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Everything posted by tanglewood01

  1. This is not a question, more advice really. Sorry if I've repeated someone but had a quick scan and can't see anything. One of my clients received a bill regarding their pre-payment meter for around £200. My client contacted Npower who told her the debt had arisen due to a price increase that hadn't been updated on her meter! I wrote to Npower and told them I had advised my client not to pay. I expressed the opinion that if they had failed to make the change to the meter, this was their problem. I also pointed out that it was ridiculous that a system mainly used for vulnerable people should have a flaw that could accrue a debt they didn't even know about! I received a phone call within three days saying they would write it off (I of course asked for this in writing). Another issue I come across regularly is when people move in to a property where a pre-payment meter is already fitted. It is vital that you DO NOT use a card/key you may find in the property! If the previous occupant has a debt on the meter, you will end up paying it if you use that card/key. You should call the energy supplier and ask for a new card. An engineer visit will be organised to reset the meter.
  2. One of the people I work with was sent a letter from MBNA for a debt she couldn't recall having. I sent them a prove it letter over a year ago and have heard nothing from them since so it worked for her.
  3. I would second tideturners question about the x-type jag. In bankruptcy they look at your spending behavior leading up to it and this can affect the terms of your bankruptcy. I have known people to be allowed to keep a car when their job depends on it but I'm not sure how favorably buying a luxury car shortly prior to filing for bankruptcy will be looked upon. I don't mean to be negative so please don't take it that way and echo the sentiments of others regarding your positive attitude and the fact you are seeking support.
  4. No, the car isn't repaired yet. I've stopped calling them now the case has been picked up by the ombudsman.
  5. Sorry for the length of this but it’s been going on since January 23rd! Also sorry about the formatting, did it originally in word as much of it was there already. The companies involved are Marks & Spencers (The face of the insurance company), Minster Law (the claim handlers) and ACM the company responsible for dealing with the repairs). I have bullet pointed as much as possible. 23rd January Car accident 15th February Call from repairing garage advising me car was a total loss 18th February Collected things from car and returned tax disc to DVLA 21st February Called ACM as I had not heard anything. Told me the car was not a total loss! I explained that this was unacceptable and that I had sent my tax disc back to the DVLA. I was told the matter would be investigated and someone would get back to me that day. This did not happen. 22nd February Called as my call had not been returned and was told the managers were in a meeting and that no-one would be calling before Monday 25th. 23rd February Drive assist called me and said that due to my insurers inefficiency and lack of communication, my hire agreement would be terminated at midnight on 24th February. I spoke to Minster Law who were able to have this extended by a day so I could go to work on Monday morning. At this point I lodged a complaint. Over the next two weeks, I was told verbally by an ACM manager that they would proceed with the total loss. Shortly after, another manager from ACM told me the car was being repaired. Two days later on 28th February I received a letter from ACM informing me the car was a total loss. 15th March I received a call from Drive assist stating that as my car had been repaired since Tuesday 11th March, my hire agreement would end at midnight on 16th March. I had not been informed that my car was repaired and ready for collection. This left me without a car to go to work on Monday morning. After collecting my car from Richardson Ford, I had further cause to complain. The repairers have left a gap between two of the panels that were damaged and they are misaligned. In addition to this there was mould and rust spots on the roof lining, the drivers side foot-well was soaking wet and the interior light no longer activated when the doors open. The spare wheel well and associated equipment was mouldy. In addition to this air could be heard entering the vehicle from the door. Went on holiday so a gap here. 5th April Written complaint to M&S 20th April I called Minster Law and an after-repair inspection was organised. Inspection was carried out. 3rd May Had not heard anything so I called Minster law. The operator informed me that she was going to speak to ACM and put me on hold. The phone went dead. 4th May I again called Minster Law. The operator took my number and said he would call me back after he had spoken to ACM. He did call back and informed me that someone from ACM would be calling me in no longer than 1 hour. I did not receive a call. My only option was to tax and collect my car from the garage on Monday morning which meant I was not able to go to work. My tax for six months was £101.75 and of course taxing my car on the 17th March means that I have lost seventeen days! 7th May Called again. Was told garage instructed 25th March! Following after-repair inspection 7th May Went to garage who said they had NOT been contacted. They called ACM who promised to send details, this did not happen, 7th May Called Minster Law and made yet another complaint 8th May Received apology & cheque for £100. Tore it up and sent it back. 21st May Heard nothing so called again, told it had not been dealt with as someone had “failed to press a button”. Told I would be contacted within 24 hours. This did not happen. 30th May Sent complaint to ombudsman 2nd June Received a letter dated from EA of M&S Customer Relations explaining she was dealing with the case and had asked ACM to investigate. 5th June EA left me a message stating the garage had agreed to do the repairs. 11th June Spoke to Garage (Richardson Ford). They told me they had agreed to do repairs but had been waiting "weeks" for confirmation from ACM. 12th June Received 'Final response' from EA dated 6th June. Letter stated all sorted now and offered £100 back as goodwill gesture. Called EA, no answer so left message. Explained what I had been told by the garage and that I would not accept the £100. NO RESPONSE 17th June £100 deposited into my bank! 23rd June Received letter from EA saying final response had been given and she could not assist me further 26th June Received a call from EA stating she had received ombudsman request. Asked me what level of financial compensation I wanted. I explained that as the issues had not yet been dealt with I could not put a figure on the on-going distress this is causing me. So what do you think, have I done all the right things? Is there anything else I can do? Thank you.
