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Everything posted by Stopthethieves

  1. If you have a limit of say £100 with a minimum repayment of 3% or £5. Upto now you have had no charges whatsoever. Your current balance is £95 and you are late with a payment of £5 and so are charged £20 so you're balance is now £115. The £5 reduces it to £110. Subsequently you only pay the £5 minimum and eventually you end up six months later owing couple hundred which you can't pay and so are DEFAULTED. Would I be right in thinking that you should seek the removal of the default since had they not levied an unlawful penalty charge which took you over the limit then you would have not defaulted on the agreement??? ANY THOUGHTS???? Regards
  2. I think they do that to force you to contact them.... Capital owe me more than I owe them! They are Pshychic though, rang up asking for statements and he said so you want a list of charges then? Like that's what I want the statements for!!! Regards
  3. I got 3 years of statements for nowt and am now getting the rest for nowt, first thing IF have done right....once I finally got through to someone with some intelligence!!! LOL IF put me through the mill and have a complete lack of effective adminstration ---- I would literally be here all night if I wrote out all that they did but I have the evidence.... I want these buggers hit real hard... Their moto is THE WAY ALL BANKS SHOULD BE.......I hope not!!! Good luck to all. Regards
  4. If you have a linked address for one reason or another then yes it will show... i.e. a lender has checked your file at a present and a previous address but if it is within the last 6 years then it will show unless you give false information in the first place. My opinion....need clarification. Regards
  5. lol If you are referring to Llanfairpwllgwyngyll...... then I went to school there!!!! Regards
  6. I am intersted in I can get defaults removed on technicalities. I could look at that section but does anyone know anywhere where rules for a default are set out? My files are riddled with inaccuracies. HFC have now effectively removed a default from my file by error but who cares! I do need clarification on it but I will write that when I get chance? Regards
  7. Are you sure? I think you probably can claim the money and they will just offset it. If they are demanding money off you that they shouldn't be and you are asking them to refund it and they won't...you are taking them to court to ensure they do! Seek clarification....
  8. ....but you actually need proof! Regards
  9. If you pay within 30 days of getting the judgment, the judgment will not be registered, I don't believe it is actually removed, just not registered with Registry Trust. I think you should agree a repayment arrangment first then get the judgment set aside. That way, they might have a problem getting judgment since you have an agreed schedule to pay. I am about to do just that but for differing circumstances. Regards
  10. I would sign a letter to them with a completely different signature then see what you get back!!! Regards
  11. If there are errors on my records which are time consuming for me to prove are incorrect, can I bill the institution or the CRA for my time? Apparently I was 6 payments behind for 2 years......hmmm... and better still was 2 payments behind the month BEFORE I took out the loan it relates to!!! This is only one of the inaccuracies on my equifax report and then again some entries are different to that held on my experian one!!! Shouldn't the CRA's prove the accuracy of the information rather than me having to prove it's inaccuracy. I really do want to charge them for trawling through endless paperwork to uncover the truth!!! Regards
  12. IF a default notice is received dated say 1st Jan 2006, what date should a default be registered as on your credit file? Are there any technicalities relating to this that would mean the default notice is served incorrectly? Regards
  13. Thank you for your comments, most appreciated. I don't have an arrangment but they are charging 1% a month. I have yet to make a payment to them in the last year in respect to this debt. I am interested in finding out about the legality of this since I haven't agreed to it! It is also going to be interesting to see about this since 75% of this debt to Barclaycard is charges. Regards
  14. I believe you are correct Bev and I wonder if this is set out in Layman's terms in the library so the question shouldn't need to be asked again. I might check.. Regards
  15. This is blatant theft, anyone got a definition of THEFT??? It is not THEIR money, it doesn't suprise me the bank take this line. You MUST perservere!!! As for the police, kick up a fuss.... do you know any police personally, can they not report it as a crime for you? Regards
  16. Does anyone know of any police who use this site? Surely if you demand the police to record it, they must unless they can show for definite that no offence has taken place. I would definitely go to the bank, also point out to them if they fail to act and it is shown otherwise that they may be commiting a criminal offence. (Seek clarification though, SOMEONE ON HERE MUST KNOW THE FACTS). How long was there between the £50 transaction and the latest??? Regards
  17. I would definitely go back to the bank, put it in writing with proof, speak to the manager. They are a party to a fradulent transaction since you did not authorise it. As for the police, not up with the law but this seems very obviously theft. Ask the police which laws allow bailiffs to thieve money??? Regards P.S. Falco, just read your post and I agree.
  18. Hi, if a debt has been sold on to a third party, what are their rights as regards charges or interest rates that they charge? Regards
  19. Have you told the bank. Have you told them about the fradulent transactions on your account? To me it is clearly theft without your permission. If you had £370 on you personally and gave them £50 and they said give us another £320 then proceeded to ruffle through your pockets without your permission and found £320 and took it, would this not be theft? Contact the bank. Find out the law and kick up a huge fuss, the police are here to uphold the law. Regards
  20. alyxsavage, which little village do you live in then????? Regards
  21. By the way, I take it you have been to your bank and reported a fraudulent transaction on your account and asked for your money back? It would be upto them to prove you authorised it, not the other way around! Regards
  22. Hmm.. I would guess they are bearing in mind the value..£28. Have you used any other service? You could ask them..in fact I am pretty sure they would have to expand but who knows! Good luck Regards
  23. Do you have citi/capital cos of bad credit? If so, try vanquis BUT only if you are going to pay the bill in full on time, otherwise you'll probably pay more than you do now! You may well be lucky though since Capital One will give anyone a card (near enough) so I doubt they will be rushing to close accounts. Just my opinion though. Regards
  24. If they are penalty charges then yes, use the description that they use. Regards
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