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Everything posted by johnwalker

  1. Cant believe it's so long since I created this thread. One interesting thing CAB advised - As one of my wife's creditors was the bank we both held a joint account with, CAB said we should change banks as they might take money from the joint account! How they can do this is beyond me. The update is that the CCCS are going to manage my wife's debt. It will take a considerable amount of time to pay the debt off. Thanks again for all the help
  2. I really cant see how I am liable for my wife's debts. I looked around on the net to try and clarify this and found two websites with Q's & A's that totally contradict each other:
  3. YB HO were supposed to call her back today and they did not. So she called the branch around 1pm and spoke with the Asst Manager who said she would look into things and call back. She did not! Now it seems they have totally screwed up - they started her old loan afresh - took £200 payment out of my wife's account causing her to go £200 overdrawn. This is not the new loan in my name - it's the one she's been paying for 2 yrs using the bloody cash she took from ATMs using credit cards. She's been passed from person to person and it absolutely sucks. They say they cant sort out the cock up as they have followed the Credit Laws - Yes, and I'm the Prince of England!
  4. Just found out that when the bank canceled the loan they did not allow her to go back to the original loan but started a new one! This means they have completely disregarded her requests. This is becoming a bloody nightmare!
  5. My wife has started to receive replies from the credit card companies after she wrote to them (as per CAB instructions). Halifax look like they will be nasty Evans look the same Tesco are ok M & S are ok The person at the YB, the guy who was supposed to cancel the new loan and didn't, did not put a stop on the existing loan as he said he would do in a letter to my wife. This means the Bank has taken £170 from her own account taking her into the red by the same amount. This was Monday. Despite calls to this prat and the Bank's HO this has yet to be sorted. I have posted the following question in another thread but no one has yet answered. When my wife goes and sees the Debt Counsellor w/c 18th Aug, and when she has to complete a Budget report, will my income be taken into consideration when completing the form? I ask this because they debt is in her name. By taking my wage into account then I will be paying for a debt not in my name?
  6. My wife has spent a small fortune of credit cards and has a loan - all without my knowledge. As all these items are in my wife's name, am I liable for her debt? If not would my finances need to be put on a budget planner when she has to complete one? Doing this would mean I am paying for her debts? I would be obliged for some answers on these important questions. Thanks
  7. Thanks for all your posts Well the loan has now been canceled. I must say YB are lousy and we had to hassle them to cancel it. We'd booked a holiday months ago and after we've taken that in 3 weeks time she has to call CAB to make an appointment with a debt advisor. I'll let you know what happens.
  8. Still waiting for confirmation the loan has been canceled. The personal loan guy at the bank doesn't seem to be a man of action so I asked my wife to call their H.O. They said that as we have asked for the loan to be canceled it will be but to get it sorted asap they will need to speak to someone - This will be Monday, so my wife will call them again. My wife is waiting for a letter from CAB which will ask her to call to arrange an appointment with a debt person. This effectively means our life is on hold.
  9. I haven't and wont praise her for going to CAB - I'm not even sure she's said sorry yet! We have a joint account and I am watching every penny. As for the late payment / min payments - well, my wages wont cover the min payments on all the cards and allow us to live. I have asked her what CAB said but apart from the advice re sending the letters I have been told nothing else. What are her options though? Small monthly payment to each card (for the rest of her life) Bankruptcy (that might effect me with the joint mortgage)
  10. The update is: Wife went to CAB on Monday who advised her to write to the 6 credit card companies and inform them of the situation. She then wrote to each one with a token payment. On Monday she went to the Bank with the loan cancellation letters but no one was available to help! This was because the personal finance person was not there and neither the Bank Manager or Asst Bank Manager could help. She made an appointment for Tuesday. She spoke with the finance person on Tuesday advising him in writing and via conversation that 'we' wanted to cancel the loan. Two days later I am chasing my wife to chase this person to ensure the loan has been cancelled - it's still showing on my internet banking. In conclusion the wife is waiting for an appointment with a debt advisor c/o CAB. I don't trust her at all but I will stay put as we have a daughter. One thing is for sure, she aint taking me down the road of re-mortgaging the home or using all my wages to pay for her extravagance. If we didn't have a daughter one of us would not be in the house. Perhaps I'll have to wait 10 yrs til my daughter is at University before I move on!
