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  1. I have another letter to say that they sent me a letter about my reclaim on the 28th December 2012 to my new address offering me a offer. How that was sent here I don't know as I did not move here until 2013. They are now saying as I have not replied they will not offer me the reclaim as it has gone past the six month time limit? Can I go to the FSA about this
  2. Hello all. I had a debt with HSBC which they sold on to a DCA. When the DCA contacted me I did panic and made one payment in March 2008, did have a few letters from various DCAs then no correspondence from anyone after that. I sent a PPI reclaim in June this year and today I have been made an offer. The problem is the HSBC are saying nearly all of the reclaim will be paid to a company called Metro to cover this debt, I have never heard of these people and have not had any correspondence from them. I thought the debt was statue barred and would like to know if the HSBC are allowed to do this? They have sent a form for me to sign to accept this offer of reclaim and that they will give Metro the outstanding debt balance, they also want me to sign something to confirm my new address, they say they want to update their records!!! I am really not sure what to do now. Thank you and this site is a God send
  3. Thank you. Does this drop off your credit rating (hoping against hope) or do you have to apply to have it removed. I am slightly worried in case the DCA look at your credit rating to see if you apply to have it removed?
  4. Hello, hope I am in the right place. I had several loans with the HSBC which I had always paid back in full. Then in December 2007 through family problems I could not pay my credit card and could not keep up with all the bank charges. I did try to sort it out with the bank but they sold it on to a DCA. I paid two payments to the DCA, the last payment was in March 2008. Could someone tell me if this is now statue barred and also could I claim back the PPI on the loans I had before the bank sold my account. I don't want to make waves and open up a hornets nest resulting in being chased by DCA as I have never acknowledged owing and have never replied to them since March 2008. Many thanks for your help
  5. Many thanks for help. Will get letter off today
  6. I am not sure if I am in the right forum, appologies if not.. I had a credit card with HSBC for some years but due to Redundancy could not afford to pay it, last payment to them was 2007. a dca took this over late 2007 and i did make a few payments to them as at the time they put the fear of god in me. i know the last. payment made to the. dca was march. 2008. not sure if this is now statue barred. now getting letters from another dca saying I owe this.. Any help apprciated thank you
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