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Everything posted by babbles

  1. Indeed, although they say that "we are not debt buyers" - yeah, right.
  2. 91 different languages, that must include languages from other solar systems.
  3. I have never heard of them before.
  4. I most certainly will, thanks dx100uk. The paper is always useful for tinder on the log burner
  5. Quite out of the blue, a letter arrives today from CCSCollect, saying that they are trying to contact the person who, after investigation, lives at X address. If you are not the named person and have information regarding their whereabouts then to contact them. No debt mention, just reference no Bearing in mind that I have had no debts since the late 1998, a credit score of 999 and no loans, agreements or the like for nigh on 20 years. I assume this is a letter for file 13, other comments about CCSCollect seem to sum them up quite nicely
  6. Thanks SabreSheep, I have shredded the last two letters, oops, but, I guess they will try it on in a few weeks time, we will see. Certainly no N1 Claim forms have been sent, I guess that would be nigh on impossible on a debt that has gone into the mists of time by over 15 years.
  7. I have recently received two letters, with some made up reference number, saying "we know you are living at this address, contact us, or we may have to call you (good luck, we are ex dir). No reference to any debt, company or anything. I didn't realise this company were so horrendous until I read so many threads on this and other consumer forums. Any debts are now so statute barred that cobwebs are all over them. There was a small amount owing to black horse, but no payments or agreements have been made for over 15 years. Now, I suddenly get a couple of letters from Ruthbridge. I have put them in file 13 . Just where do they get their information from. I have taken out and paid off buy now pay later schemes from Curry's, one is settled and one is about to be settled, before the 6 months grace is up. My credit rating is excellent and there is not one thing that is negative on my credit report, no debts, just positives Banks etc are forever wanting me to take out credit cards with them, (which I decline). Do I simply ignore this bunch of pond life who hope to feed from people, through fear, I certainly have no intention of speaking to them.
  8. no payments or written acknowledgments for about 20 years. This is so statute barred it has cobwebs on it. Had another letter today from Muck Hall. Client Cabot, sub client Apex International. Talk about going to the far side of the field. This time they want to offer a substantial reduction to my supposed debt. Stating that it will show as partially settled on my credit ref file. Well, they, nor any other debt company has placed or searched or made any reference on my credit file, which remains at 999 and companies are trying their best to offer me this loan, that card - er no thanks, all the same. I have kept the letter this time, it is the same as I had a few years back, then they usually give up. Don't know how they can be allowed to dredge, then every 4 years send you the same letters.
  9. ooops, the letters are now on the local tip, but if any more come, then i will keep them for reference. Thanks for replies.
  10. Two Years on, having heard nothing from anywhere, a letter arrives, redirected from an ancient address, from Cabot and Mk Hall, stating the same figures of over £6000 is owing, no mention of to whom (they won't remember, this dates back to the mid 1990's) I assume this is yet another computer pick up that is on a phishing trip as I have had no direct contact with any debt company for well over 14 years and no payments have been made in this time. MY credit rating is still 999 and no one has made any searches. I assume these companies cannot just search without justification. I threw the letters in file 13.
  11. I won't, but it does worry me, which I suppose is their aim in life, to scare people. I hate seeing their letters, these debts are so old they are covered in dust, let alone statute barred. With serious heart problems, the last thing I need is to get worked up about stupid companies like this, scraping out old debts in the hope of getting some money. Thanks bigshoes
  12. well, they did write again and again, same thing, you owe £££ to Associates Capitol, contact us immediately, next one, we have from Asoociates, we have bought the debt from Cabot........ ...next one, from Cabot, you still owe £££ and you may be entitled to a 70% reduction, please contact our trained advisers. Bearing in mind these alleged debts, are from the mid 1990's, when I had two heart attacks and was off sick with only SSP, hence things went pear shaped. The last contact I had with one of the companies said they had had no payments since 2001. Since then, nothing, until last couple of months. Now, another letter, saying that you have 7 days, then we may apply for a CCJ and IF this is granted we may persue the debt. Why, when it has gone way beyond the statute barred period? Why are they dragging some cock and bull figure, owed to associates capital, who I have never had any dealings with. There is no indication of who the original debt was with. Do I ignore them, are they trying the usual scare tactics to get money out of me that is no longer due? I am disabled, with multiple health problems and this is making my conditions worse, I just want rid of them. I have checked my experian rating and it is 999, which I would say is pretty good.
