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Everything posted by explorer50uk

  1. Hi there Thanks for your reply, I phoned the company and they have agreed on a payment offer with me. Thanks again
  2. Hello Can anyone give me advice on this? I have a small debt (not my only ones, but the smallest) I have been trying to pay the ones who are hassling me on the phone, letters etc and forgot this one. Sherriff officers from musselburgh have sent me a letter saying they are coming to carry out an attachment of my goods and then are going to remove them for auction asap. I am living here in a fully furnished house, I am scared to let my landlord know about this in case he tells me to leave, the only items that belong to me are my PC and my TV, clothes and small personal items. I have a lease and an inventory that I signed when I came here. I live with my daughter and am scared to answer the door, I keep the blinds shut at all times. Also, can they sell my pets, I have a parrot that we have had for 8 years, and I read on another forum that they can take animals if they are worth any money? I am beside myself at the thought of this. This debt has been to court, they sent me a letter saying I had to pay in 14 days or else I admit I have not done anything about this, there is just too much. I am not at work because of work related and personal stress, am on medication and finding it hard to do this on my own. I take responsibility for the debts and was foolish to think that I would always be able to pay everything. sorry to go on and on Thanks
  3. Hi Just looking through this thread and wondered if anyone could help? I have been getting letters and phone calls from a debt collection company called Link Financial in Wales. The debt is one that was my parents from their old address. I have told them repeatedly that I have nothing to do with this debt, I think they got my address from helpful neighbours at my parents last address, they knew me because I was on friendly terms with their son. I have not admitted that I am related to the people who owe them because my mother is unwell through stress and could not cope with this at the moment Its got to the stage that I do not answer my phone if I don,t recognise the number. Is there anything I can do, without revealing my parents whereabouts? Thanks Hope someone can give me advice on this
  4. Thanks for your help, I was not sure what they would be able to do to me, they were quite threatening,.. I will send the letters today and hopefully that will be that. As I said, I do know where my parents are but I don,t want to give Link that information, is there anything they can do about that? I never said anything to them on the phone about their whereabouts but I guess if they can,t get me then they will try and trace them. Thanks again, I,m not sure how to start a new post thats why I joined this one.
  5. Can anyone help? I had a letter from Link yesterday sent to my address and with my name on. I called them to see what it was about and they tell me that I owe them money from a First national Debt from 2002. The debt belongs to my parents, I had nothing whatsoever to do with the debt, the problem is my first name is the same as my dads middle name. My parents are pensioners now and cannot afford to pay this debt, they do not live with me but I do not want to give this company details of their whereabouts. I had a return call from Link today ( I gave them my mobile number yesterday} they said that they want a letter from me with my signature written six times! they also want a copy of my passport. Do I need to do this? I am 100% sure that this is not my debt, I have a good credit record, own my own house and have a good job. Thay also asked me what my ex wifes name was, I have NEVER been married. Please can anyone advise what to do next? Thanks
  6. Hi Can anyone help me? I had a letter from Link Financial informing me that they now own a debt from First National in my name. This debt was for a relative of mine who has the same middle name as me. My name and date of birth is nothing like the relatives apart from that middle name. I phoned Link and told them that they had the wrong person, they now want a speciman signature from me written six times. Thay also want a copy of my passport. This debt was from 2002. What right do they have to demand this from me, they said if I did not do this that they would go ahead and take me to court, I am 100% genuine on this and have never had any accounts with First National, the company they say I owe money to. I will be able to prove this in court but obviously dont want that to have to happen. What would be the best course of action for this? I object to letting them have my passport details. I gave them my mobile number when I called at first so that it could be cleared up, they have since called me 3 times telling me I must pay. Please can someone give me advice. Thanks
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