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  1. Another update - FINALLY got a reply to my SAR request (sent Sept 1st - although each letter I get from them changes the date of my original request letter - eg, 20th Sept, 1st Oct lol). Well - its BLINDINGLY obvious from the reams of paper they have sent that they have stuffed up - in EXACTLY the way I told them they had - ie - my account was DORMANT with NO BALANCE right up until they changed their online system - when they transferred the lady a few doors away's account into mine (it also quite clearly shows HER house number as well as mine on the bumpf they sent me as well as some of the stuff being in her initial with mrs and some in my initial with miss). STILL messing up though - as this letter STILL has her initial on it - but my address!). Also there is a glaringly obvious difference in the pattern of ordering and the payment methods and patterns which clearly demarcates each seperate account (i always paid the balance immediately and in full whereas she built up a balance and paid by cheque! - doesn't take a genius to notice they are two totally different accounts. They are going to 'respond' to my complaint within the next 3 weeks allegedly. Where do i go from here? - I want the default they have lodged incorrectly on my credit file removed, as well as an unreserved apology - I have just spent a year of MY time trying to sort out THEIR mistake - as well as spending a bleedin fortune on letters to them and all the random collection agencies who made my days hell with their constant phone calls. Surely they cant be allowed to just say "sorry our mistake" and thats it? - can I still report them to anyone? Also they have supplied me with info about the lady along the road (and a list of her purchases) - surely this is ANOTHER breach of data protection? What should I do next? (I intend to wait the 3 weeks to see what the result of their investigation is!). I really feel strongly that they shouldn't be allowed to just ruin your credit record without checking their facts first! and they shouldn't be allowed to set debt collectors on you (who make your life hell for a year) without concrete proof. Any suggestions?
  2. Hi Hollabb and welcome. You can insist on your file being corrected - but it doesnt mean they will - I tried that - but experian just say they checked with the creditor (who in my case OWN experian) and they say the info is correct - so tough. Update on the ongoing saga - Collect Direct sent me a red court threat-o-gram today (very obvious what it was as you could see it through the envelope!!!). can anyone provide the details of the people you complain to - these numpties totally ignored my letter explaining the saga sent with proof of no CCA! and are still sending letters DESPITE being told in no uncertain terms that the account is in dispute! Also keep getting phone calls from an 0161 and 02something number repeatedly! (which I screen and dont answer!) despite telling them I will only communicate by letter!). I will scan up the latest court threat - o - gram later (told them Ilook forward to seeing them in court - as they WILL then have to provide their PROOF that it is my debt! I was also under the impression that no county court exists in Scotland and that any court proceedings should be in the locale of the debtor? is that correct?
  3. Its collect direct (UK) that sent the latest letter (above). they claim in their letter head to be debt recovery specialists. Their address is Jason House, Kerry Hill, Horsforth Leeds, LS18 4JR tel: 08704281997
  4. thanks thats what I thought - just not heard of collect direct uk before. think Ill just send a sop harassing me/ selling false info on to other agencies letter to littlewoods and demand they remove default - I cant be bothered spending another year trying to sort it out if theyre just going to keep selling it on to each other!
  5. Many thanks GodMother - I'll do that. Are these a "known" DCA. Is it likely that RedCastle has sold the "debt" on? Its a bit weird getting a letter out of the blue from them (especially as Red Castle have not been in touch!). Is this likely to go on and on and on with DCA's selling the debt on every time they figure out there is no signed CCA?:-? :twisted:
  6. hopefully this will be a bit bigger - and therefor readable if it doesnt work - letter says COLLECT DIRECT (UK) Debt Recovery Specialists Collect direct (UK) jason House Kerry Hill Horsforth LEEDS LS18 4JR NOTICE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Dear Despite numerous attempts to resolve this matter, no satisfactory response has been received and we are instructed to take action to recover the outstanding balance. TAKE NOTE - You now have 3 DAYS in which to pay, or make arrangements to pay, the above amount. Failure to comply with this request may leave us with no alternative but to issue COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS for the recovery of our clients monies with interests and court costs. Interest will also continue to accrue on a daily basis until the debt is paid in full, if Legal Action is issued. Should Judgement be entered the BALIFF may be asked to make attendance at your address in order to levy any or all of your assets for sale at auction to pay your debts. All payments must be sent directly to tis office, payable to Collect Direct (UK), quoting "our ref number on the reverse. THE FUTURE PROCESS OF THIS MATTER RESTS IN YOUR HANDS. Yours faithfully. First letter from them - so where they get the "numerous attempts to resolve this matter" from!!! is anyones guess!!! It is EASILY resolved - PROVE it is MY debt - Id be more than happy to pay it if it was my debt - but Im not paying someone elses! It is hardly unreasonable to request they show me evidence that proves it is MY debt! - is it? I really can't see why this is a problem~! But it seems to be. hopefully S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) will put an end to it all - but I have a feeling it will drag on and on! Collect direct uk scan.doc
  7. ok - update on the saga - NO reply from phoenix - totally ignored my letter! Red Castle acknowledged my letter by saying they would forward the info as soon as they received it (have heard nothing since). Littlewoods sent a copy of an agreement they wished I had signed - but admitted they DONT have a signed agreement. S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) being sent tomorrow to Littlewoods. got a letter today from collect direct (despite the tone of the letter - my FIRST communication from them - mmm they seem NICE!) (scan attached in the 2nd post down from this!). Who do I contact about Phoenix and Red castle not responding/providing info (but cashing the postal orders anyway!) within the required time. I have written a (long) letter to these new guys! (also attached) - opinions very welcome (is it too much? not enough etc~). I take it this company are another debt collector that Red Castle sold the debt on to - does this seem likely? How can I stop this incorrect info being sold on to other agencies (quite frankly Im P***ed off at having to send letters out saying the same thing all the time. Once again many thanks for your help. Collect direct LETTER reply 1.doc
  8. update - letter from redcastle - acknowledging letter and saying they are "awaiting info you requested" and letter from littlewoods (on littlewoods paper - not Additions) stating "unfortunately unable to locate agreement" but for your info here's a copy of an unsigned agreement:confused: SARS request on its way to littlewoods seeing as they never provided ANY account info that i requested! I take it the SARS request only needs to go to the OC and not to Redcastle. How hard would it be to just PROVE what Im being billed for? - and therefor PROVE that its their error! can I charge them for my time/letters etc and ask for the cost of postal orders/ postage etc back when they finally see they are in the wrong?
