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  1. Harpdak66 what a stupid comment to a serious situation grow up
  2. What a stupid comment to a serious situation grow up
  3. I am currently going through the same thing, I passed my test in March 2003, I received my full licence in June 2003, I bought a brand new car in October 2003 from a garage who used my Licence as proof because you are unable to buy a car without a current licence. I received a reminder letter in Feb 2004 telling me to remember to apply for my licence, I rang DVLA up and they said it was system generated and to ignore it. I lost my driving licence in Dec 2007 and applied for a replacement to be told I was receiving a provisional, I spoke to DVLA who said it was probably an admin error. I wrote to them in January 2008 and received no reply, I e-mailed them on 16.06.08 and had a reply asking for my DOB but that was all, I e-mailed them on 1st July and have now started getting replys. I don't see how they can just lose information!!! Its stressing me out and they just act like its not their concern
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