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Everything posted by HellenMellon

  1. Just received an email notification alerting me this thread had a new reply. Mine were soft searches which don't have any effect on your CRF. In my case the search dropped of one year later and no others appear to have been put back on. Mine only showed up on Call-credit, both Equifax and Experian have been devoid of any of these soft searches. Since I posted this last year, I never enter my 'real' details on any comparison site when checking quotes. Once I find something suitable, I call the insurance company direct and 99% of the time they match or better the quote. Since then, nothing has show up on my files. Swinton carried on calling me every few weeks, but since the late 90s I've had a premium rate personal number that I use for all such matters, which I no longer use. So I have redirected that to a dead line. I'm now left in peace and Swinton rings a dead line every two weeks.
  2. To see if there was a procedure to stop the tribunal. If I was sure my LL was pushing, then it would make sense. However, if you're right then there is the answer. But I wont know that until I've been sent some paperwork from the RAC. I was looking at what I may be able to do in the meantime. Better to be active then sitting around and waiting. Had I done nothing and it was not my LL, then they would surely be upset if I did nothing to attempt to stop it, and relations would go downhill very rapidly. Oh well, time will tell. At least I'm a bit forewarned of possible events and outcomes, and that after all is all you can seek in the way of advice when the shop is closed (so to speak). I have to thank all of you for replying (on both forums), Im sure there are better things to do on a Sunday, but I do appreciate the advice and help. Many thanks
  3. If they are, there is going to be some issues. I have a new rent notification and letter of agreement . The letter I have from the RAC states they are proceeding with my application on my authority ???? Not just me. I was the only one who approached the RAC, but several tenants took part in the negotiation to remove the service charge. We all have the same agreements in place dated May 2013. The rent ( which I never disputed) was also changed after April. If they wished to continue with any RAC tribunal they have to keep the rent at the pre April rate. Another paragraph in the letter indicates they have no information from my LL ?
  4. The information in the RAC tribunal T541 Guidance notes states both parties have to halt proceedings. http://jac.judiciary.gov.uk/static/documents/RPTS_Guidance_Booklet_2_-_FINAL.PDF page 10 Can a tenant withdraw their reference or application The Act does not provide for this as such. However, the Committee is not required to continue with a determination if both parties give notice in writing that they no longer require a determination or if the tenancy has come to an end. Mine states Assured 'non-shorthold' tenancy as do all my neighbours ( Housing Association Tenancy)
  5. In Feb I made an enquiry to the Rent Assessment Committee to establish if a case could be brought against my social landlord for a service charge (the amount of rent was never an issue). I was advised to complete an RPT5 form and an advisor would let me know if it could be looked at without affecting the rent. I was assured no tribunal would go ahead if I submitted an RPT5, it would only be looked at. In March, I received a letter from the RAC initiating the start process of the tribunal. I wrote back explaining I did not wish any tribunal to go ahead, to which they replied in saying no further steps would be taken unless they heard back from me. In the meantime, I negotiated with my landlord and reached an amicable solution. Two months on, the RAC have sent me a letter saying a tribunal is booked for June and they wish to visit my home. Looking through the RAC tribunal T541 Guidance notes, it appears I'm unable to withdraw my application unless both myself and my landlord agree. My landlord is difficult to talk to and refuse's to return my calls on the subject. I always thought the appellant (in my case the claimed appellant) could halt a tribunal. Any advice on how to tackle this ?
  6. It might be worth you reading this : http://www.checkmyfile.com/articles/551/credit-reports/credit-search-footprints-left-by-comparison-sites.htm
  7. Swinton group limited made an inquiry against my credit report when I have not even requested a quote from them, and certainly don't owe them any money. I have always paid for any insurance in one annual payment by cheque and more recently credit card, I never pay monthly or set up credit to do so. So why Swinton have felt the need to snoop into my personal finances when I have not even contacted them via any service beggars belief. I've had major problems with Swinton and their their persistent harassment ever since I had a policy with them several years ago. For over five years they incessantly ring me every anniversary of my home and car insurance despite requests to stop. Now I find they are searching my credit report.