  11. Letter written to hand into bank to cancel loan. Wife is going with her parents to CAB tomorrow.
  12. Not even an option. I have a daughter who is only 9 and very sensitive. This would cause too much trauma to her and leave us even worse off. As I spoke with the Bank's personal lending yesterday and asked them to look into the £36k showing in the account, tomorrow I have to call them to say an error has been made by me and that I understand what the amount is for. This is extremely embarrassing as I told them I yesterday I had not taken any loans out (yet my wife forged my signature only last Wednesday). They of course tape everything so I will have to be real candid and tell them that I cannot discuss the matter any further. Hopefully this will be enough. I'm a tight git with money and every penny counts. However, despite being married for over 16yrs my wife has learnt nothing about finance. For years I have only taken c/cards out which have 0% finance promotions - using them to pay for car insurance and odds and ends to avoid paying interest on them and then clearing the balance before taking a new card on! I do this to save £30 a year on insurance interest, so you get an idea how careful I am with money! What baffles me is how she can get £8500 on a c/card when I am only offered £2500 when I get a new one. I just hope that she is tough enough tomorrow to tell the bank she does not need the loan tomorrow. Wife's parents are coming over today (god knows why). I'm opting to get out in the car, taking my daughter to the park so she can avoid hearing all the stuff she heard yesterday. Perhaps they'll find £50 to put in the kitty.
  13. I have been thinking about a re-mortgage. However, this will increase my debt too and will mean repayments that will really hammer our monthly outgoings. I have 'told' my wife to cancel the loan first thing in the morning and then call CCCs. The question is am I liable for her debt and if the house is in joint names I am liable? The car and motorbike is in my name along with most of the utility bills. The only real reason why I'm still around is our daughter. Without her, I'd have left and sought divorce. This is not the first time she has lied about money but that was a few grand - This is £50+ today and all being well £30k tomorrow.
  14. Thanks for your posts. Seems the loan was applied for last Wednesday and is now in my wife's account. No monies have been drawn from it, the monies only showing in the account yesterday. It is real important that we are able to cancel this loan, as the £16k comprises of consolidating a loan of £7.5k and a new one for £9k. The new one of £16k includes insurance and a absurd interest rate making it a total of over £36k. It seems the amount is shown in full at £36k and as it was taken out using my name as 2nd borrower, appears in my internet banking. If she had taken it out by herself I would never have known about it! I'm really struggling with this. In the last few months, we've managed to pay of a loan on a motorbike and conservatory early which improves our monthly cashflow. My wife was made redundant last year and her new job pays her £200 less a month. I cant take it in she's managed to hide this for 5 years. Looks like she took cash from the cards to help pay the £7.5k loan and pay the minimum payment on the cards. Looking at the statements it seems the latest payment is due within the next few days. I cant afford to make any payment on the cards as it will leave us with no money to run the house.
  15. On checking our joint bank account online this morning I noticed a loan had been taken for very large amount, over £30k. I called the bank as I was very concerned that someone may have used our personal details to obtain a loan. After speaking to the bank countless times and to cut a long story short, this evening my wife has admitted to owning 6 credits - owing a total of £25k - taking a £7.5k loan out 2 years ago and a new loan of £16k a day ago to consolidate the bank loan and help give her cash to pay towards the credit card payments. All in all she has spend a fortune over the last 5 years - so while I'm watching every penny in out joint account she's been having a right time. It's all come to a head tonight and TBH if we didn't have a young daughter, one of us would be walking. It seems the loan for £16k was taken out by her forging my signature and with insurance the amount would be over £36k spread over 7 years. Therefore, the loan is in my name and hers! I have told her to call the bank on Monday 1st thing and cancel the loan for £16k. As she has just taken the loan I understand she can cancel it within 14 days as per the Credit Act of 2004. If this goes okay, then she'll be left with around £30k of debt in her name. I have told her to call the CCCS on Monday and tell them about the cards and the loan for £7.5k and that she can't afford to pay them. Even with my wage there's no way we can pay these things off. Todays proceedings have left me very upset and distressed. TBH, I don't trust her and struggle to even talk to her. Am I liable for my wife's debt if my name is not on the account? I would appreciate some feedback on this post. Thanks for reading it.
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