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Everything posted by jayne67

  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Hi Ploddertom, No. He's called whilst I was at work. He has itemised two visits on his letter though, one for 24.50 and one for 18.00 Jayne
  4. Thank you Yes I was a sole trader.... I will check, although to be fair my landlord was a councillor at the time, so if he has said the proprty is still occupied, this may be another issue!! Jayne
  5. Hi everyone. Not sure I am in the right place, forgive me if not ....Anyway, I have had a visit from a bailiff to my home address for unpaid business rates...I havn't been self employed since Feb 2010, after closing my business due to slow trade. I have no buisness stock (as everything went within a few weeks on ebay etc, for a very, very, low price. This was sold in desperation, as I had to be out of the property, and had no where to store this), but the bailiff has come to levy on my home goods. I am quite happy to pay what I owe, but can the bailiff levy on goods in my home address? Jayne
  6. Hi all My husband has just opened a letter from the coop bank, notifying him of intent to close his account. He had a DD returned on the 22nd of last month. This is the first DD he has ever had on his account, and it was only temporary, until I got round to putting it onto my new account. He has had his account for 4 years, never gone overdrawn, and has his wages paid into it every month. Is this fair, or more to the point, is there anything he can do? The DD was cancelled shortly after him receiving the non pay letter. Jayne
  7. Hi guys as the title, I requested a breakdown of a HCEO charges last week, and so far haven't received anything. After reading this thread, It seems they may be a bit reluctant to send the info to me.
  8. Hi Tg167 I never wanted to get away from paying for goods supplied, and contacted the supplier with an offer of payment. They said they would send out appropriate paperwork, in order for me to make payment. They never did. The next thing I heard was from the HCEO, and straight away I offered to pay the debt. If it wasn't for the attitude of the HCEO on Thursday when I called, I wouldn't be so intent on taking this any further. Like I said, the debt is now paid, so now its for my own peace of mind, that things were done proper. Also, the point of letting the creditor know my new address, why? Its a business debt, they deliver to my business, they have my business address, why did they not send the summons there? Why send it to my home address? I don't know the options open to me, or how realistic my chances are of doing anything about it, but I am taking legal advice, so I will let you know the outcome. Thanks again for your replies. (Oh,and guys, don't fall out!!)
  9. Hi Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. The debt is not business rates, but monies owed to a supplier. I contacted the supplier, who agreed to send me their bank details to make payment by instalments. They never arrived, and the next thing I know HCEO were in my shop. I found out yesterday by calling the CC that the judgement papers were sent to an address we had moved from 6 months previously, so in effect I never had chance to reply to the judgement. Thanks guys though for the info so far edit TG167, they have not removed any goods. They levied on them. I have paid the debt, but over time and with extortionate interest. The question I am asking is in light of never receiving a judgement, could I dispute any of the events from March?
  10. Hi all I have just had to pay a sum of money to an HCEO, after months of harassing letters and phone calls, threats and general rudeness and ignorance. In march this year, I picked up a hand written envelope at my business address from HCEO requesting that I contact them urgently. I did, and they came to see me a few days later, entered my shop and levied on my goods. I explained that I had not had any comunication from court, or received a judgement, or anything, which they shrugged off as 'so what', its been passed to us so tough. Pay now or we take your goods. They eventually agreed to take monthly instalments of 200.00 against this debt, and have done so up till now. I got to the shop yesterday to find a message on my answer phone requesting that I contact the HCEO urgently. I did, to be told that a cheque I sent in October had bounced. I had sent the November payment, as usual. I explained that the cheque was not mine, and I would have to speak to the person who draws them. They then told me my agreement had been cancelled, I needed to pay the full amount outstanding, and that a van and man had been ordered to attend my shop to remove goods. I then asked for a breakdown of interest and charges, as I owed more than 500.00 above the original debt, with the fees/charges/bailiffs fees etc. He asked me why I was interested in that now, and didnt ask any of this in March. He told me that they would send me this info when 'time allowed', and accused me of stalling in order not to pay. I phoned the business debt helpline, who advised me on a number of issues, one of which was not receiving the original judgement, and advised that I could have gone back to court. But, as it was this late, and I had the threat of them levying on goods, if I could pay then I should. I spent a day off work trying to raise enough money to get these horrible people off my back. I eventually did raise the money and paid. I have today contacted Northampton CC, who told me that the original Judgement was sent to an address, which we moved from 6 months before, and it was my home address, not business. I am now considering the next step. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. Hi again I assume then that there isn't any way I could get reimbursed? I will perhaps call into cab, just to put my mind at rest! Jayne
