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Everything posted by overdone

  1. Does this mean that if someone hides away for six years without any contact, the debts become statute barred?
  2. . How far you want to risk this needs to be governed by how much you have to lose. There is some information about them from the point of view of the other side here Statutory Demand Issues - Free Statutory information Followed the above link and they recommend 5000 pounds be owed at least. The C.A.B quoted that figure to me four years ago. Everybody worries on the 750 pounds bit. I wondered why the C.A.B. told me 5000 pounds. That is that mystery solved.
  3. I wish I could sort all that info out. I suffer from an illness so my focus is only intermittent. I have probably done myself down already over these past four years of a debt man Plan. I understand that as I have unfair charges on my accounts I can block court action on these. First things first. What do I send off to these people first to find out what amount of the debt to dispute?
  4. Also, for clarrification, is there a difference between a S.A.R and a D.P.A. request. Also,I did the 1 pound P.O letter on Connaught. What is this one called?
  5. Not a chance HSBC will contact me. Despight the letter above, another one came from Connaught Accounts audit team. I think I have been paying someone elses debt. 1st credit have been crediting someone elses debt with my money. I currently pay off two accounts with 1st credit. "Following a recent audit, it has come to our attention that you maybe making payments to an alternative agency. For the avoidance of doubt, we write to confirm that all future payments MUST BE SENT TO THIS OFFICE. If payments are being sent elsewhere you must inform us immediately as your account may not be reflecting the true balance. Please find enclosed a Standing Order Mandate for your completion. You must complete the mandate fully and forward to your bank as soon as possible. If you are already making regular instalments to us, please disregard this notice. Yours faithfully Mr Butler Accounts audit team
  6. What is the process for getting it set aside. The ABC of it,as I do not know courts protocol. Do I ring and make an appointment first, wander in and just speak to the first person I come to? Do I need a draft affidavit prepared? Sorry to be so inexperienced.
  7. I recieved a stat demand from connaught collections on a an HSBC debt of over 4000 pounds. I have never had an account with HSBC and certainly no debt with them. I sent off the one pound P.O and did the letter bit. By return of post almost, I got this letter with my one pound p.o back from Connaught. "We write further to your recent correspondence, with regards to the above stated outstanding debt. The contents of your letter have been noted. However we write to inform you that our files have been closed and returned to 1st Credit who are assignees of the HSBC debt. We would request that all further correspondence in relation to this matter is forwarded to their offices. Y.F Connaught Collections." Now, any ideas what I do now. Need I go to the court for the stay on the bankrupcy or what?
  8. You mean, I might be able to get paid if I go to my local court and ask for a set aside? I am prepared to give the judge a wage if she can sort these people out. What do I do? I was going to ignore them but if enough of us call their bluff and sting em for costs, the feedback to their firm would help save the scared and uninformed in the future from getting this nonesense through their doors.
  9. I would love to do this but how? Will a clerk help or tell me they are not allowed to. Which court, the nearest county court?
  10. This is what First Credit did to me. Two accounts with them and a p.o. sent for both accounts. On some occasions, despite a letter explaining both accounts to be fed proportionately it transpired they never split the payments on some occasions. Lazy clerk there or administration protocol error. Doubt they adjusted this though.
  11. My stat demand is signed P.P. These are mass produced I suspect by first credit. They are the worst DCA I have had to deal with so far. Debt managers come second. Also, If I went to have it set aside in my local court, would it cost money? You see, I have never banked with HSBC who they claim to act for. No real idea of what is going on at all with these people.
  12. First Credit are the worst DCA I have had to deal with. I have 21 debts in a debt management plan and First Credit decided, after months of harrassing for more money than that £5 a month, for the two they manage, would be acceptable. A few days ago I got a statutory demand to make me bankrupt for a debt with HSBC. I have never had an account with HSBC.
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