  13. I thought as much, having heard nothing from a debt company for years, to suddenly have this land on your mat, makes your heart sink and being disabled, that is the last thing I need. Thanks alfwithhair, I will ignore it, bet they write again soon...........
  14. Hi, Just had a letter from APEX, on behalf of Cabot, for a sum of over £6000, that is now due?? Err, right, they go on to say that Cabot Europe has searching databases and has resulted in the fact that you live at XXX address and the amount is now due in full No mention of who is asking for this £6000 that I apparently owe, nothing, just that it is due for payment in full. I have taken out no loans in the last 15 years, so where this figure comes from I don't know. Previous small debt problems are now statute barred, due to the length of time that has passed. I have had dealings with Cabot in the past, but they gave up in the end when I reported them for harassment. Never heard of APEX, It has gone in file 13, which I presume is the right thing to do. I know the general advice is not to contact them at all. Confused, you bet.
  15. I did report them to South Ayeshire Trading Standards. I have heard nothing more from them in over 2 years, hoorah.
  16. I know a long time has passed, but, I stopped all monies to DebtCom not long after the last posting I made. To this date, I have had no creditors hassle me, phone me, write to me, nor otherwise. Just goes to show that DebtCom were making a nice litle earner out of people, such as myself, paying them a monthly fee for them to do absolutely nothing. Creeps.
  17. Thank you, I will let you know if I hear anything more, before 1 st June. xx Babbles
  18. Thanks angry cat, I have saved that link, should I need it. I have had dealings with other companies before, many moons ago, Muk Hall I think it was- and once they know that I am registered disabled with genuine multiple health problems, all goes quiet. I know they cannot put someones health at risk by further harrassment.
  19. Thats what I thought too, wanting me to phone them, for whatever reason. Loosers, I can do without it to be honest.
  20. Nope, nothing, a reference number and we will visit on the 1st June...........for what? should I bake a cake. Should I send the letter back to them, as in not known at this address, or just ignore it and wait to hear from the OFT. From what I have read on many posts, the threats of a "visit" are not carried out.
  21. Thanks Pinky, I have already written to OFT, regarding Cabots letter. All it said was Dear MR XXX we will visit on the 1st june between 0800 and 9pm. If this is not convenient, please ring us on this number. That was it. Obviously they want a phone call, which they will not be getting.
  22. It came by post, just the name is correct, the bulk of the address is missing, just the house number that got it to us. I will complain.
  23. Hi, I received a letter today, from Cabot Financial Europe, not addressed properly, so not sure how on earth it found me, with nothing but a reference number and a note saying a visit will take place on the 1st of June between 8 and 8. No mention of anything to do with a debt, amount, company, kiss my **** or nothing. As far as I am aware I have no debt with this company, whatsoever. I know they cannot just appear on the doorstep, as they are breaking the law. Do I just ignore it, send it back as unknown at the address stated? I am in serious ill health and cannot be harrassed by such low life companies. Any advice appreciated. Thanks Babbles
  24. I have received a letter from Phillips in Darlington, who are acting on bahalf of Buchannon Clarke and Wells, another bottom feeder that thrives on making threats to consumers. They say I owe Scottish Power £44, but, I have paid Scottish Power direct and the matter is sorted. Their letter will be going back to them with a threat to report them to the Trading Standards and that they are in breach of their guidelines. Horrid company.
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