!! Glad to see you back! Corn x:)
  2. Cornucopia


    No you haven't! You've had an application form with current T&C's, usual MBNA rubbish........just keep chipping away...........you know what to do!!
  3. I am delighted for you, well done! Best wishes, Corn x:)
  4. Davey, got your stuff, thanks, can I speak to you? Am in now, can you pm me your phone number? Thanks!
  5. Cornucopia

    Lady H v MBNA

    Fantastic letter, really well put together.......let them stew in it, they are SUCH idiots! Good luck hun and keep me posted!
  6. Well spotted Gill, however, I MIGHT have spotted it HAD YOU STUCK IT IN THE POST TO ME DAVEY.........:rolleyes::rolleyes: I will get onto the other stuff at some point tomorrow.......but I may have to start blackmailing you........
  7. Hello BigJohn! I would accept as partial settlement but pursue for the rest...........go on, you can't do it! Regards, Corn x:)
  8. Oh this sounds all SO familiar - application form - 1996. T&C's 2000 and 2003 respectively, they couldn't decide which so they sent both just to be on the safe side!!
  9. Cornucopia


    Hello stranger again!!! Long time, no hear from! Hope you are well......have had a bit of a crap night tonight so will get onto this tomorrow.......can you email me with the details again so I am reminded, I need to go to bed but will help you out tomorrow hun......don't worry, nothing we can't sort out. Keep the faith! xxxxxxxxx:) PS : Am at work tomorrow, so will be later in the evening if that is OK xx
  10. AC, did you get my email regarding our respective Morgan Stanley situations? I think we could put our heads together with this one!
  11. Hello Chargedup, all good I hope!! Nice to meet you, are you by any chance living under the same roof as Pers??!!
  12. They did this to me Redsue, sent out an application form and when pressured, under separate cover they sent two different sets of T&C's from 2003 (the application was from 1996), therefore they could, in my opinion, belong to somebody else, they certainly were not from the 1996 application, that's for sure. I would report to the usual relevant authorities and write to MBNA and point out that they have breached the DPA by passing you somebody's elses data and that it does not comply. Idiots:rolleyes:
  13. Monopoly, yes, laugh out LOUD indeed! 467 to be exact. Bless them. Been VERY quiet since my complaint........what do you think the Judge would say??? Also I ended up with repetitive strain injury opening up the envelopes, despite my darling 8 year old daughter helping me.........."Wow Mum, they have tried really hard to help you haven't they"???? Bless her heart!.........
  14. May I also add that we organised a mass complaint regarding MBNA via the MBNA forum. My advice would be to nominate one person who is happy to gather information via PM. In our situation we had one nominee who provided her email address to those that PM'd her regarding the mass complaint thread. The advice is to put together one page with your name and account number and then list the various breaches/complaints. Try and keep this to one A4 page (challenging, I know:rolleyes:). Email this to your nominee and they will print out and collate the complaints. To clarify, give yourselves a deadline for the complaints, for example, we left the thread open for two months. Once we had collected all the complaints, we sent them to FOS, OFT, TS, FSA, ICO. It's been quiet, so I guess they are wondering how to deal with such a complaint! However, I think this is a very effective way of complaining and I would suggest that you all go for it. Having orchestrated the MBNA issue, I would be glad to see somebody take the helm with the other banks. Any Morgan Stanley peeps, do let me know as I will be glad to tell the authorities about my 400-odd conjectured agreements:rolleyes: I just want to know which ONE is enforceable?!!! Regards, Corn x:)
  15. Hang on, are we talking OFT or TS? AC was referring to TS. I have to say my local TS were absolutely bloody useless, I don't want to expand too much because my situation is on a knife edge at the moment but suffice to say I made a very strongly worded complaint which has not been responded to in several weeks. The words "arse" and "elbow" spring to mind..................... Regards, Corn x:)
  16. It's a microfiche, I am sure of that. I could really do with seeing this up close!!
  17. Hi there, yes lots of people have received documents purporting to be their agreements, bear in mind that the timescale is 12 days plus 30 calendar days plus 2 days for delivery. You can stop paying them after 12 days, however, you need to realise that there will be consequences for this, however unjust or unlawful that is. It would be a good idea to start your own thread and post the details so that advice is tailored to your circumstances and also not to hijack FYTC's thread. Get this done and we will all help where we can. Regards, Corn x:)
  18. Hi Clokester, I would wait and see what the SAR throws up. It should be in there in which case you can tell the idiots that they are doing creative writing again! Regards, Corn x:)
  19. I really wouldn't hesitate with this Monopoly, although as Yaffsimone says, I would be inclined to send postal orders rather than cheques. I think you should treat the three separate CCA requests as such. There is too much room for confusion, it will be easier for you to keep track of and it gives the creditor very little wriggle room. I know there is additional expense but in my view, this is money well spent.
  20. Hello, I personally would send them separately, there is too much room for error, especially with one cheque. I know the additional expense of sending each one recorded is a pain, but at least you have proof of what was sent when and if I were you, I would write on the recorded slip exactly what each one is for so that if anything goes missing, you know what is what. Just my opinion, but I don't trust them one iota!!!!!
  21. I would seriously tell them to get stuffed! I am pretty sure they recently had to issue an apology for writing a letter like this, if I were you I would get in touch with the Office of Fair Trading, Trading Standards and the Financial Ombudsman Services and report this veiled threat! This does not conform with the Banking Code. I would also write to them and inform them, quite clearly, that despite of their veiled threat, you will be continuing with your claim and reporting their behaviour to the relevant authorities. Continue with your claim, as planned. You must not settle for half of your claim because they have threatened you - this is exactly the result they want! Can you imagine if everybody backed off, they would be laughing their heads off! Have you opened an account elsewhere? If you are concerned about your credit history, you can open a basic bank account - the NatWest Step Account can be opened online, for example. To be honest, this would make me want to take my business elsewhere in any event! It is outrageous! Good luck and keep us posted! Regards, Corn x:)
  22. Standing you need to put something along the lines of : "I am pleased to accept xxxxx in partial settlement of my claim, however, I require confirmation that this amount has been credited to my account within 7 days of the date of this letter". Hope this helps!
  23. OK Standing, that's more like it!! I personally wouldn't reject their offer, I would accept it as "partial settlement", this will show you are being reasonable. I hope you get this in time! Thank you for your compliment! Much appreciated! Look forward to hearing about "Round 2"!!! Regards, Corn x:)
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