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  1. Hello I am a taxi driver by trade and i have 6 years NCB. I was involved in a minor collision in June 2007 when a young driver in a Toyota Celica sports car came off a roundabout and switched lanes too early causing him to collide with my correctly proceeding vehicle. I tried to avoid collision as i am a professional driver and i could realise that we were going to collide but all my efforts to avoid him did not avoid a collision. The middle section of his passenger side scraped my front driver side wing on the corner causing a large dent and a scrape on the bumper. The only damage to his car was a small scrape on his passenger side side skirt. At the time he said he would see what the insurance company would say. As i was insured 3rd party fire and theft i decided to use the services of an accident management company on a no win no fee basis. The case has been going on for over a year and now the 3rd party insurer - Swift Cover say that they are disputing liability as the other driver say's i was at fault and changed lanes without looking! The cheeky sod! My solicitor says that as there were no witnesses it is my word against his. I am amazed that since the accident no body has come to inspect the damage to my vehicle which is still unrepaired. Is it not possible to calculate who was at fault through an damage assessment? As it is clear from the damage on my car that the other driver collided with me rather than me with him. Also the solicitor has now advised that the 3rd party insurer has offered a 50-50 settlement and he has advised me to take this option. He says if i decide not to take this settlement and i go to court and lose i could end up with costs of £10000!! What is the point of no win no fee?? I am unhappy as i feel like i am being short-changed as the claims company are worried only about their fees. Any advice would be much appreciated.
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