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Everything posted by fatcatsat

  1. Next time I'll tell them to arm with water pistols or something... Pity it looks like it's not gonna work out. I tried to appeal a couple of times with Ealing Council and their decision is always on-sided.
  2. Hello, I parked today in the loading bay for 3 minutes to change a device in the nearby shop, which was faulty. Car was on flash and my two kids were in car (doors locked of course). When I got back I was handed a ticket for parking in loading bay without loading. The whole parking was, quite literally, 3-5 minutes. I don't have any witness statements, unfortunately, but I can contact the shop's owner who could sign a note that he exchanged a device at a specified time and it only took 3 minutes. The ticket was issued by Ealing Council and is 110 pounds (55 if you pay in 14 days). Do you think there are grounds for appeal? If chances are small, I'd rather pay half the fine than wait till they procrastinate and make my situation even worse!!) Thanks for your advice. Fatcatsat
  3. Hi All, It's a desperate cry for help ) I have recently received a bill for £740 from Collect Services acting on behalf of Ealing Council. It was for the two tickets they sent to to my old address. When the tickets were issued, I have already moved to my new adress, but the car was still registered at my old address. I have re-registered my car since then, but because the wheels were set in motion, the letters from the Council kept coming to my old address, and I didn't establish mail forwarding. Ok, it was my fault. But to top it up, Ealing Council referred it to Collect Services in December 2007. They have tried to recover the money for half a year, and then discovered my new address. ALL THEIR VISITS WERE DATED AFTER THE CAR HAS BEEN RE-REGISTERED. Ealing Council told me to file the SOTD, which I did and it was refused, I appealed at a hearing, and was told today by the judge that 'since it's your fault not to have established the mail forwarding, your appeal is rejected'. I am happy to pay Ealing Council the money for these tickets, but is there a way to take the Collect Services charges away, given that all of them were issued after the car has been re-registered, and I was only notified about this case when these charges were already incurred AND I lost my N244 appeal. Is there anything to be done against it or is it time to stop fighting now and wave my £740 good-bye? I don't think it's fair to penalise someone for dropping off passengers on zig-zags with such an extraordinary sum!! Thanks, fatcatsat
  4. Hi All, A couple of months ago I wrote in this forum asking for help with filling N244 appeal form for my Statutory Out of time Declaration. The hearing has been scheduled, and I wonder is there anything special I need to prepare to ensure the SOTD will be granted? Briefly, the story is as follows: A few months ago, I received a letter from the bailiffs (notification of Unpaid Penalty Charge), saying that I owed them £740 for two parking tickets that I first heard of. What must have happened is that I moved from one address to the other and I only re-registered my car 6 months after. They must have used my old address and the landlord just did not notify me of the incoming mail. Still, the car has been re-registered to my current address back in November, the tickets are dated last June, but the first time I heard of it was in May!! I filed PE2/PE3 form but it got refused at first. I then filed the N244 and got a notice that a hearing is arranged. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, fatcatsat
  5. Oh yes, forgot to mention - obviously they were CCTV PCNs, otherwise I would've paid them in the first 14 days as I normally do!!
  6. Thanks for getting back, green_and_mean. It's good news that DVLA won't be after me, to top it all. Fingers x'ed. Yes, I agree it's my own fault - all I wanted to know is what should my strategy be in filing N244? Any suggestions? Thanks, fatcatsat
  7. Hi All, I was wondering if anyone could help me. A couple of months ago, I received a letter from the bailiffs (notification of Unpaid Penalty Charge), saying that I owed them £740 for two parking tickets that I first heard of. What must have happened is that I moved from one address to the other and I only re-registered my car 6 months after. They must have used my old address and the landlord just did not notify me of the incoming mail. Still, the car has been re-registered to my current address back in November, the tickets are dated last June, but the first time I heard of it was in May!! I filed PE2/PE3 forms and put the following reasons, quoting 'I did not receive any notices from Ealing Council since the date of contravention. The first notice I received was dated 7 May 2008 from Collection Services'. Today I received a notice from Northampton County Court informing me that my application has been refused with no reason given. I am now thinking of filing N244 form, and need your advice: 1. What evidence do I need to supply? I understand that I was a bit wrong here, since I forgot to re-register my car on time, but the penalty seems grossly excessive (the notional amount of these two tickets is just £80!) I really did not receive any mail regarding these tickets, and I normally pay such stuff in the first week. 2. What happens after I file N244? Is the bailiff collection process paused until the court decides on my apellation? How long will it take? 3. Am I potentially exposing myself to a possibility of higher fine (upto £5000) from DVLA for not re-registering a car on time? Should I just forget it and pay the damn £740 instead? 4. How come the amount on the bailiff's claim is so huge - the tickets are just £80? 5. Is it legal by the Council to fine me for the same offence twice (parking on zig-zag, happened on the same day within 3 hours' time?) Any help will be appreciated. I am at a real loss. Thanks, fatcatsat
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