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  1. The plot thickens!! After refusing to believe me when I told them the payment was accepted manually and not via automated payment system, they have just called me to say they now agree a member of HMCS telephone staff accepted the payment.....but she wasn't authorised to do so. Therefore they don't accept my payment (even though it has left my bank account and presumably landed in theirs!!) as it is now with bailiffs re;the letter I received this morning with last weeks adress on it. They say they are sending a cheque in the post as a full refund. Do I have any grounds to refuse the refund and argue they have already accepted payment?
  2. Hi all, I recently received a fixed penalty notice of £90 for driving without MOT (expired fortnight earlier, my fault I know) Only last week was I able to pay it to the HMCS but this morning (28/07/10) received a letter from bailiffs dated 16/07/10 demanding payment of £165 within seven days or bailiffs coming to collect !! After a few phone calls it appears the HMCS shouldn't have accepted payment so have decided to refund it although they never notified me and I am still yet to receive the said refund. Initially the HMCS blamed the automated payment system, until I reminded the payment was made during human conversation with a HMCS telepohonist. They say they shouldn't have done so but that is my problem and maybe I should seek legal advice, so I am now waiting for a knock on the door Can anyone offer me any advice please
  3. Thanks for the replies I actually haven't been using the account at all for the last couple of months as I was waitng to hear more from my claim, I was into my overdraft but within the limit at the time. I have since learned they have been charging me £50 per month for being in my overdraft and thiese charges have taken me over my limit . I had a similar experience a few years ago with Halifax and duly received a default for my troubles!! I've tried fighting that one but they have ignored all of my letters. I'm thinkin I may just have to repay the overdraft like a good boy as my credit file should look quite healthy by next year and I don't want another default to spoil it. However, any advice would be very welcome! J
  4. Hi all, I've just received a letter from Abbey demanding that I pay £1,200 overdraft back immediately!! I think i've read somewhere that I can claim the account is in dispute as I am waitng for further news on a bank charges complaint (from the middle of last year). If this is correct, can anyone tell me how to go about it or let me know of any template letters available on this marvellous site. thanks, J
  5. Hi all, I have Defaults registered on my credit file from Next and Halifax bank. I have tried to have them removed but am getting nowhere! Halifax just simply ignore all of my letters requesting information regarding my former bank account (they closed it down). I know there are a lot of bank charges on that account as I was forever paying money in just to re-pay them. Also I have written to Next asking them to show me a signed copy of the credit agreement between us ( I know this doesn't exist as I have never been asked to sign anything) but they just sent me a standard credit agreement carrying no signature and statde they can prove I have received goods from them and made payments to them so this would be sufficient evidence of an agreement. I would be very grateful if someone could advise me as I don't know what to do next!!! Jay
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