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  1. well good news is getting a new car on Wednesday with no finance involved so as they say good always comes out of bad! but i am sure bad will be along again soon to ruin my day lol regards birde
  2. thanks all who have responded to my post much appreciated well these guys were not bailiffs they were collection officers hired by the finance company dont know if that makes any difference or not. they make an agreement with me in writing to reduce payments and when the guy who made the agreement leaves the company somebody else decides the agreement that was made was a joke and set about taking are vehicle. surely to god i must have a case the guy who wrote the agreement was acting on behalf of the finance company regardless if he left that agreement should stand. i have told the finance company that they are getting nothing from me in respect of removal fees etc as what they did was sly. the car was worth now about 250.00 tax is up at end of month and mot in august and there's no way it will pass another mot. the collection officers fees x2 plus 475.00 outstanding on vehicle all for a vehicle that has no value above 250.00. that is real good business sense to spend nearly 3x what the cars worth to get it back. well i should of knew that car was cursed from the day i drove it from the garage got stopped by the police and had to take the vehicle off the road as the police said the tyres were dangrous so i had to fork out for 4 brand new tyres thats first day i had the car then not long after new head gasket then new engine car has been nothing but problems from day one but i am in a way glad its gone but its just the principle of the matter that really gets to me. wonder if the finace company bosses will be very happy when they realise there staff has spent 3x more to recover the vehicle than its worth. they are certainly aint getting a penny out of me no bloody way thanks all birde
  3. hi there wonder if anybody could help me i had a car on finace in 2003 upto 2006 everything was fine payments made on time all ok then i moved away and had trouble paying the monthly installments so the finance company took me to court and got a return of goods order suspended by the court on agreement that i would pay 60.00 a month everything going ok upto a few months ago when i started to miss payments i did explain to the finance company about my hardship and they were willing to except 30.00 amonth on temp basis. but the problem we have got is that the guy at the finace company who we were dealing with has left the company and are account has been allocated to somebody else within the finace company who has decided that the 30.00 is not good enough and that the way it was handled previous was not acceptable and decided to instruct private baliffs to size the vehicle under there return of goods order that was suspended they're saying that we have defaulted on the return of goods order the suspension is not valid which gives them the right to sieze the vehicle. they tried to get the vehicle last week but the private baliffs were not equiped to sieze it as we were no gonna give the vehicle the police arrived and said it was a civil matter and they cant get involved unless there was gonna be a breach of the peace or violence. i also rang the court the that dealt with the matter and was told by the court that the finace company had to go to court before sending their own private bailiffs The finace company are saying that the court is wrong and the court only wants them to go to court so that they have to pay the court bailiffs the finace company said they are legally entitled to instruct private bailiffs to recover the goods when the order has been broken. The bailiffs left empty handed and promised to return its so unfair as the finace company are making this seem all black and white there have been many problems with them down to the point that alot of are payments have gone missing and written agreement we had with the guy thats left the comapny has been broken on their side and other problems i did ask the finance comapny if there willing to go to court to deal with this as its not as simple as they make out. they refused to do anything except collect the vehicle last night i had bailiffs knocked on the door at 9.30pm along with 2 police riot vans and a tow truck for the car they showed no id nor any paper work relating to the removal of the vehicle they hooked the car up and took it. the vehicle was 98% paid off with the finace company. the advice i really need is were they legally entitled to instruct private baliffs to recover the vehicle. if i applied to the court now for a hearing due to the issue not being all what the finace company make out can the court order the vehicle to be returned to myself until a full hearing has been heard also the car will prob go to auction very soon so time is running out on what i can do. does these balliffs have to be certified to be able to lift my goods even though they were private and not county or magistrate court bailiffs. are the court right in saying that they had to go to them first before instructing private balliffs. any help would be much appreciated i have tried going down the court route they say i need to submit forms and what not and to be honest i wouldnt have a clue in what to do and trying to find somebody to help me solicitor etc is just a awaste of time due to not many companys were i live dealing with legal aid for theses issues. thanks again birde
  4. hi all wonder if somebody could help me i took out a insurance policy with swinton on 27th june 2008 and payed the deposit all was good until.... i received a phone call from swinton caerphilly branch to ask me for my details of my second car. i was very confused as i only got one car i explained this to the guy on the phone and he then informed me that i had inputed on the form on the internet that i had put two cars. i explained this must of been a mistake on my behalf and i was told not to worry as he would do a re calculation based on the one car and would call me back with the quote but he never rung back that day. we rung him the next day where he had informed me that he had canceled the insurance policy the same day as he had spoken to me and agreed to ring me back with a new quote. i told him it was disgraceful and hung up. my partner then told me to ring them back and speak to a manager so i did i spoke with the manager of Caerphilly office and explained what had happened and how his colleague les had told me he would do a re calculation of the insurance based on the first car and call me back. and that today he had informed me that he had cancelled the insurance without no warning or mention of it day before. the managers responce was discusting not only was he rude and up himself he told me that his colleague les must have forgot to ring me in regards to the quote and that anybody can forget something. i told him that they were ment to be a reptuable company and that reptuable companys dont promise to ring there customers back and forget and they certainly dont forget to tell there customers that there not insured. i had been driving my car the same day i was waiting to hear back from them so i mentioned to the manager that i had been driving the vehicle unaware that i was uninsured on the same day this les was ment to of rung me back and i explained what would of happened if i had an accident he said that they would of honoured the claim as it being there fault which i think is crap they would of left me high and dry!! i do not understand why this les guy said he would do a re calculation and then same day cancel the insurance without notice. i have had no written confirmation as yet that the insurance has been canncelled. are they allowed to leave me uninsured without giving me notice?? is there anything i can do in this matter as i think its totally discraceful sorry for the long post any advice would be much apreciated regards birde
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