  12. Hi all, Here I am again the proverbial bad penny!! First time in this section though, so here is my question. We have paid a well known letting agent an admin fee of 155.00 for them to take up references with regards to letting a property. The application form states that the money is not refundable if a. we change our minds on renting the property, or b. if our references come back unsatisfactory. We got a call within hours of sending in our application, to say that a credit check had revealed a ccj from august 2003, and unless we could prove it had been settled, then the letting agent couldn't give us a reference. By this I assume to the landlord. I asked them if they had obtained references from our existing landlord/business landlord and employers, but they said they don't do any of this if we have ccjs, its a straight decline. I asked for my fee back, and was told no. I am absolutely livid, that they have charged me 155.00 for a credit check, when if they had stated in their application, that peeps with ccjs need not apply, i could have saved a much needed 155.00!! Is there anyway i could get my money back?? Jayne
  13. Thanks Rob_S. Will write to them asap. Your advice is much appreciated. Jayne
  14. Update Hi all I sent off the template letter ( see post above), disputing that I was the driver etc, and I have received a reply telling me that VCS have passed on my correspondance to Debt collect agency CCS, for issue of a summons. They have also stated that all queries must be made directly to CCS, as they will not respond to further correspondance. Do I just hold out, what can CCS do? Do I need to write to CCS with a copy of my letter, although it does say its been passed on? Also we have recently moved house, but didn't leave a forwarding address. The new tenant knows where I work, and have passed on my employees address. I am now receiving these letters at work. Thanks Jayne
  15. Thanks for clearing that up Rob S. Thanks for the info, will get on to them asap! I will keep you posted! Jayne
  16. Hi Thanks for the link. I have read this, but it doesn't mention anything about parking without a permit. Would the info in this thread relate to this type of offence also? Sorry, bit of a thicko! Jayne
  17. Its changed the website in my post from www wheel-clamping . co .uk to the one above! Spaced out the web name so it doesnt do it again! Jayne
  18. Hi I don't have the ticket with me at the mo, I'm at work. What I can tell you though, is that it isn't a council ticket. It looks very similar, but I remember (after furioulsy kicking off at my hubby!) that this wasn't a council issued one. I think it was something to do with the amount of the 'fine'. The name of the company chasing the ticket is Vehicle Control Services Ltd, and on checking their website VCS Parking Enforcement Specialists, it does appear that these are a private company. Jayne
  19. Hi everyone, Back in May, my hubby parked at the back of a disused shop. The shop has been closed for many weeks, along with numerous other shops. (Demolition order). He arrived back at the van to find himself with a parking ticket. The reason for the ticket was that it was permit holders only. I have today received a notice to owner (which is me) threatening court proceedings. What I want to know, if you good people could tell me is A. Is this a valid parking notice?, and B. am I liable as I wasn't driving? Thanks all. Jayne
  20. Well thats what I thought. I didn't know if it was any different for business. I know they can charge you interest under the late payment of commercial debt (interest) act 1998. Actually I think they can....according to this Late payment legislation and the BPPG Interest calculator. they can charge 5% reference rate plus 8% interest rate. Looks like its correct then! Jayne
  21. Hi I have received a letter from a debt collection agency for a business debt. Although I am paying the debt on a monthly basis, I re-read one of the initial letters regarding Interest. The DCA are charging me interest of 8% under the county court act 1984 s69. Is this correct. I was under the impression that you have to have a judgement against you in order for this to apply. Any advice would be most welcome. Thanks Guys/Gals Jayne
  22. Don't give up nn, just look forward to savouring the moment when Abbey are on their knees!! Best wishes Jayne
  23. Hi Iknox Thanks. Yes, I accepted 90% of the total charges, plus interest plus costs. Jayne
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