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Posts posted by beyondhope

  1. I have been told by someone that works for Lloyds that if they find out where you are they tend to chase you forever as bank accounts dont become SB and they use companies such as Lowell to find you because they drive you mad (they arent wrong)......Is this correct? I wont say the position of the person but you would think they would know as its the main part of their job!

  2. Depends what you want to achieve. Either way they have no leg to stand on.


    Id just like them to disappear and stop ringing, texting and harrassing me constantly and sending me 4 letters a week, soon ill be able to wallpaper my living room! Am I right in thinking that if its not shown on credit history its over 6yrs old and therefore SB? I just dont want to drop myself in it if I have made a payment that I dont remember!

  3. Thanks both, they dont know they have found me as yet so is it worth sending the stop harrassing me letter first and then the SB or just go straight in with the SB, also although im pretty much adament ive paid nothing for at least 6/7yrs is there a way I can check this without admitting liability? Thank you

  4. No apologies needed badaboom :)little update from me, sent the prove it letter at the end of september.....had nothing directly in response to it. Have today received a letter with the credit agreement reference number and date of credit agreement date for each of the accounts. One being 1999, one being 2002. They are still constantly calling my mobile and have now started with the house phone too (which is in hubbys name) and still chasing my maiden name......Think a letter telling them writing only is next because they are disturbing me in work and despite asking to be removed from the list and being assured i would be, it hasnt happened, 4 seperate employees later!!!!there is no way I have made a payment in the last 6yrs probably even longer than that....where do I go from here, the constant harrassment is really doing my head in!

  5. I have had 2 letters a wk, both with different reference numbers on from Lowell for the last 4 weeks, making a nice little pile now! They are apparently working on behalf of Lloyds TSB, apparently I owe over £500 on one account and just under £200 on the other.....now.....I have only ever had one Lloyds TSB account and that was in my pre uni years (10 years ago) the account I know I had, I was young and silly and went overdrawn with and ended up ripping up cheque book, snapping card and handing them back to the branch manager with my mother in tow, now my memory isnt the best but this was around Jan 2003.....There are NO LLoyds accounts showing on my credit reports with equifax or experian....are they just trying to pull the wool? I dont understand why they are chasing two seperate amounts when I only ever had one account anyway and Im 99.9% sure I cleared this account! They have apparently found my mobile number from somewhere, no idea how when they are chasing my maiden name as well? Any advice greatly appreciated!

  6. SAR LTSB and put the account in dispute with Moorcr@p. stating that you are challenging charges etc. with the OC :)


    Thank you babybear I did wonder if that was the way to go but not having dealt with a bank before I wasnt sure if it was the same routine :) Ill get onto that asap. Thanks again

  7. Cut a long story short Hubby had a select account with Lloyds either £50/£100 overdraft not sure which, he went slightly over the limit maybe £20 due to unforeseen circumstances and of course got whacked with alot of charges at that point we werent in a very good financial position and buried our heads in the sand. This has to be at least 3/4 years ago (longer since it happened but I assume some contact was had 3/4 yrs ago as they have our new address) not heard alot in between maybe a letter every 6 months but unfortunately we continued to ignore and the debt now stands at £845 (I think) all made up of charges and account charge bar the overdraft and the slight unauthorised overdraft. The last week or two we have been inundated with letters and phone calls from Moorcroft Debt Recovery (MDR) up to 4 calls a day. We have now received a 'its your final warning before we instigate court proceedings' letter (have had all the previous threatograms but not had one of these before) has anyone got any advice on how to proceed with this? Thanks in advance :)

  8. Well Beyond its time to bring the Old Guns back, cue A Team music ! lol


    ive not spoken with one in particular for a long time :( he did start his own business though so is no doubt tied up with that :) im up to my neck in 3 kids, uni, starting my own business, no welcome paperwork though because im a good girl and submit on time unlike THEM! im done until 5 days before hearing when i need to do court bundle :) I do pop on and off but to be honest im so thoroughly p-d off with the amount of trolls around here its hard work! xx wannabedebtfreesoon is still around but again she has her hands full too seens as her case has been taken out of compliance depts hands and given to an external legal team hahahaha xx

  9. I have been waiting with baited breath for your input beyond! Great to hear from you me olde M8!!!


    Cheers Mark xxx


    Dont hold it too long hun you may go blue haha ;) I think your letter is fine perfectly clear and explains clearly your position cant blame them for trying eh! Hope you and Mrs 1arby are well xxx

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