  6. I agree that a pre-payment meter for some is a good way of dealing with fuel debts but it is widely accepted that this is not the most efficient way, practically or financially . The approach will depend on your health. If you have a 'disability' and cannot reasonably make it to the nearest place that recharges pre-payment keys that is one argument you should make. The fuel companies have a responsibility governed by law to assist vulnerable to deal with fuel debts. You should be able to set up a repayment agreement on the arrears you owe without any great difficulty unless you have defaulted on previous agreements. Write a letter describing the difficulties you are facing due to your health. Include a budget plan showing how little you have left of your income after paying bills etc. and offer them a weekly payment to address your arrears.
  7. Thank you stikky62, I need to check but I think they have a couple of days left but I will certainly use this letter, it's a corker!
  8. The calculation would be a very complicated one and I would suggest if you wish to return to work on a part time basis that you seek support from CAB for a calculation. I noticed in your list of benefits that you did not have tax credits which carry a disability element. If you are not receiving these then this is something else you need to look in to. If circumstances allow I would also look in to what benefits you could continue to receive and/or receive in addition or at an enhanced rate if you worked full time.
  9. I was going to suggest that he claims DLA (Disability Living Allowance) but this has already been suggested. I would add however that he should seek support with completing the form from the Citizens Advice Bureau. Too often people complete the forms and understate the impact of their illness or do not fully understand the impact of their illness. Many people who are ill/disabled have good days and bad days or bad days and even worse days but it is important when making a claim to describe only the worst.
  10. Yes she was/is insured and cashing in on the policy did cross my mind but I'm sure I couldn't get away with it lol.
  11. For reference: Response to CCG Request: Second Letter: Third letter:
  12. Apparently, they have not come across this issue before. As the system is computerised, it works on logic so once it has been told someone is dead, that is the end of the matter. Ultimately this is down to the programmer but I'm sure there are many good security reasons why the computers are not able to revive someone.
  13. If you find out how they died, let me know - next door's cat keeps doing it's business in my garden and damaging plants. I would be happy to find them dead in my garden. (kind of joking and serious at the same time lol). Have their been any issues with rats? If rat poison has been put down, this is also deadly to cats. If there are issues of safety of gas and electricity etc. and they cannot escape the agreement, they should go to their local council and ask them to send a housing standards officer or at least threaten the landlord with it.
  14. It has been suggested but if they did this, she would cease to exist as the entity/person/number she has been since her 16th birthday and become a new person. The full implications aren't clear at present but as an example her passport would be void and the biggest concern is things like pensions etc.
  15. Hi all. This is my first post here. Along with many others, I have issues with Cabot. I do sincerely apologize in advance for yet another thread on Cabot and apologize even more profusely if I'm asking for advice that's already been given. I have read many of the existing threads but remain unclear on a couple of points. My credit card was with Morgan & Stanley, then passed to Goldfish, then passed to Cabot. I received a letter from them dated 16th April (I did not receive it until some time later as I was on holiday) informing me they had bought the account from Goldfish - this was the first I'd heard of it! After reading info here I sent a CCG request 27th May. Received the same letter as everyone else saying they are not obliged to provide the information blah blah dated 30th May. Received another letter dated 11th June saying they were experiencing a delay and that as a token of 'goodwill' had put my account on hold. Received a further letter dated 23rd June saying they were still waiting for the info from the original lender and that my account was 'on hold until further notice'. That's the story to date. It looks like they are not going to provide the CCA within the 12 days +1 month described in the forums. So my question really is, does this mean I will not have to pay back the amount I owe? Thank you in advance/
  16. Hi. This is my first post here. I came here originally to deal with a CCA request then spotted this forum. After leaving a job, my wife's (now ex-wife but on good terms) previous employer mistakenly completed the p45 to reflect that she had died! I'm sure you can imagine the problems having the IR thinking you are dead can cause. She took her employer to task over this and received financial compensation. For months she did not receive her tax credits which caused enormous financial difficulties for her. After months they started making clerical payments. The computer system works of course on logic so once someone is dead, they cannot be brought back to life. I dread to think what the other issues may be as a result of the IR having her recorded as deceased. We have complained and complained and also involved the local MP who unfortunately was no use whatsoever. So, my wife is still dead which she finds really quite annoying. Has anyone come across anything like this before? Any suggestions on what she can do? Can she seek compensation from IR for not righting the situation? Thank you in advance.
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