  9. Hi slick - thanks for your reply - the only reason I spent the extra on special delivery is due to my location (the letter would never have got there before the weekend otherwise) and the fact that I need proof of the ACTUAL delivery date (so i can monitor the 12 +2 days they have to send me the requested info. i don't know how proof of posting works - can you find out the actual delivery date using this? - if so - all my other letters will be going this way. can i claim all these costs back off the DCA/OC when they admit their mistake? (coz it definitely is NOT my debt!)
  10. OK guys - a bit of an update:) I have sent a CCA request to both DCA's and to Additions. I intend to send a SAR to Additions once i see what they send in response to my letter (which also demanded a detailed account breakdown, including a list of goods purchased and payments made etc - I am not keen to give them a tenner of my money for a SAR without trying to get the info for nowt first:p - if i dont get it - SAR is ready and waiting to go in the post). got another redcastle letter increasing debt by £12 (better NOT get another this week coz i have stated very clearly that account is in dispute). as an aside - i sent all 3 letters special delivery (next day signed for on the 24th - but as after 3pm had to pay extra for next day +1 and then saturday??????:-? On my receipt it states guaranteed delivery by saturday 26th but on checking online - one says it cannot be tracked????? and the other 2 are scheduled for monday delivery and the site states that this is within the guaranteed delivery date of the 28th!!!! Remind me - why pay OVER £18 to have 3 letters delivered BEFORE the weekend - only to have them delivered on MONDAY - would have been cheaper with recorded delivery - and they'd have been delivered by now! Can i claim back if the receipt says the guaranteed date is 26th and they didnt deliver till the 28th? Never rains but it pours - and someone elses stuff:mad: up is starting to cost me a bleedin fortune!
  11. Hi Godmother - I have asked DCA 1 and 2 to do this- and I wrote to the CRA and asked them to do this as well - DCA's havent done this - as they say I OWE the money (I DONT) and CRA say they cannot remove the default but I have asked them to amend the default and say it is disputed.
  12. once agin - many thanks for your invaluable replies. As I said - I asked for a detailed breakdown of account and goods (Is this the same as a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request)?) but what i got was a letter stating here is breakdown you requested. But it isnt...........it has no itemised list of goods. it is a computer print out of my account number name and address, date the account was opened (dunno if this is correct or not - i opened it when it was ARGOS additions - not additions direct), WRONG date of birth, default date of **/*/2007 (DESPITE NEVER having gotten a statement from Oct 2006 - never mind any kind of request for payment). Activity over last 6 years balance sold £***, debits ***, goods - 0, insurance - 0, interest **.**, delivery -0, charges 60.00,credits - 0, payments -0, commission, 0 discounts -0 adjustments +/-***.** then below goods ordered in last 3 years (blank), payments in last 3 years (blank) adjustments in last 3 years 18/01/07 ***.** payment due from old account related item - none. No note of old account number or anything showing how this debt was moved from one account to another! Nothing to indicate anywhere what the money is owed for or HOW they work out or can show its in any way related to me................... Im more than happy for this thread to be moved anywhere that you think it may generate specific advice - just let me know where - thanks:grin:
  13. Hi guys - many thanks for your replies. Unfortunately - there is already a default showing on my credit file (it was otherwise spotless prior to this - apart from one late payment years ago!). I have already told EVERY DRA and the original catalogue company that its NOT MY debt - and that the date of birth attached to the debt is NOT mine (as well as explaining the sorry saga of how the ONLY reason they have attached it to my name was due to my being stupid enough to tell them they got it wrong in the first place!). As I explained - I told the CRA that i disputed this debt - and the DOB attached was wrong but the CRA said they couldnt remove it. That is the reason I asked for the breakdown of goods - I cant think of any other way to try to show that its NOT my debt. Everyone involved is conveniently IGNORING the fact that the original letter had the wrong initial, the original CS woman ADMITTED whos debt it actually was and apologised for it coming to MY address and promised to correct it AND the date of birth is WRONG. Despite these facts - there is STILL a default (8) showing against my file - which I can't get removed. I have wasted nearly a year of MY time trying to sort out OTHER peoples mistakes (while being made to feel like a criminal every time I phone up abut it!). The onus should be on them to PROVE you owe before any credit agency allows a default to be registered.
  14. Thanks 2grumpy I don't have the very first letter that was sent (cant find it anywhere - so OH probably "tidied" it into the fire:|. While I know (and the female CS agent I initially spoke to knows) - I dont have any physical PROOF that its her debt (despite it being her DOB NOT mine). Thats why i have asked for a BREAKDOWN of the GOODS that this debt pertains to - is this an acceptable/ reasonable thing to ask them to provide (and are they likely to?). I am NOt paying a penny for anything if I dont know what im paying for. plus this womsn is a different size age and shape to me and her kids are older and a different gender - so if its all matching boys clothes................its definitely not my debt!:razz: Surely it is up to THEM (DRA/ credit co) to PROVE its your debt - not YOU to prove it isnt! And they should have to PROVE you owe money BEFORE they can put a default on your credit record!:-x:-x
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