  8. You need to double check. My 14 year old son was given such an order for a playground push (yes, you heard that correctly). He was given a level 1 Restorative Order and the officers told us it would not go on his CRB check as he wants to join the Armed Forces. The Police called at 11:30pm in the evening and threatened to arrest him, take his DNA and chuck him in a cell OR he could take the restorative order. The school tried in vein to stop the process earlier that day saying it was nothing. However, the other parent has a right to request such action. My son as now stopped attending outdoor activity's such as scouts, army cadets. He believes honesty doesn't pay (he admitted to the crime of the century and signed a statement to the school) and his respect for the Police is zero. A quiet lad with a bright future and career in front of him who as never even stole a sweet with an unblemished school record as now gone down from A grades to F's. We have two relatives in the Met and he wont even look at them or talk to them anymore. We've since found out that ALL restoritive orders will show on a CRB check. Sussex Police appear to be the only force that mentions this on their website : http://www.sussex.police.uk/advice-and-support/community-resolution/community-resolution-faqs/ Will community resolutions be disclosable? (aka Restorative Order) Community resolutions are disclosable when an enhanced CRB check takes place and previous community resolutions must be included as part of the defendant's offending history when seeking charging decisions from the Crown Prosecution Service. Additionally, community resolutions can form part of Bad Character evidence
  9. Can those with HBOS online banking check they have a link in the top right hand corner ' Change Details' when logged in ( see screen shot attached ). I've recently complained to HBOS regarding incorrect address details linked to my account. I then noticed on the account page that the link in the top right hand corner ' Change Details ' is missing. Without this function I cannot apply for any other accounts, check my personal details are correct and print statements with my details on ( the statement is produced with no address or name ). HBOS responded to my complaint saying the removal of the 'Change Details' and the ability to check all my personal information has been removed as part of a new web design. ( hmmm it was this function that brought to my attention that my account was compromised ). Has this funtion been removed when you log in ?
  10. Update. The information Commissioner and FO are not interested at this early stage. They feel not enough time has not been given to HBOS to rectify the situation. In the meantime HBOS will not even reply to any correspondence I send them asking if my bank details are secure. So HBOS are given a 'time limit', yet in the meantime my account details could be compromised.
  11. I noted the other persons details, but didn't take a screenshot. The letter I sent was marked as a formal complaint. The person I spoke to on the phone even told me what account was linked to this address ( Gold save with a few £'s in ), but said it had not been used for ages. I thought that rather strange. I now have a persons address and what type of account is linked to them. I will write to the information Commissioner this week.
  12. I've had a basic account with HBOS for just over two years. I logged on the other day and found another persons address details where mine should be. All other details ( Phone, name etc ) are mine. After a quick call to HBOS they changed the address back to mine. I was told it would be looked into and someone would contact me back. At the same time they completely failed to understand that if the person at this address requested lost log in details, my login and password would have been posted out to this other person. Fast forward three days and now I find ALL my details are missing when I log in. For those that bank with HBOS they will be aware that in the top right hand corner of the website is the link ' Change Details', well in my case that's also gone. Dispite writing and emailing HBOS, they have failed to respond. I'm now concerned my details and account is open to abuse. Thank God this bank is not my principle bank account. What recourse against HBOS do I have ?
  13. Anyone ? Harvey’s still claim they reserve the right to repair the goods in the first instance and I'm being ill advised seeking a refund ?
  14. Can anyone advise on who to take to court as I'm sitting here waiting to fill the paperwork out. Harveys or CC provider ? Whats the route of less resistance ?
  15. Harveys steer you away from your rights. They play a stalling tatic hoping you'll go for the repair. They have the tenacity to leave a message on my answer machine stating they will not refund becasue I have a repair booked. It wasn't booked by me, so Ecomaster are going to have a wasted journey. After getting slated by BBC watchdog May last year, they were behaving thereselfs for a while, but its back to the same old Harveys. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/watchdog/2010/05/harveys_sitting_comfortably.html How much was the baliff charges and did you get the costs back ?
  16. I'm just in the process of filling out the court claim against Harveys. Can anyone clarify the following for me : Can I claim storage charges for looking after there faulty sofa ? Since I've had the sofa I've been forced to keep it in my living room ( only space I have ), but we've borrowed another Sofa to use in the meantime. The HArveys sofa is leaving deep marks in my carpet. Can I claim for damage to this carpet ? and finally - My CC provider were also sent a sec 75 letter. Do I have choose who to take to court or can I take the pair - and if so, would it be two different cases ?
  17. They repair it in your home, but it's still a mystery how a repair can be deemed feasible over a refund ( the mind boogles ). It's not very well explained on that site ( a consumer site as well )
  18. Here is the update. Harveys contacted me today in response to my 14 day letter and said " They will not refund me under any circumstances " and pointed me to this : http://whatconsumer.co.uk/buying-sofa/ The trader’s obligations If the sofa which has been delivered is damaged, of poor quality, unfit for purpose or not as described, you have the right to reject it and claim a refund. However, where a repair is feasible, you must allow the trader the opportunity to do this in the first instance. Consumer Direct also appear to think a refund is going to be 50:50 ??? What good is the SOGA if your sofa turns up damaged and you'll led to believe a company rep needs to come out to sanction the repair, when all they're doing is stalling for time. Yet at the same time you have to accept a repair if feasible ? All repairs are feasible, therefore you should never be able to claim a refund, or am I missing something ?
  19. Ironically. I got a letter from Ecomaster today, saying the parts had been ordered for the repair ! I wouldn't mind if the guy who came out from ecomaster gave me a copy of his report, but all he wanted was a signature on his mobile phone to say he'd been. What is it with signing blank mobile phone screens ? Or could that have been a signature saying Im accepting a repair ?
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