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  1. Hello! I am with BT broadband and I HATE THEM! I have various technical issues (if you use the phone whilst on internet you lose the internet, the phone is exceptionally quite so pretty useless etc etc) I know they could possibly sort it but frankly i'm just not that interested. I have had that many problems with BT in general from my phone bill to the broadband to a sarcastic operator and I just want out! Problem is, I'm in a broadband package til July 09!! Is there ANYTHING I could do to get away now without paying a HUGE penalty? Thanks"
  2. Hi Needed some advice. I have a credit card that spiralled out of control and is actually sitting over the limit I had on it. I wrote to Mint to say I can't afford to pay it and can we set up some sort of payment plan. (there is £4500 on the card and I can only afford £100 a month at the moment) The sent me a form for filling in my monthly outgoings but before they received it back I got a letter from them saying thanks for contacting them about not being able to pay and that i had 17 days to pay nearly 300 or my credit card would be defaulted and stay on my record for 6 years. I think it also said something about having to pay the amount in full or something? What do i do!!?? also, I live with my (soon to be) husband. we have a mortgage and a joint loan that is in both of our names (his first) so I am really worried about how this will affect him. I don't want his credit rating to go down the pan because of my silly mistakes. THanks!
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